Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Ms. Zhao Yuping, In Her 70s, from Hunan Province Died as a Result of Torture in 2003
2005-11-15Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Zhao Yuping was in her 70s. Ms. Zhao started practising Falun Dafa in 1997. After one year, the sicknesses she used to have all over her body had all disappeared. She went to Beijing, was arrested, body searched, and her head and lower back were injured from a brutal beating by police. On January 18th, 2001, police ransacked her home and took her to a brainwashing centre. She was persecuted ever since then, which severely damaged her mind and body. She died on April 24th 2003 after vomiting lots of blood.
China Network Communications' Branch in Dalian City Unreasonably Fires Falun Dafa Practitioners
2005-11-15In September 2004, the management department of China Network Communications (CNC)'s branch in Dalian City fired Mr. Zhang Guoyu and his spouse Ms. Shen Lian because they practise Falun Gong. The company breached their contract and deducted two years worth of Ms. Shen Lian's salary. Both husband and wife lost their jobs, and they have not received any salary for over a year, causing them tremendous financial difficulties. In January of 2005, a lawsuit against CNC's branch in Dalian City was filed at the Gaoxinyuan Labour Court. However, the court turned a blind eye to the facts presented by Mr. Zhang and his wife and ruled in favour of CNC.
Mr. Chen Jiansheng Tortured to Death at the Zaozihe Forced Labour Camp
2005-11-14After the persecution of Falun Dafa began on July 20th, 1999, Mr. Chen was arrested and detained in brainwashing centres many times because he refused to give up his belief in Dafa. On December 23rd, 2004, he was arrested while distributing leaflets exposing the persecution in a crowded shopping area. The police ransacked his home and took away his computer and other valuable items. Mr. Chen was sentenced to 18 months in the notorious Shaanxi Province Zaozihe Labour Camp. Chen Jiansheng was tortured to death on October 11th, 2005.
An Urgent Appeal to Rescue Qiao Zhongjin, a Dafa Practitioner from Chaoyang City
2005-11-14Mr. Qiao Zhongjin has been in Jinzhou Prison suffering for a long time. He has been subjected to brainwashing classes and physical torture. In addition, he is forced to perform forced labour for long hours each day. The numerous tortures that Mr. Qiao has endured have steadily deteriorated his physical condition. Now he has severe tuberculosis pleurisy, which causes his chest to retain water, making it very difficult to breathe. His face has become swollen. It takes Mr. Qiao tremendous effort just to walk. His weight has dropped from 198 pounds to 110 pounds. Qiao Zhongjin's life is currently in danger.
Exposing the Persecution of Falun Dafa Practitioners in Guangdong Province
2005-11-14The Sanshui Brainwashing Centre in Guangdong Province is a provincial brainwashing centre. The usual session is three months, and practitioners who refuse to "reform" after three months are held for another three months until they give up their beliefs. Some practitioners have been held there for several years. Practitioner Xia Xianqiang from Mei County was first held at the Sanshui Forced Labour Camp and then sent to the Sanshui Brainwashing Centre where he held a hunger strike in protest and was force-fed. Practitioner Wen Fenhua from Jieyang was tortured at the brainwashing centre and released when she was at the brink of death.
Five Practitioners Die as a Result of Persecution
2005-11-14Ms. Zhang Tianlian, 64, was a Falun Gong practitioner in Sichuan Province. After the persecution started, her son and daughter-in-law, afraid of being implicated, forbade her to practise. If she tried to leave to visit fellow practitioners, the couple would curse at her and throw rice bowls at her. Under these circumstances, Ms. Zhang could only practise secretly in the middle of the night. Her son would frequently check to see if she was practising the Falun Gong exercises, and threatened to punish her if she was ever caught. In anxiety and stress, Zhang Tianlian died on June 21st, 2005.
Mr. Li Jiwang from Jilin Province Tortured to Death
2005-11-13Mr. Li Jiwang was a teacher in a High School. He was arrested in the autumn of 2004 because he was reported when handing out out leaflets exposing the persecution. He was sentenced to one year of forced labour at the Jiutai City Forced Labour Camp, where he was inhumanly tortured until his mouth was deformed. It appeared as if he had suffered a stroke. In autumn of 2005, Mr. Li Jiwang was finally released to go home, but he never recovered and died in October 2005.
Ms. Zhong Qingling from Chongqing City Died from Long Term Persecution
2005-11-13Ms. Zhong Qingling had late stage breast cancer in 1996, and the doctors said there was nothing they could do. She heard of Falun Dafa when she was waiting at home to die, so she started practising. After one year the doctors could not find any cancer cells. After the persecution of Falun Dafa began police ransacked her home multiple times, threatened her, and tried to force her to give up cultivating. Her husband divorced her due to much harassment from the police, and her employer fired her under pressure from the police. Under the long-term persecution, her old sickness reoccurred, and she died in May 2005.
Practitioner Mr. Zhang Zidong Paralysed from the Waist Down as a Result of Persecution in Daqing Prison
2005-11-13Dafa practitioner Mr. Zhang Zidong, who was sentenced to a 12- year term, became paralysed from the waist down due to persecution in Daqing Prison. On August 30th, 2005, when he was sitting outside in the sun, a guard ordered prisoners to carry Mr. Zhang back to the cell. The two prisoners threatened, "If you leave your cell again we will make you sorry." While he was being carried back, his back was injured and he couldn't stand up. He can now no longer take care of himself, yet the prison authorities still refuse to release him.
Persecution Suffered by 69-year-old Ms Ji Yonglan of Liaoning Province Before She Died
2005-11-13Ms. Ji Yonglan was a 69-year old lady. Since the persecution began, the local police continuously harassed her. They even monitored the friends and relatives who went to visit her and her husband. The police "illegally arrested" her daughter, held her for half a month, and extorted 1500 yuan out of her. All these circumstances created a lot of prolonged mental burdens for her. In December of 2004 she showed symptoms of lung cancer and passed away in January of 2005.
Xi'an City Practitioner Ms. Li Yanfang's Legs Broken, Mouth Damaged by Torture
2005-11-12On New Year's Day 2005, practitioner Ms. Li Yanfang was arrested for posting the message "Falun Dafa Is Good" on a wall. After being severely tortured in jail, Ms. Li could only crawl. The prison inmates broke her legs, and she was sent to the hospital. The doctor issued a notification of critical illness to her family members. She was then sentenced to four years in prison. The police carried her into the Shaanxi Province Women's Prison following the sentencing. She is now unable to speak because the police badly damaged her mouth while force-feeding her.
Information about the Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioner Pan Gang in Jilin Province
2005-11-12For almost a year Falun Gong practitioner Pan Gang has been detained at the Weizigou Forced Labour Camp. Up until the middle of September, his family tried to visit him several times, but the head of the labour camp, Wang Yanwei, refused their requests. Later, they had a short meeting with Pan Gang and discovered that he was placed in a solitary confinement "small cell" and hung up with handcuffs for days at a time. He was severely beaten, and he did not receive the items and money sent by his family.
The Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners Ms. Guo Meijie and Mr. Cheng Ming of Inner Mongolia
2005-11-12On August 9th, 2005, Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Guo Meijie and Mr. Cheng Ming, were arrested by more than 30 policemen from the local police station. They were imprisoned in the Patrols Police Group for four days. Over those four days, the police brutally tortured them. They were seriously beaten, tied to a chair to be shocked with high-voltage electricity, and deprived of sleep for days. The police took turns monitoring them. If their eyes closed even a bit, they were beaten on the head with a post. Many police officers tried to deceive them by saying that they also practised Falun Gong. The officers not only bombarded them with brainwashing information but also harassed and threatened them.
Five Falun Dafa Practitioners from Sichuan and Liaoning Provinces Died under Persecution
2005-11-12Ms. Zheng Shihui was 68 years old and lived in Sichuan Province. After July 20th, 1999, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started slandering Falun Dafa and persecuting Falun Dafa practitioners. Ms. Zheng went out to tell the facts of Falun Dafa to people who had been misled by the government propaganda, give out flyers, and post banners. One evening in May 2002, the CCP Village secretary and 610 Office director and others, stormed into Ms. Zheng's home, but didn't find any Falun Dafa materials. They still took her away and detained her overnight. Ever since that night, Ms. Zheng was constantly harassed at home. Ms. Zheng Shihui died on September 9th, 2005 as a result of the relentless persecution.
Elderly Beijing Practitioner Mr. Ji Shuxian Dies Due to Persecution
2005-11-1166-year-old Mr. Ji Shuxian was arrested and detained at the Tuanhe Forced Labour Camp in Beijing in 2001. Due to severe torture, he became mentally unstable and had great difficulty walking. Under enormous and constant pressure and harassment from the Qianjiadian 610 Office and the local police, Mr. Ji exhibited stroke symptoms. After two years of extreme physical agony, he died on September 22nd, 2005.