Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Ms. Yang Hong, 57, Disabled in Liaoning Province Women's Prison
2012-11-13Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Yang Hong, a Falun Gong practitioner was abducted on February 25th, 2008, and was sentenced to nine years in prison. Ms. Yang was forced to do slave labour in Liaoning Province Women's Prison and broke her right leg. The prison refused to release her for medical treatment even though she is now disabled. Ms. Yang had been very weak from tortures, but she was still forced to intensive labour for extended periods of time. On October 8th, 2012 she tripped over a wooden board in the workshop and broke her right leg. When her family visited her, she was in a wheelchair.
Investigation Lead: Organ Harvesting in Shijiazhuang First Detention Centre
2012-11-13Shijiazhuang First Detention Centre executed two groups of criminals in late March and late June 2009. The executed were required to sign “voluntary” organ donation agreements. One of them refused to sign. All were told to get agreements from their families so their organs could be donated, but they were executed before responses were received from any of the families. The inmate who refused to sign was executed on March 29th, 2009. Both groups were taken out of the detention centre at around 8:30 a.m., but weren't executed until noon. What happened before noon on those days is not known.
Ms. Shen Huafeng Sentenced to Four Years in Prison and Denied Her Pension
2012-11-13The Bureau of Labour and Social Security in Hexi District, Tianjin, recently refused to process the application for retirement and a pension for Ms. Shen Huafeng, because she practises Falun Gong and is incarcerated. Ms. Shen is being held in Tianjin Women's Prison. She turned 50 on October 19th, 2012, and qualified for retirement. Due to her unjust imprisonment and being denied a pension, her family has encountered financial difficulties.
Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Zhao Qi, a Teacher from Shandong Hydraulic Vocational College, Sentenced to Labour Camp
2012-11-13When Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Zhao Qi arrived at his workplace in the library building of Shandong Hydraulic Vocational College at 8 a.m. on October 19th, a group of about 8 people, who were unknown to him, suddenly surrounded him and started pushing and beating him. They then tied his arms behind his back and forcibly bundled him into an awaiting van. He was taken to the 2nd Men's Forced Labour Camp in Zhangqiu City, Shandong Province. When Mr. Zhao arrived at the labour camp, personnel there forcibly took a blood sample from him.
Once Wrongfully Imprisoned for Ten Years, an Excellent Teacher Again Arrested
2012-11-06Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Ren Shuxian was sentenced to seven years in prison and imprisoned twice at labour camps for a total of three years. During the ten years of imprisonment she was viciously tortured. Two years after her release she was arrested again, on the evening of September 10th, 2012. Ms. Ren was previously imprisoned in forced labour camps. In 1999, she was held in Xigemu Forced Labour Camp. Practitioners were forced to do hard labour every day, including picking peas and loading and unloading trucks carrying bags that were double their own body weight. They worked 13 to 16 hours each day and were often beaten and punished.
Mr. Cao Guitang from Hebei Province Arrested Five Times for Practising Falun Gong
2012-11-06Mr. Cao Guitang and his wife are in their late 70s and once suffered many illnesses. After they became Falun Gong practitioners, they became healthy without seeing a doctor. They could have enjoyed their retirement, were it not for the 13 years of persecution of Falun Gong in China. Their home was ransacked and their belongings confiscated. Chinese officials threatened, arrested and held them in forced labour camps. Just a month ago, they were arrested again because they were distributing DVDs of the Shen Yun Performing Arts show [a world-class traditional Chinese cultural show]. This was Mr. Cao's fifth arrest.
Jilin Province Police Arrest Practitioners, Ransack Their Homes
2012-11-06Over the course of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)13-year persecution Falun Gong practitioners, the Jilin 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) and Public Security Bureau, under the command of the Political and Legal Committee, have adopted the most despicable means to persecute practitioners. They have used undercover police officers to follow practitioners, ambush them, and break into their houses. The police have arrested practitioners and extorted money from them. Robbing practitioners of their property has become their official duty. Police have also freely ransacked practitioners' houses, taken away their belongings and damaged their property, acting like bandits.
Attorney Mr. Zhu Yubiao Sent Straight to Brainwashing Centre after Serving Prison Term, Now in Critical Condition
2012-11-06When lawyer Mr. Zhu Yubiao’s two-year prison term expired on August 17th, 2012, he was transferred straight to the Guangdong Province “Law Education Centre” located in Sanshui City, Guangdong Province. At the time of this writing, Mr. Zhu is in critical condition. Between 2005 and 2006, he defended a total of three Falun Gong practitioners who were tried. His defence arguments were so thorough that the court officials appeared stunned. Mr. Zhu was first arrested on February 10th, 2007, and taken to the Guangzhou City Third Labour Camp and tortured.
Practitioners Arrested After the “700-Signature Petition Incident”
2012-11-06When Xi Jinping invited a U.S. governor to visit Daizhai Village in Zhengding, agents from the Zhengding 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) and the police used this as an excuse to arrest Mr. Li on June 7th. Mr. Li is being held at the Shijiazhuang Forced Labour Camp. Villagers were shocked that the authorities arrested Mr. Li because a U.S. governor was coming for a visit. As a result, 200 villagers and those from nearby areas, totalling 700 people, signed a petition calling for the release of Mr. Li. The police then went from household to household asking the villagers who had signed the petition. They made it known that “whoever signed the petition would be in trouble.” Sixteen practitioners and their family members were arrested and tortured since July 22nd, 2012.
Female Engineer in Nanjing Persecuted Repeatedly; Disabled Due to Forced Ingestion of Unknown Drugs
2012-11-06Since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started the persecution of Falun Gong, Ms. Zhu Jianling has been detained multiple times. In 1999, she visited Beijing to appeal for the right to practise Falun Gong, but was arrested. In 2000, she was arrested for distributing Falun Gong materials exposing the persecution of Falun Gong and placed in a forced labour camp for three years. In 2004, she was taken to a forced labour camp for an additional three years. In 2008, Ms. Zhu was sentenced to forced labour for the third time. She has now been detained for eight years. During her incarceration guards routinely added unknown drugs to her beverages, and her entire body swelled up; she subsequently developed serious cardiac disease symptoms.
Shenyang Schoolteacher Detained for a Month, Her Child in Tears
2012-11-06Ms. Han Qing, 42, teaches at the Liangzhong County Vocational High School in Shenyang, Liaoning Province. She was arrested and has been detained for almost a month. Her family went to the Shenyang First Detention Centre and delivered clothes to her, but the detention centre did not allow them to see her. It was said that the police fabricated evidence and submitted the case to the Procuratorate. Very distressed at the turn of events, Ms. Han's teenage child, now on his/her own, was reduced to tears.
Former Engineer Mr. Chang Shi with the Jilin City Telecommunications Bureau Arrested
2012-11-06Mr. Chang Shi, his wife, and their 19-year-old daughter were arrested in Jilin City on August 9th, 2012. Mr. Chang's wife, Ms. Zhang Jingdong, was terribly abused while she was in police custody. Within just 10 days she was in critical condition. She was taken to the hospital for emergency treatment. Mr. Chang's arrest has now been officially approved. His wife and daughter have returned home.
The Inside Story of Live Organ Harvesting as Carried Out by the Chinese Communist Party
2012-11-02Ever since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began its persecution of Falun Gong, the practitioners who have gone to Beijing to appeal have often been arrested. Many of them have refused to disclose their names and addresses so as not to facilitate the CCP’s policy of guilt by association. The whereabouts of these tens of thousands of practitioners has been a mystery for many years. In 2000, the organ transplant business in China suddenly began to boom. Where did this huge supply of organs come from? In March 2006, two informants from China exposed the horrific story of the CCP's harvesting of organs from living Falun Gong practitioners.
The Systematic Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in Beijing Women's Prison
2012-11-02Newly arrived practitioners have to get up around 6 a.m. and go to a small room used just for brainwashing. They have to spend the whole day there, and all their meals are brought in so that they cannot leave or get a break from the intense situation. Those practitioners who refuse to do forced labour are also taken there for brainwashing. The brainwashing goes on all day and does not stop until the other prisoners finish working and come back. The prison specifically chooses the most low level prisoners to find fault with and verbally abuse the practitioners who remain steadfast. Using the techniques the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) used during the Cultural Revolution, they hold “struggle sessions” in which 20 or 30 handpicked prisoners sit in a circle surrounding the practitioners, criticizing and yelling at them.
Ms. Zhou Qi, 56, from Xishui Severely Tortured
2012-11-02Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhou Qi was taken into custody by police on August 8th, 2012. Her home was ransacked. After two weeks of brainwashing tactics, Ms. Zhou Qi did not say anything that the police wanted. The police then transferred Ms. Zhou Qi to the First Detention Centre on August 22nd. After a month, she still did not tell them what they wanted to hear. They issued an arrest warrant on September 24th in order to keep her detained. Ms. Zhou was interrogated and tortured in the detention centre. The police took turns questioning her. Her arms and legs were cuffed to a steel chair so that she was unable to move. The police also took her blood, to be “examined”. Her family was not allowed to visit. Because of the torture she endured, Ms. Zhou is emaciated and unable to care for herself.