Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
The Unjust Treatment of Dafa Practitioners in Hubei Province
2004-07-11A female Falun Dafa practitioner was discovered on a side street by an entrance guard while she was posting flyers that promoted Dafa. The guard then dragged her to the duty office and called the police for "creating a disturbance". This practitioner knew that she had not broken the law, so she explained the facts and refused to get in the police vehicle. However, she was severely beaten in the face by a police officer , with blood flowing from her nose. She was illegally detained for two weeks.
More Evidence of Jiang Group's State-Terrorism: The Verified Death Toll of Falun Gong Practitioners Has Reached 1,000
2004-07-10According to statistics gathered by Minghui.net [chinese version of Clearwisdom.net], from July 20, 1999 to early July 2004, at least 1,000 Falun Gong practitioners are verified to have died of torture because they refused to give up their belief in Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance. Among these practitioners, 52% are women and 48% are men, with an average age of 44. The youngest practitioner was a 17-year-old female high school student Chen Ying from Heilongjiang Province, and the oldest practitioner was an 82-year-old gentleman, Yang Yongshou, from Sichuan Province.
Zhang Jingying and Her Three Sons Suffer Continuous Persecution, Their Happy Family Torn Apart
2004-07-10Zhang Jingying and her three sons are Falun Gong practitioners from Ningwu City, Ningxia Province; the father is deceased. The family members were harmonious and got along extremely well with their neighbours. However since July 20, 1999 when the brutal persecution of Falun Dafa started, there has not been a peaceful day for the family. The eldest son Bai Bin was illegally sentenced to ten years in prison, the second son was sentenced to 4 years in prison and the third son was sentenced to three years in a forced labour camp.
Jiamusi University Lecturer Sentenced to 20 Year Prison Term for Broadcasting Video about the Persecution of Falun Gong
2004-07-10Falun Dafa practitioner Huang Min, 62, is a lecturer from Jiamusi University. After Changchun practitioners clarified the truth of the persecution via a cable or satellite broadcast, Huang Min became inspired. His field was electronics, and he had once worked in a TV factory. Therefore he and some other practitioners started using TV broadcasting to clarify the truth to the people. In 2002, in order to capture Huang Min, the Police Bureau offered a reward of 50,000 Yuan. Another 10,000 Yuan was offered to the local city upon his capture. In 2003 police arrested Huang Min and sentenced him to 20 years in prison.
Dafa Practitioner Xie Junxiao Tortured to the Brink of Death; "610 Office" Orders Him Sent Back to Prison
2004-07-10Dafa practitioner Mr. Xie Junxiao is a 34-year-old villager from Luancheng County in Hebei Province. In December 2001 Falun Gong truth-clarifying banners were found in Luancheng County. Yang Weidong, the chief of the county "610 Office" arrested practitioners of this county, which led to illegal prison sentences, forced labour camp sentences and detention for many practitioners. Xie Junxiao was among them.
Dafa Practitioner Ms. Zhou Chengyu Killed in Forced Labour Camp in Chongqing City
2004-07-09Dafa practitioner Ms. Zhou Chengyu was fifty-five years old. She was a library assistant at the Yuzhou University in Chongqing City. She was arrested when she was on her way to appeal for Dafa and sent to a forced labour camp. Due to being force-fed medicines on the orders of policewoman Yang Ming, she became weaker and weaker, until she finally passed away.
The Persecution That Mr. Wang Hongtian Suffered in Jiutai Yinmahe Labour Camp Before His Death
2004-07-09In November 2001, police in Dehui City, Jilin Province kidnapped Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Wang Hongtian as he distributed Falun Gong truth-clarification materials. A few days later, he was sent to a Labour Camp in Jilin Province. This was the second time that Mr. Wang had been sent to this labour camp. He was interrogated and tortured to find out where he got the Falun Gong truth-clarification materials. In the latter half of 2002 he was tortured again severely and he was released. He passed away on September 2002.
Falun Gong Practitioners Jailed in Hunan Province, Forced to Do Slave Labour
2004-07-09According to Falun Gong practitioners released from Changsha Prison in Hunan Province, they were forced to perform slave labour for 13-14 hours every day. Being forced to work until 11:00 p.m., or until sunrise the next day, was not uncommon. When Falun Gong practitioners requested the right to observe an 8-hour work day and have Sunday off, they were thrown into solitary confinement for up to 90 days. Many practitioners have been subjected to this treatment.
The Detention Centre Personnel in Dehui City, Jilin Province Torture Falun Dafa Practitioners
2004-07-09On November 16, 2003, the detention centre of Dehui City, Jilin Province, started another round of torturing Dafa practitioner Mr. Sun Qian. Mr. Sun had been on hunger strike for a month and was unable to walk. The authorities tied him to the bed board for over 20 days, causing his muscles to atrophy below his waist. Later he was shackled in an unbearably painful position and force-fed.
60 Year Old Ningxia Province Practitioner Ms Zhang Yufang Paralysed Due to Persecution
2004-07-0860 year old Ms Zhang Yufang is a retired official from Ningxia Province. Because she continued to practise Falun Dafa, she was imprisoned in the Young Women's Labour Camp of Ningxia for two years. She had to undergo brainwashing, hard labour and torture which resulted in her having a stroke. She is now paralysed down one side of her body and cannot take care of herself. Her husband was also imprisoned and her daughter was forced to live in exile to avoid arrest.
Practitioner Ms. Li Xiaqiu is Tortured to the Point of Mental Collapse at the Tumuji Forced Labour Camp
2004-07-08Li Xiaqiu is a beautiful and kind girl. She lived in Manzhouli City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. She was detained at the Tumuji Forced Labour Camp because she practised Falun Gong. Only in her thirties, she suffered violent abuse, which led her to have serious heart problems and a mental breakdown. According to the labour camp regulations, someone with a health condition like hers should have been given medical parole and sent home for treatment. But she suffered in the labour camp for over two years.
Illustrations of Torture Methods Used to Persecute Falun Gong Practitioners (Number 31) - Locked to a Ground Ring (Photo)
2004-07-08In this torture, the victim's hands are handcuffed and the feet are shackled. Under such torture, the victim can only sit and is unable to lie down. The police often lock practitioners this way for several days straight. If the practitioners want to use the toilet or eat meals, they need other people's help. In the winter, the victim is not allowed to wear warm clothes. Normally many people would collapse under such torture in no more than two weeks.
Jilin Province Dafa Practitioner Wu Keli Almost Blind Due to Torture
2004-07-07Fifty-six-year-old Falun Gong practitioner Wu Keli was from Jilin Province. After he started practising Falun Dafa people who knew him well commented, "If every manager were like him, there would not be any corruption." In March 2002 he was deceived into going to a police station and then sent to a detention centre, where he has become almost blind due to torture.
Hospital Security Workers Abduct Doctor, Police Beat A Friend Who Comes to Her Aid
2004-07-07Ms. Wang Qihui is a retired doctor from the Chinese Medical Hospital in Yunnan Province. Since the persecution of Falun Gong began on July 20, 1999, the police and work unit have had her under surveillance. On holidays or so-called sensitive days, hospital security workers would take her and detain her in the hospital. In 2002, she was taken to Kunming Mental Hospital and suffered brutal torture physically and mentally during the so-called "treatment."
Illustrations of Torture Methods Used to Persecute Falun Gong Practitioners (19-30)
2004-07-06Method 22: Sitting on a Small Stool: This is not an ordinary stool. There are very small squares carved or molded on the surface. The police tie the practitioners so that they can't stand up. After sitting on the stool for a while, the small squares cut into the practitioners flesh, causing the buttocks to bleed and fester. This is a very cruel torture.