Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Head of Xinle City "610 Office": "I am putting you through this and I will not be held responsible. If you die, you will die in vain."
2004-07-02Bai Wansheng is the head of the Xinle City "610 Office" in Hebei Province. On December 27, 1999, Bai Wansheng was forcing practitioners in a detention centre to stand barefoot and almost naked, outside in temperatures of minus 10 degree Celsius [14oF]. Bai said to them viciously, "Cold enough for you? Let me tell you, as long as Jiang is in power, this is not going to change. I am putting you through this and I will not be held responsible. If you die, you will die in vain.
Dafa Practitioner Mr. Wang Shujun From Hebei Province Dies as a Result of Torture
2004-07-0136 year old Dafa practitioner Mr. Wang Shujun from Handan City, Hebei Province was unjustly detained for three years. After his release, perpetrators from the local "610 Office" continued to persecute him and arrested him again. Wang Shujun was still weak then, but the police proceeded to torture him until he was on the verge of death. The authorities finally released him, fearing he would die at the labour camp. Wang Shujun passed away at 4:00 a.m. on June 20, 2004.
Torture Death of Heilongjiang Province Dafa Practitioner Mr. Liu Xiaodong in Prison
2004-07-01Mr. Liu Xiaodong was an employee of Hailun City's Rural Credit Co-op in Heilongjiang Province. After July 20, 1999, Hailun City police officers took him to the Hailun City Detention Centre. In October 2003, Liu Xiaodong was extremely weak, but the Hailun City Court sentenced him to two years in the Beian City Prison. Liu Xiaodong died in prison on March 8, 2004 at the age of 32.
Two Falun Gong Practitioners from Heilongjiang Province Died as a Result of Criminal Abuse in Same Detention Centre
2004-07-0170 Year-old Falun Gong Practitioner Zhang Shouxin from Heilongjiang Province was arrested and detained in June 2000 in a Detention Centre. His whole body became swollen and was covered with ulcerous scabies. Although he was released in October 2000, he passed away in April 2001. Mr. Zhu Jun, a retired worker was also detained at the same detention centre until he became semi-paralysed. Mr. Zhu passed away in March 2002, shortly after he was released.
64 year old Dafa Practitioner Mr. Bi Guohua of Shandong Province Is Beaten to Death by Police
2004-06-30Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Bi Guohua, 64 years old, lived in Rongcheng City, Shandong Province. At about seven o'clock on June 4, 2004, seven police officers from the Rongcheng City's "610 Office" broke into his house, arrested him and brutally beat him to death. To cover up their crime, the police told the public that Mr. Bi Guohua had a sudden heart attack; he fainted and fell, accidentally killing himself.
Former Female Rubber Factory Director Subjected to Torture in Mental Hospital
2004-06-30"My name is Ms. Zhou Caixia. In 2000 I was sent to a Mental Hospital because I practise Falun Gong. This hospital was a living hell. A nurse screamed, "Give me money! I will even kill people if you tell me to." Dafa practitioners were injected with medication that destroyed the central nervous system, which caused them to lose control of their basic functions such as speaking, and motor coordination."
Repeated Kidnapping and Persecution of Dafa Practitioner Ms. Li Shuya in Inner Mongolia
2004-06-30Ms. Li Shuya, a Dafa Practitioner from Inner Mongolia, was abducted by police and put into a Detention Centre for going to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. She resisted the persecution during her detention. Then the police stated that she suffered from psychosis and sent her to a hospital for a check-up. The police then sentenced her to three years of forced labour and sent her to Chifeng City Detention Centre, where she suffered excruciating torture.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Mr. Zhang Jianhua Dies on a "Constraining Bed" in Jilin Prison (Illustration)
2004-06-29Mr. Zhang Jianhua, who was around 50 years old, and was sent to the Jilin Prison not long before the Chinese New Year's Day. On New Year's Eve, he refused to follow the demands from the lawless officials and was thrown on a quilt and beaten by inmates taking instructions from prison guards. Mr. Zhang was then taken to a "maximum security unit." The guards in the prison did not take him to the hospital. Instead, they continued the torture by leaving him on the "constraining bed." On January 22, 2004, which was the Chinese New Year's Day, he passed away on the "constraining bed."
The Truth about how Dafa Practitioner Shi Yueqin from Hainan Was Persecuted to Her Death
2004-06-29Ms. Shi Yueqin, about 30 years old, lived in Wenchang City, Hainan Province, and was an employee at the Hainan Food Supplies Department. She started practising Falun Gong in 1997; after the persecution began, she too fell victim. At the Hainan Mental Hospital they injected her with a large amount of drugs that damage the nervous system, and as a result upon her return home she was severely disoriented. Tragically, on the morning of March 6, 2003, she jumped out of a building and died.
Account of the Persecution Suffered by Practitioner Ms. He Xianggu, a Nurse at the Hunan Province Mother and Child Care Hospital
2004-06-29Ms. He Xianggu, 43, is a nurse in the Emergency Room of the Hunan Province Mother and Child Care Hospital. Ms. He was sent to the Hunan Province Mental Hospital. Leaders of the Hunan Province Mother and Child Care Hospital often went to the mental hospital to abuse and deride her, and made suggestions to the doctors on how they should abuse her. The Secretary of Outpatient Department of Hunan Province Mother and Child Care Hospital, shouted: "You still want to stay in the mental hospital, do you?! If you keep insisting on practising Falun Gong, we'll make you lose your family, son, husband, job, and money!"
Practitioner Ms. Feng Xiaomin from Shijiazhuang City, Dies Due to Persecution; Baby Now Motherless
2004-06-28Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Feng Xiaomin suffered severe persecution for practising Falun Gong. She was forced to leave home to avoid the relentless harassment and constant threat of arbitrary arrest by the authorities. She and her husband had a baby in 2002, which added extra mental pressure in such a difficult living situation. The chief of Police applied even more pressure on the couple. Under enormous mental pressure, her health deteriorated and she passed away on June 1, 2004. Her child is now only one year and 10 months old and hasn't even been permitted to obtain proper residency registration and identification.
Retired Worker From Luoyang Glass Factory is Repeatedly Brainwashed, Jailed and Tortured -- Her Husband Dies From Sudden Stroke Right After Police Threaten Him
2004-06-28Ms. Cai Qiao, is 54 years old and a retired worker from the Luoyang Glass Factory. In February 2001, the "610 Office" and the glass factory Public Security Unit sent Cai Qiao to the Shibalihe Women's Labour Camp in Zhengzhou City, Henan Province and detained her for two years, only for practising Falun Dafa. She suffered relentless torture. To add to her pain her husband died suddenly from a stroke after he was threatened by a chief at Cai Qiao's workplace.
"Hanging a Barrel" -- A Torture Method Used by the Dalian Police to Persecute Dafa Practitioners (Illustration)
2004-06-28"Later, the police drove me to a remote location to continue to abuse me. They found some hard and strong nylon rope that is used specifically for the boating and fishing industry. They suspended the rope from a roof-level heater pipe and hung me up, with both arms tied, and poured water over my face. The police then located two plastic rectangular "barrels" full of water, each able to hold about 40 to 50 jin [approximately 45 to 55 lbs.]. They said, "Since your are female, we will fill them slightly less." I was tired and in pain, carrying two barrels of water which weighed almost 100 lbs., across my shoulder."
Slave Labour in Chinese Forced Labour Camps: The Inside Story
2004-06-28"I am a Dafa practitioner forced to work in a prison in China. Throughout these years I have faced a brutal reality and have witnessed countless inhumane incidents and circumstances inside the prison. After seeing the investigative report published on Clearharmony.net about the Chinese forced labour camps producing products using slave labour, I decided to make public some of the facts inside the prison where I work."
What Dafa Practitioner Mr. Song Changguang Suffered Prior to his Death: Relentless Beatings and Electric Shock Torture
2004-06-27Mr. Song Changguang was 26 years old and lived near Dehui City. He was arrested in late 2000 for displaying a banner at Tiananmen Square and then he was sent to the Chaoyanggou Forced Labour Camp. After May 2001, Song Changguang developed scabies. His scabies spread all over his body, the damaged skin reaching as high as 60%. Once the blisters formed, the guards slapped the scabies to cause excruciating pain. After over a year of torture, Mr. Song, who was once healthy, had become skin and bones. When he was in a critical condition he was released, however he died on November 12, 2002.