Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Dandong City "610 Office" Forces Elementary Students To Report Dafa Practitioners
2004-05-27Recently, the Liaoning Province, Dandong City "610 Office" coordinated with the City Education Bureau and other government organizations to campaign among all the city elementary school students to "expose and criticize" Falun Gong. At Fuchun Elementary School, they forced every student to report on any other students, teachers, or parents who may practise or have any relationships with Falun Gong practitioners. The intense pressure was terrifying.
Atrocities by the Mudanjiang City Police: Force-feeding with Black Mustard Oil, Electric Shocks, and the "Tiger Bench"
2004-05-27In early 2002, the State Security Group of the Police in Mudanjiang City, along with the city's "610 Office" arrested over 10 Dafa practitioners. The male practitioners arrested were sentenced and sent to Jianshanzi Prison, and the female practitioners were sentenced and sent to Heilongjiang Women's Prison. The police used brutal means to torture practitioners in order to force them to renounce their faith: force-feeding with black mustard oil then covering their heads with plastic to suffocate them; electric batons to shock practitioners on the chest, hands, and face; and the "Tiger Bench" - practitioners were tortured so badly that they fainted from the pain.
The Persecution of Mr. Li Jian in Sichuan Province Illustrates the Scale, Severity and Pervasive Nature of the Suppression of Falun Gong
2004-05-26On February 16, 2004, Chongqing First Intermediary People's Court sentenced Mr. Li Jian to 13 years in a forced labour camp. His "crime" was helping to relay the facts to the world about a policeman from Shaqu who raped Ms. Wei Xingyan, a graduate student at Chongqing University, in front of two female prison inmates. Chongqing First Intermediary People's Court sentenced Mr. Li Jian to a long prison term on charges of "damaging the image of the Chinese government and slandering a Chinese government employee" for their righteous action of exposing the brutal rape.
57-year-old Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Fu Meihui from Guandong Province Died as a Result of Torture in 2001
2004-05-26Ms. Fu Meihui was a 57-year-old Falun Dafa practitioner from Guangdong Province. In violation of the Chinese Constitution, the police arrested her for practising Falun Gong and she was forced to do slave labour for over ten hours a day. Unable to eat or drink during detention, both her body and mind were severely damaged. Seeing her at the brink of death, the police sent her home without giving her any treatment. Her husband had already been arrested for practising Falun Gong and their home had been ransacked. Under the pressure of these multiple calamities, Ms. Fu Meihui passed away in January 2001.
Elderly Practitioner Ms Wen Huiying from Hunan Province Recounts the Brutal Persecution She Has Suffered
2004-05-26"My name is Wen Huiying. I'm a retired worker from the Taoyuan County Shipping Company in Changde City, Hunan Province. Because I believe in Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance, I was unjustly and brutally persecuted by Jiang's regime. I have been arrested and detained many times since the persecution of Falun Dafa began on July 20, 1999. Twice I was sentenced to a forced labour camp. Now I am homeless and have to move from one place to another in order to escape the persecution. At home, I have an eighty-year-old father-in-law who needs my care. My husband has several dislocated vertebrae and has problems taking care of himself. My son is working out of town and my family needs my care. But I'm forced to drift from one place to another and cannot return home."
The Authorities Arrest Two Sisters; their Mother Dies of a Heart Attack Brought on From Worry and Grief
2004-05-26In January of 2004, police officers in Handan City, Hebei Province arrested Ms. Tang Hui, a Falun Dafa practitioner from Handan. Upon witnessing both of her daughters being dragged into the police vehicles, Li Lunhui was extremely worried and very upset. Soon Li and her husband went together to the office of An Zhenzhi, the person responsible for arresting her daughters. The couple insisted that they be permitted to visit their daughters, but were refused. Having learned that her daughters were being tortured while in custody, Ms. Li became extremely upset. She suffered a sudden, massive heart attack, and died at 6:30 a.m., March 30, 2004. In such a short period of time, a happy family was torn apart by tragedy as a result of the persecution.
Jiang's Regime Abuses Psychiatric Treatment: Most Mental Hospitals in China are Involved in Persecuting Falun Gong
2004-05-25The World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (WOIPFG) and China Mental Health Watch, two international human rights organizations, have thoroughly investigated the reports of psychiatric abuse of Falun Gong practitioners by the Chinese authorities. The results of the investigation reveal an appalling aspect of the persecution. Cases of psychiatric abuse of Falun Gong practitioners were spread throughout 23 provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities in China; At present over one thousand mentally sound Falun Gong practitioners are locked in mental hospitals and drug rehabilitation centres, many of them receiving forced injections or drugs that damage the central nervous system.
My Harrowing Experience of Being Injected with a Harmful Drug by China's National Security Personnel
2004-05-25"After I was arrested for practising Falun Gong, I went on a hunger strike for one month to protest the illegal persecution, and later I was sent to a forced labour camp. However, the labour camp refused to accept me due to my poor physical condition as a result of the hunger strikes. Failing to put me into a forced labour camp, the national security department sent me to a hospital. In the hospital, they gave me an injection of some unknown drug. About twenty minutes later, my bones started aching. Meanwhile, I felt depressed and wanted to shout, but no sound came from my throat. I was in sheer agony, feeling as if I was being stabbed by needles and burned by fire all over my body."
Outrageous Persecution Perpetrated at the Hebei Provincial No. 4 Prison
2004-05-25Hebei Provincial No. 4 Prison uses a cruel method of torturing imprisoned Falun Dafa practitioners called "Taming the Eagle." This is considered an "outstanding torture" and was first used at the Baoding and Taihang Prisons to persecute Falun Gong practitioners. It was later popularized by the Hebei Provincial "610 Office.". In this torture, three to four criminals and several police guards make up what is called a "transformation" team. The team works in three shifts so that Falun Gong practitioners can be beaten 24 hours a day.
Pictures of Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Zhu Xia from Sichuan Province Before and After Torture (Photos)
2004-05-25Under the repeated torture of more than one and a half years of illegal forced labour and ten months in brainwashing centres, 32-year-old Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Zhu Xia from Chengdu City, Sichuan Province was severely devastated mentally and physically. She was also subjected to sleep deprivation for long periods of time. As a result, she suffered a mental breakdown.
Dafa Practitioner Mr. Han Zhenju from Hebei Province Tortured to Death at Tangshan City Labour Camp
2004-05-24Dafa practitioner Mr. Han Zhenju from Hebei Province was arrested in March 2003 and sent to a Labour Camp in Tangshan City. He was tortured to the brink of death. He was returned to the Kaiping Labour Camp, where he was tortured to death on May 15, 2004. Han Zhenju's family saw large areas of black and purple marks on the back of his body, and the details call for further investigation.
Personal Account of Persecution in Shanghai
2004-05-24"In August of 2001, because of printing Dafa banners, I was arrested by the police and brought to the Yangpu Detention Centre. In order to isolate Dafa practitioners from each other, each prison cell only holds one practitioner while the rest of the inmates are criminals who have committed various crimes. Each cell measures less than 16 square meters [approximately 160 square feet]; excluding the pit-type lavatory, the area for sitting and sleeping is very small. With more than twenty inmates detained in a cell, fights broke out every day; very often we would be awakened in the middle of the night by the noise of fighting and shouting due to someone's loud snoring or arguments from inmates trying to get more sleeping space."
Eventual Death of Dafa Practitioner Ms Bai Xiushuang a Result of Persecution in Jilin Province
2004-05-24Forty three year old Dafa practitioner Ms. Bai Xiushuang was a resident of a village near Jiutai City, Jilin Province. Ms. Bai Xiushuang went to Beijing after the persecution began on July 20, 1999 to appeal for Falun Gong. She was unjustly detained and then sent to Jiutai City's compulsory brainwashing class for one month. After her release the police frequently harassed her. Thus Bai Xiushuang made the choice to leave home to avoid being persecuted. Consequently, she suffered much physical and mental torment. Finally at the end of 2003, her previous illnesses, which had disappeared after she began practising Falun Gong, recurred, leading to her eventual death.
Illegal Extortion in the No. 1 Female Forced Labour Camp of Shandong Province
2004-05-24The No. 1 Female Forced Labour Camp of Shandong Province not only mentally and physically tortures Falun Gong practitioners, but also uses many means to extort money from them. The following are some cases of the forced labour camp extorting Falun Gong practitioners' money. To "help and educate" (brainwash) one practitioner, he/she is charged 3,000 Yuan. This is not forced labour, but one who is "helped and educated" has no personal freedom. Usually, these brainwashing sessions last from twenty days to three months.
The Masanjia Labour Camp, under Bo Xilai's Rule, Persecutes Young Women to the Point of Mental Collapse and Death
2004-05-23On April 22, while visiting the US, the Chinese Minister of Commerce Bo Xilai, was served a summons from the Washington, DC, District Court for abusing huge amounts of government funds to persecute Falun Gong during his term as Liaoning's Provincial Governor. According to reliable sources, agonizing screams were often heard outside the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp in Liaoning Province. In October 2000, at Masanjia, 18 female Falun Gong practitioners were stripped naked and thrown into the cells of male criminals. The cruel persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in Masanjia has led to at least five deaths, caused seven to suffer mental collapse, and physically disabled many.