Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Practitioner Ms Song Ailiang from Dalian Tortured in Masanjia Forced Labour Camp
2006-02-20In late March 2005, to further persecute Falun Dafa practitioners, the practitioners were not allowed to come down to the first floor even during meals, and they had no hot water. They could only drink cold water [note: in China, especially in prison, the cold tap water is not sanitary and not suitable for drinking] and take cold baths. The practitioners collectively protested against the persecution. Beginning on April 1st, they all went on a hunger strike. All the guards were mobilised to force-feed practitioners, which is really a method of further persecution. Over ten people forcibly fed one practitioner. The food was corn porridge mixed with unknown substances.
Wang Bo Recounts How the CCP Deceived, Brainwashed, and Used Her, Part 1 (Photo)
2006-02-19"I now realise how sinister they were to have fooled me with smiles on their faces. If they had treated me harshly, I could have remained clearheaded. But whenever they approached me, they always kept a beaming smile, yet the tricks they used were the most wicked. Invariably, they do everything they can to find out your concerns. When they see that you are concerned about your father, they try to achieve their evil goal by taking advantage of that sensitive point..." This is how Wang Bo described the deception, brainwashing, and manipulation she suffered at the hands of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
Two Women Persecuted to Death in Liaoning Province's Women's Prison
2006-02-19In mid-January of 2006, 61-year-old Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Liu Lihua was in critical condition in the Liaoning Province Women's Prison. Her family was advised to bail her out "for medical treatment," but she passed away on January 27th. The details are still under investigation. Ms. Wang Xiuxia, 41, was also persecuted into critical condition at Liaoning Province Women's Prison. She passed away on January 24th after being released.
Ms. Lu Lihua Tortured to Death, At Least Six Others Missing
2006-02-19On September 23rd, 2005, a large-scale arrest of Falun Dafa practitioners occurred in Harbin City. 610 Office agents beat Ms. Lu Lihua brutally, with bruises covering her neck down to her thighs. When she could not move any longer, the police saw that there was no hope of forcing her to give in, but they were afraid she would become evidence of their deeds, so they planned to silence her forever. The police officers placed her on the ladder and forced her to climb up with electric baton shocks. When she was at the top of the ladder, they kicked the ladder, causing her to fall to her death. This murder took place in the afternoon of October 2nd, 2005. Ms. Lu's child is still not aware that her mother was killed so tragically.
The No. 2 Prison in Xinjiang Province Brutally Persecutes Female Dafa Practitioners
2006-02-19Dafa practitioner Ms. Zhao Shuyuan is detained in the prison. For nearly three years, she has participated in hunger strikes and she refuses to wear the prison uniform. Each day, the police in the prison order inmates to wrap her body up with white bed sheets and send her to the hospital for force-feeding. Due to the long-term persecution, she is very weak. Each day, the prison police hang Ms Wang Xi up, with both of her hands over the bed. They release her to go to bed after 2 am each morning. Then at 4 am each morning she is again handcuffed and hung over the bed.
Mothers and Unborn Babies Subjected to Disastrous Tragedy throughout China: A Comprehensive Report (Photos) Part 2
2006-02-18Since ancient times, human relations have been of utmost importance. Motherhood is sacred and inviolable. Jiang Zemin's Communist regime's carries out deception, wickedness and violence and forces women to choose between an unborn life and their conscience and belief, in the name of the nation and a wicked political dogma. The Communist rulers use the most barbaric and obscene methods to cruelly harm women, blaspheme motherhood and destroy human relations. This is most unfortunate for the Chinese nation.
The Police Beat and Injured Me Because I Read a Brochure
2006-02-18"At about 8 a.m. on March 3rd, 2004, four policemen rushed into my home. I was reading a brochure at the time. They took the brochure from my pocket and demanded to know where it came from. I told them that I picked it up outside. Right then and there all four of them became violent. Two of them caught me by my arms, one grabbed my hair, and the other one started to slap my face. They also searched my house. Without finding any incriminating evidence they forced me into their vehicle."
The Police in Yichun City Continue to Persecute Disabled Practitioner Wang Xinchun (Photo)
2006-02-18The police in Fenggou County, Fengmao Forest, Yichun City, Heilongjiang Province have never stopped persecuting Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Wang Xinchun, even though they crippled him in 2001. At the end of 2005, the police wounded his already disabled legs. On October 31st, 2005, Mr. Wang was crawling on the road, on his way home. police jumped out of a police car, searched the pockets of Mr. Wang Xinchun's coat and found handwritten Falun Dafa materials, so he began to beat him. Mr. Wang Xinchun's face was swollen and was full of bruises. Once again, blood flowed from his two injured, disabled legs.
Police Chiefs in Shangdong Province Extort Millions of Yuan from Practitioners
2006-02-18Throughout these years of persecution, Xue Lianchun and Chen Yuezhi have led police officers to steal belongings and funds from Falun Dafa practitioners' family members, forcing them to pay fines totalling millions of yuan. They have never given a single receipt for money or items stolen. After the police arrested several practitioners, they extorted two to five thousand yuan from their families before releasing them. Some practitioners' family members were forced to give Chen Yuezhi "Three Gold" (referring to gold rings, gold earrings and gold bracelets), and also hand in 2,000 yuan in fines, without being given any receipts.
Mothers and Unborn Babies Subjected to Disastrous Tragedy throughout China: A Comprehensive Report (Part 1)
2006-02-17Police at Wanjia Forced Labour Camp in Heilongjiang Province attempted to compel a more than six months pregnant woman to renounce her belief in Falun Gong. They made her stand on a stool, and then tied her hands with a thick rope tightly to a horizontal girder and kicked the stool away. She hung in midair 3 metres off the floor. One end of the rope went through a pulley and the police officer held the other end. When he released the rope, the practitioner would fall rapidly to the ground, landing on her buttocks. The expectant mother was thus tortured this way continuously until she had a spontaneous abortion and was in indescribable pain. The police were even more cruel by ordering her husband to stand by and watch his wife being tortured.
Chinese Police: "I'll Shoot Him Dead"
2006-02-17Mr. Lei Bifu had to leave his home after police illegally searched his house and took away his personal possessions. On January 18th, 2006, Mr. Lei's family members went to the police station to ask for their private possessions. Police officer Chen Zhangsong shouted at them, "You still have the guts to come to us for your stuff? We'll go to your house to pick up Lei during the Chinese New Year. We'll arrest him if he comes back. Don't come here to bother us. If you do it again, we'll take steps against you, too. If Lei dares to come back, I'll shoot him dead."
The Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Wang Jinghao
2006-02-17In December 2000, Ms. Wang Jinghao was sent to Balizhuang Women's Forced Labour Camp, located at Baoding. She did not want to give up her cultivation. Team leaders began by tying both her legs with police rope, shocking her with an electric baton, tying her to a wooden board, and forcing her to stand next to the wall for fifteen days. While she was tied to the wooden board, the employees burned her with cigarettes, prohibited her from sleeping at night, slapped her with a leather belt if she closed her eyes, and propped her eyes open with bamboo sticks after slapping her face. They also forced her to squat in the corner and hold her own head while they beat her back with a leather belt.
Practitioner in Her 70s from Shenyang City Passes Away Due to Repeated Persecution
2006-02-17Ms. Cheng Qingyun was an older Falun Dafa practitioner in her 70s who lived in Shengyang City. She became very healthy after she began practising Falun Dafa. However, she was repeatedly persecuted. She was taken to the police station and tortured. She was brutally beaten by her daughter-in-law, who was poisoned by the lies and threats of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Ms. Cheng passed away in August 2004. Two of her daughters were sentenced to forced labour.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Mr. Yang Lidong Tortured to Death
2006-02-1635-year-old Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Yang Lidong from Jilin Province had been tortured long term in the Jilin Province Labour Camp. Only two weeks after Mr. Yang was locked in the camp the second time, he was tortured until he was paralysed, and could not hold anything with his hands. He died on January 17th 2006, thin as a skeleton.
Heartbroken during Chinese New Year When Families Celebrate Together
2006-02-16Mudanjiang City Jail authorities, to avoid responsibility for his health condition, took Mr. Pan Xingfu to the Shuanyashan City Infectious Diseases Hospital. By then he weighed 40 kg (approximately 86 lbs). On January 31st, 2005, Mr. Pan Xingfu died, leaving his sixty four-year-old mother, his five-year-old son and his imprisoned wife.