Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Dafa Practitioner Mr. Meng Jixiang from Tianjin City Dies from Torture
2004-04-13Mr. Meng Jixiang was a 60-year-old Dafa practitioner from Tianjin City. He used to work for the Tianjin City Party School. Because he was dedicated in practising Dafa, he was sentenced to forced labour education in mid-January 2001. In January 2003, his term was extended by one year without cause. On September 22, 2003, the police at the labour camp informed his family to pick him up. At that time, he was on the verge of death. Four days after he returned home, he passed away.
Zhejiang Province Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Zhou Fengping Is Tortured to Death and Her Mother is Missing
2004-04-13In 2001 Ms. Zhou Fengping from Zhejiang Province, was abducted by the police due to posting Falun Gong flyers, and then sentenced to "reeducation through forced labour." Ms. Zhou was tortured in the forced labour camp until she had a mental breakdown, and was released a year later because the authorities did not want to take responsibility if she died there. After coming home, Ms. Zhou continued to suffer from the effects of the mental breakdown, and then after 6 months at home, she passed away.
Arrest of Dafa Practitioner Ms. Zhang Yulan from Nanjing City Enrages People in the Local Community
2004-04-13Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhang Yulan, the local community director in Nanjing City of Jiangsu Province, was arrested at the end of 2000. People went to the local police station and angrily questioned police. "Why did you arrest Zhang Yulan? For seven years, she has volunteered to wash clothes and bed covers for those old people who didn't have children to take care of them." The police answered, "It's an order from the higher authorities. She practises Falun Gong." Zhang Yulan was sentenced to seven years in jail in August 2002 and is still detained at Nantong City Prison of Jiangsu Province.
Deceived by Jiang's Fabrications, Heilongjiang Province Non-Practitioner Kills His Practitioner Wife
2004-04-1334 year old Heilongjiang Province Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Cao Yanfeng, her 36 year old husband Jiang Li (not a practitioner), and their 11-year-old daughter had a warm family. Soon after she began cultivating Falun Dafa, her ailments disappeared, and her husband supported her doing the practice. After the persecution began Jiang Li was afraid that his family would be targetted. He beat his wife to stop her from practising and would not accept that she wanted to continue the practice. On February 27, 2004, Jiang Li came home drunk and hacked his wife to death with an axe.
In Memory of Fellow Falun Gong Practitioner Ma Yanfang
2004-04-13In April 2000, Ma Yanfang walked to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. At that time she only had ten Yuan in her possession. She just drank river water, ate cold buns and slept on the ground next to the road at night. Being in this very difficult situation, she cut her long hair and sold it for nine Yuan. Overcoming all kinds of tribulations, she walked for seventeen days and arrived in Beijing. After coming back from Beijing, her husband again beat her fiercely.
The Experiences of Murdered Falun Dafa Practitioner Li Xiaoyuan
2004-04-12Li Xiaoyuan came from Liaoning Province. A dedicated practitioner he was thrown into Guanshan Labour Camp. It contains a stone quarry, where police and criminal offenders take turns beating up other inmates routinely. Li Xiaoyuan was beaten so brutally that his body was covered with injuries. On November 9, 2003 the police finally tortured this 46-year old, formerly healthy and kind man, to death. According to witnesses, Li Xiaoyuan's legs and abdomen bore many injuries.
A Former Prisoner Exposes Atrocities Taking Place in Heizuizi Prison
2004-04-12I have just been released from the Heizuizi Female Prison, Chuangchuan City, Jilin Province, where I, as a criminal, was imprisoned with Falun Dafa practitioners for the past four years. I was influenced by the practitioners, and recently started to practise Falun Gong. I will now expose the atrocities I witnessed.
Accounts Regarding the Persecution Suffered by Falun Gong Practitioners from the Jilin Province Honggang Oil Extraction Factory
2004-04-12Falun Gong practitioners of the Jilin Province Honggang Oil Extraction Factory are hard working, responsible employees. They are sincere, kind and honest. However, certain officers who follow Jiang Zemin's orders persecute them and prevent them from leading normal lives at work and at home. Many have been harassed by the police, sent to forced labour camps and brainwashed in order to force them to give up Falun Gong.
Xuanhua National Security Division and Xuanhua Detention Centre Collaborate in Persecuting Falun Dafa Practitioners
2004-04-12Since July 1999, when Jiang's regime began the suppression of Falun Gong, about 100 Falun Gong practitioners have been arrested and and sent to Xuanhua Detention Centre in Hebei Province. Among them, dozens have been sentenced to forced labour camps and several to prison terms. After one large-scale arrest in May 2001, twenty-two Falun Gong practitioners were sentenced to either forced labour or prison. At least three practitioners have been tortured to death during detention in the forced labour camp or the detention centre.
Young Military Officer Yao Yaoyuan Is Tortured to Death
2004-04-11Mr. Yao Yaoyuan graduated from the PLA (People's Liberation Army) Science and Technology University, and was assigned a job in the Wuhan City Army Equipment College. Because he kept practising Falun Dafa, Mr. Yao was dismissed from the Party, dismissed from the army (after serving one year as Vice Battalion Commander), and fired from his job. He was sent to a labour camp and after suffering severe torture died on June 6 2003.
Torture Cases of Dafa Practitioners by Police Officers and Criminal Inmates in Daqing City
2004-04-11The Daqing Prison began detaining Falun Dafa practitioners in 2000. In order to gain political benefits, the prison authorities used various methods to torture detained Dafa practitioners in an effort to make them renounce Falun Dafa. Their methods included coercing common criminal inmates to physically torture practitioners, depriving practitioners of sleep for extended periods, depriving them of going outdoors, of having family visits, and even of talking.
Shanghai City "Law Education School:" An Isolated Prison Used to Torture and Brainwash Falun Gong Practitioners
2004-04-11Although Shanghai City Law Education School is called "law education," all the means and tactics used there are unconstitutional and shameful. In actuality, it is a place used specifically to brainwash Falun Gong practitioners. Dong Naiqian, a Shanghai "610 Office" is a leading person stationed in the brainwashing centre. He clamoured, "I am just evil. I am living very well. You can do nothing to me."
The Evil Influence of Weng Shanyao, Deputy Director of the Shanghai Forced Labour Bureau
2004-04-11Weng Shanyao, the deputy director of the Shanghai "Reeducation Through Forced" Labour Bureau, is the official most actively involved in persecuting Falun Gong. In the past few years, he went to forced labour camps frequently to manage, plan, and deploy the systematic persecution of Falun Gong practitioners, in accordance with the order from Jiang to eradicate Falun Gong. When he spoke to the practitioners detained there, he said, "It is good for you if the policemen are treating you very strictly. Even if they beat you, that is still good for you."
More Facts about the Death of Lawyer Li Jian Due to Beatings and Excessive Slave Labour
2004-04-10Mr. Li Jian was a lawyer from Henan Province. Because he refused to give up Falun Gong, the No. 3 Forced Labour Camp of Henan Province tortured him repeatedly. After a long hard day of slave labour and beatings, worn out, Li Jian said on the way back to another practitioner, " I really cannot stand this anymore. They want to torture me to death." He died on April 26, 2002.
Mother Ruthlessly Persecuted, Child Suffers Mental Breakdown
2004-04-10In 2000, Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Jin Minghua from Yanji City was abducted by the local police for practising Falun Gong exercises at a park. Her fourth-grade daughter, Cui Xuemei, was left at home alone with no one to depend on. During those dark days, little Xiaomei hid in a corner of her room and trembled. No one knows how many tears she shed as she cried out for her mum. Every night she was tormented by loneliness, terror and hunger. Under such extreme devastation of spirit, Xiaomei suffered a mental breakdown.