Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Vice Copy Editor Ms. Wang Yue of China People's Publication Sustains Severe Spinal Damage from Torture
2004-06-27Ms Wang Yue, about 40 to 50 years of age, was the vice copy editor from China People's Publication. She was beaten in a brainwashing class located in Beijing because she appealed against the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China. She was injured in the cervical area of her spine. At the same time Wang Yue may have suffered brain damage. Her reaction time has slowed down considerably, she needs to sleep more, her hearing, memory and reasoning ability have weakened. The situation is serious and dangerous, and has received attention from all areas of society.
Repeated Torture Causes Practitioner Ms. Zhou Wenli from Shijiazhuang City to Suffer a Mental Collapse
2004-06-27Ms Zhou Wenli worked at a Pharmaceutical Company in Hebei Province. She was twice taken to a brainwashing centre. Zhou Wenli was humiliated and deprived of freedom and sleep for at least eight days. She was forced to watch propaganda that denounced Falun Gong and forced to write a statement of "guarantee" to stop her practice of Falun Gong. Subsequently, she has suffered a mental collapse and has been hospitalized many times.
Shizishan Labour Camp for Drug Addicts in Hubei Province Stages TV Shows to Deceive the Public
2004-06-27One afternoon in May of 2001, a show was staged and filmed by the Shizishan Labour Camp for Drug Addicts in Hubei Province. Ms Liu Shengli, who had given up her belief in Dafa under duress, was putting on an act talking with Dafa practitioner Ms Deng Taoying as if she was concerned about her. At the same time, Ms Yan Ting, who had also been forced to give up her belief in Dafa, was pretending to talk to her mother on the telephone in Shandong Province. After editing and dubbing, the videotapes were made into a special TV news programme to show how Shizishan Labour Camp "cares, educates, helps and saves" Falun Gong practitioners.
International Community's Immediate Attention Needed: Bodily Organs Removed and Sold From Falun Dafa Practitioners Tortured to Death in China
2004-06-26Using violence, deception, and corruption, the Chinese dictatorship covers up many of its horrible crimes. The theft and sale by the government of bodily organs from executed prisoners has been confirmed by witnesses and condemned by the international community. Witnesses say that Falun Dafa practitioners who are tortured to death sometimes have their organs stolen and sold to third parties.
Interview with Zhao Ming in Vienna
2004-06-26Zhao Ming is a former post-graduate student of Computer Science at Trinity College, Dublin. He now resides in Ireland as a refugee. Because he practises Falun Gong he was unlawfully arrested when he went back to China for Christmas in 1999. Zhao Ming was imprisoned for twenty two months and suffered unimaginable torture daily. In March 2002 he was released from prison and he returned to Dublin. Ever since then he has been informing the international community about the unlawful persecution in China.
Canadian Citizen's Mother is Abducted and Taken for Brainwashing in Wuhan, Hubei Province
2004-06-26Police in Hubei Province abducted Ms. Li Guangzhen in March of this year. Ms. Li is the mother of Canadian citizen Mr. Xiao Jin. She was abducted because someone reported her to the police for appealing against the persecution of Falun Gong. After North American media exposed the abduction of Ms. Li Guangzhen, her situation received widespread attention. However, the public outcry from the international community fell on deaf ears. Ignoring the appeals, the "610 Office" forced Ms. Li Guangzhen to attend a brainwashing class that slandered Falun Gong.
Elderly Practitioner Suffers a Fractured Spine from Beatings Received at the Tuanhe Labour Camp
2004-06-26Dafa practitioner Mr. Qian Shiguang is in his 60's and from Lanzhou city, Guansu province. Recent reports revealed that Mr. Qian Shiguang was beaten at the Tuanhe labour camp in October 2003, and suffered a fracture to his spine. He was then sent to the Tuanhe Hospital (a hospital affiliated with the labour camp). There it was found that his injury could not be repaired leaving him unable to care for himself.
An Account Of the Death of Gynecologist and Pediatrician Mrs Dong Cuifang from Beijing
2004-06-26Ms. Dong Cuifang was from Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province. She was a doctor. Her husband and her were arrested at the same time in 2001 for informing the public about the truth of Falun Gong. In 2002, they were both sentenced to five years in prison. Dong Cuifang died from the torture they subjected her to on March 19, 2004. She was only 28 years old at the time of her death. Prison police guard Xi Xuehui has had bad dreams every day since Dong Cuifang was tortured to death. She frequently wakes up from the nightmares.
Brutal Torture Methods Used on Falun Dafa Practitioners at the Changlinzi Forced Labour Camp (Illustrations)
2004-06-25The iron cage at the Changlinzi Forced Labour Camp is about 1.5 meters tall, 70 centimeters in width and about 1 meter in length. A person is unable to stand up straight. He must bend his back and lower his head. The police guards handcuff the practitioner's hands to the top of the iron cage; therefore the practitioner can neither stand straight up nor squat down. One can only do a half squat. It does not take long for the muscles to be stressed and sore in this excruciatingly position. The practitioner is handcuffed and held in this position 24 hours a day.
The Atrocities Committed Behind the Walls of the Nanmusi Female Forced Labour Camp
2004-06-25At the end of January 2002, we were sent to the Nanmusi Forced Labour Camp in Sichuan Province. The local policemen who escorted us had stolen from our bank accounts two month's worth of food costs as well as the full cost for sending us to the labour camp. They transferred any remaining money to the labour camp itself. After deducting a physical exam fee, a labour camp uniform fee, a so-called "rental of living necessities" fee (for bed sheets for example), and other expensive costs, the labour camp deposited what was left of our money into an account.
Dafa Practitioner Ms. He Xiuling of Yantai City Persecuted to Death - Updated News (Photos)
2004-06-2552 year old Ms. He Xiuling was a resident of Yantai City. Because she practised Falun Gong, Ms. He was abducted and taken to a forced brainwashing centre on September 1, 2003, where she suffered savage torture and thus became ill. She was sent to hospital. She refused to receive any injections, but the "610 Office" and the detention centre collaborated with the hospital to forcibly inject her with something, and punctured her spinal cord in the process. This caused Ms. He to die later. All these illegal activities were conducted without notifying her family members.
Elementary School Teacher, Ms. Liu Yumin, Relentlessly Persecuted for Refusing to Renounce Falun Dafa; Her Husband Tortured to Death
2004-06-25Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Liu Yumin suffered unspeakable tortures because she refused to give up Falun Dafa. Liu Yumin's husband Wu Yanshui was also a Dafa practitioner. Because he also refused to give up Dafa he was sent to a custody centre for long-term detention. Physical and mental torture on top of slave labour took its toll and passed away one month after his release. Later police arrested Liu Yumin again, in her underwear and barefoot, leaving home two young children. They tortured her until she was near death and became only skin and bones.
Supplemental Facts about How Falun Dafa Practitioner Mr. Liu Jian Was Tortured to Death
2004-06-24Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Liu Jian lived in Shandong Province. He was abducted and sent to a Labour Camp in Jinan City on March 2001 to serve a 3-year sentence. Because Mr. Liu persisted in his righteous belief in Falun Dafa and refused to be "transformed", the guards locked him separately in a small, dark, gloomy and damp cell. He suffered all kinds of tortures. On December 28, 2001 a prisoner called out said, "Terrible! Liu Jian jumped from a floor upstairs." According to information provided by insiders, Mr. Liu was pushed through a window in the toilet on the 3rd floor after he was already dead.
Dafa Practitioner Ms. Luo Qiaohong Died as a Result of Persecution in Hunan Province
2004-06-24Ms. Luo Qiaohong was 28 years old and lived in Hunan Province. In October 2000, she went to Beijing with her family to appeal, and was arrested and detained in a Detention Centre. Her father and husband were sent to a forced labour camp, leaving no family members at home to care for her youngest daughter, who was less then one year old. The family had to sell the pigsty to pay 14,000 yuan in fines, yet they still didn't have enough money. Luo Qiaohong was no longer able to withstand the mental pressure, physical torture, and extreme financial difficulty. She died shortly after she was released on December 5, 2001.
Commemorating Ms. Wang Xiuyuan: Tortured to Death for Clarifying the Truth
2004-06-24On April 27, 2004, another precious life left this earth. She lost her life for speaking the truth. She lived by the principles "Truthfulness-Compassion- Tolerance". Her name is Ms. Wang Xiuyuan, a citizen of Shenyang City. Some practitioners who were detained at the same time as her in a Labour Camp disclosed that she suffered cruel physical and mental torture. She was not allowed to sleep, was beaten severely, suffered unspeakable physical punishment, and was forced to do hard labour. She was not released until April 19, 2004 and was near death upon her release. On April 27, 2004, one week later she passed away.