Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Hebei Province Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Wang Yaping Paralysed and Blinded from Torture Then Dies
2004-06-16In June 2003 when she was distributing flyers, Ms. Wang Yaping was arrested and sent her to the Luzhazigou "610 Office" to be brainwashed. Ms. Wang persisted in her Dafa practice, however, was sentenced to two years of forced labour and was later sent to the Gaoyang Forced Labour Camp. In January 2004, her lower body became paralyzed and she became incontinent. She also lost sight in one eye. Under this situation, the labour camp authorities told her family to take her home. She passed away on May 9, 2004.
Head Covered with Multiple Plastic Bags--A Falun Dafa Practitioner Is Beat, Kicked, and Shocked in Fusong County Detention Centre
2004-06-16Jilin Province police abducted a male Falun Dafa practitioner in his 30s, after he posted truth-clarifying materials. It was also revealed that because this practitioner resisted the persecution and did not reveal his name, he was cruelly. The police covered his head with multiple plastic bags (this kind of torture can cause suffocation and death), struck and kicked him, and also shocked him with electric batons. As a result, this practitioner's eyes are now inflamed and swollen, and his hearing is badly damaged, to the degree that he can almost not hear a sound.
Practitioners Tortured in Jiutai Labour Camp
2004-06-16Guards at the Jiutai Labour Camp in Jilin Province have been cruelly persecuting Falun Gong practitioners since they began detaining them. To the outside, they claimed that their policy was "Education, Reform, and Salvation," however they were actually following the policies of Jiang. Namely, "It doesn't matter if you kill a Falun Gong practitioner," and "those who are killed can be counted as suicide." Since March 2004, guards at the labour camp have also been fabricating documents and cheating practitioners because authorities there agreed to pay them 400 Yuan for "reforming" a practitioner.
The Persecution of Falun Dafa Practitioners in Zhejiang Province
2004-06-16Mr. Ji Jianwei, a Falun Gong practitioner, was formerly a policeman in Huzhou City Police Station. Because Mr. Ji practises Falun Gong, he was detained at Huzhou City Detention Centre on criminal charges. Since Mr. Ji was a policeman himself, many policemen in the detention centre knew him. They all wondered why an outstanding policeman who used to catch all kinds of criminals was detained there. So the "610 Office" purposely transferred Mr. Ji to a detention centre in Changxing. He suffered many kinds of torture and intensive forced-labour there.
Practitioner Chen Weiyuan's Account of the Atrocities She Witnessed in the Heizuizi Labour Camp
2004-06-15My name is Chen Weiyuan. I am 53 years old. I live in Jilin City. I have been arrested many times for helping the public learn the truth. I was put in Heizuizi Forced Labour Camp three times and suffered a lot from the many tortures imposed on Falun Gong practitioners. I also witnessed other practitioners being tortured. I experienced some memory loss because of the overwhelming trauma to my head and brain. Only after I left the labour camp and recovered for a long time, did my memory begin to recover.
Additional Details of the Torturing to Death of Three Falun Gong Practitioners from Shandong Province
2004-06-15On November 20, 2001, Mr. Wu Haiyou's family received a notice from the local police station asking them to identify a body. Lying in the morgue, Wu's face carried an expression of agony and distortion. His body was cold, and his mouth was covered with blood. Twice, when questioned by one of Wu's family members as to how Wu had died, the officers were evasive with their answers. Afterwards, the police officers were afraid, and they returned to the scene of the crime to make sure that all evidence regarding Wu's death was eliminated.
Crimes Committed by Policewoman Li Xueyan at Beijing's Fengtai Detention Centre
2004-06-15Li Xueyan, about 30, is a policewoman at the Fengtai Detention Centre in Beijing. She is responsible for persecuting the Falun Gong practitioners at the detention centre. To persecute practitioners that were holding a hunger strike, the criminals would gang up to attack them. The head of the cell said, "If each of us forty prisoners feeds you one mouthful of food, you will be full." After such a "feeding," the face and body of the practitioner would be covered with bruises.
Dingxing County Police, Hebei Province Resort to Stabbing Practitioners Legs with Needles and Whipping them With Plastic Pipes While in Detention
2004-06-15In Dingxing County, Hebei Province, Falun Dafa practitioners who live according to the principles of "Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance" have been brutally persecuted for being good people. Several practitioners went to Beijing to appeal against the persecution. The police forced them to remain awake for as long as four days and nights. They would cruelly torture practitioners such as kicking them hard, beating their buttocks with heavy iron rod, smashing their ankles with wine bottles, jabbing needles into their legs, whipping their body with plastic pipes, forcing them to kneel on steel bars, etc.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Mr He Shaohuai Tortured to Death in Detention Centre in Sichuan Province (Photos)
2004-06-14Mr. He Shaohuai was 53 years old and he lived in Sichuan Province. He was arrested and detained in the County Detention Centre. On September 15, at 8:00 am in the morning, Mr. He could not get up. He said he had a pain in the chest. Two people went to help him get up, but he collapsed before reaching the cell gate. He died on the way to the hospital. The police then notified his wife and did not tell her the truth. The police only said Mr. He was in the hospital, and that she should go and see him. Instead, the police took her directly to the funeral home. The autopsy report showed that he was tortured to death.
Dafa Practitioner Mr. Li Zhen, an Economist from Hunan Province Dies as a Result of Torture (Photo)
2004-06-14Dafa practitioner Mr. Li Zhen was 52 years old. He had worked as an economist for Xiangtan City Science and Technology Committee Equipment Company. In February 2000, he went to Beijing to appeal for Dafa. Later in the month, he was abducted and beaten by agents from the National Security Bureau, who illegally sentenced him to two years of forced labour. When a Labour Camp in Hunan Province refused to accept him because of his poor physical condition, his family paid 3,000 Yuan for him to receive medical parole. Because of the physical tortures and especially the long term mental torture Li Zhen suffered, he passed away on May 26, 2004.
70 Year Old Ms. Xiao Yuanxiu from Chongqing City Dies As a Result of Persecution
2004-06-14Dafa practitioner Ms. Xiao Yuanxiu was a 70-year-old retiree from Chongqing City's No. 69 High School. Since 1999, the school has been persecuting Ms. Xiao. It sent her to a brainwashing centre four times and deducted several hundred yuan from her retirement compensation every time the brainwashing sessions were over. Due to the long period of physical and mental torture, her physical condition deteriorated, but those vicious people did not stop persecuting her. When the police tried to abduct her she suddenly fell to the ground and died on March 7 2004
Persecution Renders Young Woman Paralyzed from the Waist Down (Photo)
2004-06-14During my school years in Changchun, I began to practise Falun Gong. I was arrested in 2001. The police officers said plainly, "Yes, we are doing this for the sake of money. For every Falun Gong practitioner we arrest, we'll get 500 Yuan" Later to avoid being arrested and persecuted again, I was forced to jump down from the fifth floor. I suffered fractures in my back and legs. Two police officers pulled me to my feet and forced me to walk, which promptly damaged the nerves in my back and legs. When my parents saw that I was paralyzed, they angrily questioned the police, who had no explanation.
Persecution and Retribution
2004-06-14At the front of the parade was a Falun Gong practitioner carrying a sign that bore the large-sized Chinese character for “Mourning.” It was solemn and heartrending . As I watched the female practitioners attired in long, snow-white dresses, holding photos of the Falun Gong practitioners that had been tortured to death by the police in China, tears welled up in my eyes. All the people in the pictures were beaming with a glow of kindness. You could tell that they were not only innocent and law-abiding civilians, but also honest and trustworthy people.
Dafa Practitioner Mr Chen Xiaoqin from Hebei Province Tortured to Death at Baoding Labour Camp in 2001
2004-06-13Dafa practitioner Chen Xiaoqin was from Baoding Area, Hebei Province. Before practising Falun Gong, Chen was in the late stages of cancer and doctors had determined Chen wouldn't live long. However, after Chen began to practise Falun Gong, the cancer disappeared. After Jiang's regime began the persecution of Falun Gong, Chen went to Beijing many times to appeal. In the spring of 2001, Chen was sent to the Baoding Forced Labour Camp, and was later tortured to death there.
Torture Method 13: The Tiger Bench (Illustration)
2004-06-13Torture Method 13: The Tiger Bench: During this torture, police tie the victim's legs tightly to the tiger bench using belts. They then put bricks or some other hard objects under the victim's feet. They keep adding layers of bricks until the belts break. Victims endure unbearable pain and often pass out during these torture sessions. Other tortures are often used on the victim at the same time, including shocking the victim with electric batons, cuffing the hands behind the back, burning the body with cigarettes.....