Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Falun Gong Practitioner Suffers Severe Mental Trauma from Persecution in Tianshui City
2004-05-3159 year old Mr Yang Keqiang from Tianshui City was formerly a very healthy person and had a nice family until he was subjected to the persecution inside the forced labour camp. After his release, his entire family lost their source of income. This made the already difficult family situation even worse. Now although Yang Keqiang is able to go to work, his mind is still disoriented as a result of the trauma he received. Even his co-workers and people who know him say Yang is now like a completely different person.
Dafa Practitioner Mr. Zhang Mingkai from Liaoning Province Dies from Torture-induced Illness After Becoming Homeless to Avoid Further Persecution
2004-05-30Zhang Mingkai was a Dafa practitioner from Liaoning Province. On April 9, 2002, authorities in Dalian City launched a mass arrest of practitioners. Zhang was arrested. While in detention, Zhang was beaten and insulted many times by criminals in the same cell. He was also forced to scratch criminals' backs covered with scabies. By the next month when Zhang was released, he had also developed scabies all over his body. After his release, in order to avoid further persecution, Zhang and his wife were forced into homelessness. Because of poor living conditions and lack of medical care, Zhang passed away in May 2003, seven months after he left home.
Details of the Torture and Murder of Dafa Practitioner Mr. Liu Dongxue in Hebei Province (Photo)
2004-05-30This article was written three years after Dafa practitioner Liu Dongxue died of torture. It tells the details of the tortures that he suffered because he practised Falun Gong, and is meant to expose the bloody persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners by Jiang's followers so that all the kind people would no longer be deceived by the lies and slander.
Death of Practitioner Zhou Rong in 2001 and Other Persecution Cases in Guizhou Province
2004-05-30Mr. Zhou Rong used to live in a district of Guiyang City. He was arrested when he went to Beijing to appeal in 2000. First he was sent to Tianjin City, then Hebei Province, until he was dying. After he was sent home, his family took him to PLA No.44 Hospital for emergency treatment. He died in the hospital in 2001, only in his 20's.
Relatives in U.S Appeal for Release of Dafa Practitioner Ms. Yang Shulan in Inner Mongolia
2004-05-30In February 2004, officers from Saihan Branch, Huhehaote City Police in Inner Mongolia arrested Dafa practitioner Yang Shulan. Family members are not allowed to visit her. Her relatives called the police many times to ask about her situation, but they refused to answer any questions. When the relative telephoned and asked, "Why did you arrest an innocent person?" the policeman did not say a word. Her relatives in the U.S. have no choice but to seek help from sympathetic media, supportive government officials, and people with kind hearts.
Langfang City Authorities Cause Death of Mr Zhengting Ma, His Wife and Daughter Also Suffer Brutal Persecution
2004-05-29Both Fengyin Li and her husband Zhengting were arrested and sent to a local detention centre in Langfang City on five separate occasions. In the detention centre, he was tortured and suffered both physically and psychologically. Later he was sent to a brainwashing centre, where he was psychologically persecuted. He died after being forced to renounce his belief in Falun Dafa. Their daughter Li Ma was sent to the detention centre on two separate occasions.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Mr. Zheng Zhiqiang’s Dead Body Hung Up from Window by Officials in Dalian Prison Clinic
2004-05-29Mr. Zheng Zhiqiang was a 37 year old practitioner from Liaoning Province. He had been severely tortured because he refused to give up his belief in Falun Dafa. Mr. Zheng was finally brought to the Dalian Prison Clinic in an extremely weakened condition during the Chinese New Year Season. On the morning of April 4, 2004, witnesses saw his dead body hung by the neck in the window of No.2 room. Prisoners were shocked, and said that the prison officials plotted this to escape responsibility for their crimes.
Gansu Province Practitioner Mr. Yao Hui Suffers Mental Collapse after Severe Beating
2004-05-29High school student, Practitioner Yao Hui lived in Gansu Province. He was sentenced to a forced labour camp in 2001 for two years and two months because he went to Beijing to appeal for justice for Falun Dafa. The police didn't tell his family of his imprisonment, causing them great distress. On January 27, 2004, police kidnapped Yao Hui and ordered camp prisoners to brutally beat him. He was tortured until he lost his senses. He was released. However, by then, Yao Hui could not even speak clearly, and has lost the ability to live independently.
Teacher Arrested after Registering Her Marriage Plans- Court Cancels Marriage License
2004-05-29The most painful experience was losing my right to marry, even after losing all other freedoms. In 1998, I met Yu Wensheng, an archive manager from Harbin Normal University. We were very much in love. In 1999 we travelled to Beijing together to appeal for Falun Gong. In Tiananmen Square, police took him away from me. In June 2000, when I was heavily monitored by the police, he came to Qitaihe City to marry me. I went to Harbin in order to marry him, however, Harbin police learned about our plan and detained me.
"Horror Could Be Felt Everywhere" - Exposing the Cruelties in Masanjia Labour Camp
2004-05-28"Toward the end of 2002 in Masanjia's Second Women's Camp, the police were forcing Falun Dafa practitioners to renounce their belief, while horror could be felt everywhere. The police carried handcuffs and ropes with them. The authorities were going wild. I now stay on the first floor. This is the floor where the tortures take place. Observing the unwavering Dafa practitioners being persecuted until their last, weak breaths and until they are mentally unstable is horrifying to watch"
Authorities on the Rampage Destroying a Happy Family in Shandong Province
2004-05-28Falun Dafa Practitioner Diao Xihui is twenty-nine years old. His wife, Lu Yanna, is thirty-one years old. They are from Longkou City and are both teachers. Their first child was born on March 29, 2004 and only ten days later Diao Xihui disappeared, presumed arrested for telling people about the persecution of Falun Dafa. Realizing that she was in danger, and not having recovered from giving birth Lu Yanna moved out to avoid further persecution. However, she did not escape. Police from Longkou City found her and took her and her daughter back to Longkou City even though her daughter was not even one month old. At present, no one knows where Ms. Lu is.
Brutal Force-Feeding Used to Torture Practitioners in Huludao City Detention Centre
2004-05-28The violent force-feeding used at Huludao Detention Centre in Liaoning Province is an excruciating torture. The guards demand that criminal inmates force-feed hunger striking Falun Dafa practitioners. The prisoners are usually reluctant to do it, and they often vent their anger on the practitioners that are to be forcibly fed. They curse, beat and otherwise abuse their victims while force feeding.
The Suffering of Falun Dafa Practitioners in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region
2004-05-28The "Legal Education Centre" in Yakeshi City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (AR) is in fact a vicious brainwashing centre.On November 4, 2002, right before the 16th Chinese Party (CCP) Congress, the police in Yakeshi City mass arrested many Falun Dafa practitioners for having firm beliefs in "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance." Participating personnel exerted pressure on the workplaces of the arrested Falun Dafa practitioners, and forced their workplaces to collude with authorities, send their employees to the brainwashing centre, and pay 5,000 Yuan room and board for the arrested practitioner(s) and "helpers" from the workplace. "610 Office" personnel and police officers used violence and torture on practitioners, and threatened them with forced labour and imprisonment using mean and shameless methods.
Mr. Yan Liyou from Hainan Province Dies as a Result of Torture
2004-05-27Mr. Yan Liyou was the former general manager of Huayi Industry Development Company in Hainan Province. When he was young, he was in a car accident and was paralyzed. Even though he spent lots of money to seek a cure, there was no effective treatment and he was confined to a wheelchair. At the end of 1998, he started practising Falun Gong. Soon he was able to stand up and walk on his own. When the persecution started against Falun Gong he went many times to appeal against the injustice and was brutally tortured. Despite the torture, he held firm to his belief in Dafa. After nine months of torture in a labour camp, he was only skin and bones. He kept throwing up blood. Not until he was near death did the police release him. he eventually passed away on April 12, 2004.
Elderly Practitioner Ms. Huang Yongmei Tortured to Disability in Hubei Province
2004-05-27"I am the husband of Huang Yongmei, who is a Falun Gong practitioner from Wuhan City. After my wife was illegally kidnapped to a brainwashing centre, I went to talk to the head of the "610 Office" whose name is Xie Guanchang for a total of three times. The first time I told Xie, "When Huang Yongmei was arrested, she was in good health. You must allow her to come back in good health, because she's the head of my family." Xie said, "Mr. Liu, please be at ease. I'm responsible for Huang Yongmei coming back in good health in one month's time." Huang Yongmei was tortured terribly in the brainwashing centre by these so-called "state officials." She became disabled from the torture. Seeing that Huang Yongmei could not take care of herself, my mother was very worried. Later on my mother had a stroke because of the stress and passed away. My family has become worse and worse, and one misfortune after another has occurred, leaving my family broken and ruined.