Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
60 Year Old Ms. Liu Xiaoying and Her Family Forced Into Homelessness
2004-04-10In April 2002, 60-year old Dafa practitioner Liu Xiaoying was forced to leave her home to avoid persecution. The authorities stopped her pension, declared their intention to take back her apartment. Then they harassed Liu's daughter, who also lived in the apartment, did not have any income of her own, had a small child and relied on her mother's pension. Her daughter pleaded with the Party Secretary to be allowed to keep the apartment. He refused.
Academy of Science Graduate Student Hong Wei Is Secretly Sentenced to Ten Years in Prison
2004-04-10In the summer of 2003, Mr. Hong Wei, a graduate of Beijing University and a graduate student at the Chinese Academy of Sciences' Microbiology Institute, was secretly sentenced to ten years in prison for allegedly "disturbing the public order." He is currently jailed in a Chongqing City prison. The authorities manipulated Mr. Hong's relationship with his long widowed father, by twice making his father travel to Beijing in order to pressure him to renounce Falun Gong. This caused the elder Mr. Hong to become ill from worry and stress.
Shandong Forced Labour Camp Reaps Huge Profits by Enslaving Falun Gong Practitioners
2004-04-09In order to profit from slave labour, the Shandong No. 1 Women's Forced Labour Camp has partnered with several factories in preparing items for export, including bedspreads, plastic cement bags and fashion logo labels sewn onto final products. Falun Gong practitioners have been enslaved in a terrible foul-smelling, very noisy work environment and suffer both physically and mentally.
Police in the First Female Labour Camp in Shandong Province Overwork and Torture Falun Gong Practitioners
2004-04-09Shandong Province's First Female Labour Camp detains over 200 practitioners at present and the police force practitioners to work more than 10 hours of hard labour each day while monitoring them in shifts. Regardless of their age, all practitioners are forced to work at the loading docks. Two trucks containing bags of raw materials and finished goods which weigh more than 50 pounds each are loaded and unloaded within minutes, exhausting all practitioners. There are no breaks at the shop, and for a day to end at 10:30 p.m. would be considered early.
The Story Behind Making China's "Sanitary" Chopsticks -- Exposing Slave Labour Practices Inside Chinese Labour Camps (Part Three)
2004-04-09Methods of persecuting Falun Gong practitioners not only include cruel torture but also forcing high intensity labour in Changchun Heizuizi Female Forced Labour Camp in Jilin Province. Overworking practitioners is a method used by the officials of the Camp to break down Falun Dafa practitioners physically and mentally. For example: each person processing the masks is required to finish 500 pieces per day when it is only possible to do about 300. It is impossible to finish. Any practitioner who doesn't finish the unreasonable quota, is punished and beaten. So, the curses and the threats happen every day.
The Misfortunes of My Good Family
2004-04-09My family was previously very happy. But then the claws of the persecution against Falun Gong practitioners reached my family and would let go. My father previously was diagnosed with a cerebral hemorrhage and blood vessel abnormality, and he died when I was in grade four. He left my mother and me alone, and my mother was very sad.
Yoko Kaneko's Submission to the UN
2004-04-08"In the Police Hospital, the police tried to force me to give up my belief. They handcuffed me to a bed. The handcuffs were so tight that my wrists bled. They not only inserted a tube through my nose into my stomach for force-feeding but also used a catheter so that I would not go to the toilet. At that time, I was menstruating. They put me on a plastic sheet with my lower body naked and exposed. When I was finally released from the bed, the skin on my entire back was in a state of putrefaction."
As the UN Human Rights Commission Meets in Geneva, Ms. Wang Guofang Dies from Torture in China's Daqing City
2004-04-08Ms. Wang Guofang, a 42 year old Falun Dafa practitioner from Heilongjiang Province, was arrested and sent to Qiqihar Forced Labour Camp. On March 15, 2004, her family received a phone call from the labour camp. They were told that Wang Guofang was being released and were instructed to come to the labour camp. When the family arrived, Wang Guofang was dead. She was persecuted to death as the United Nations Human Rights Commission was meeting in Geneva, Switzerland.
Daqing City Outstanding Teacher Ms. Gao Shuqin Falls to Her Death as a Result of Police Harassment (Photo)
2004-04-08Dafa practitioner Ms. Gao Shuqin, 51 years old, was a middle school teacher in Daqing City. She was named an Outstanding Teacher of Daqing City. At midnight, police officers went to Gao Shuqin's house and locked the door from the outside. At noon on March 27, Gao Shuqin made several calls for help but received no response. With no choice left, she tied a bed sheet to a window and tried to climb down. Unfortunately, the sheet tore in half when she was in midair, and she fell to her death.
How Mr. Xun Ruilin Was Persecuted Before Death
2004-04-08Hebei Province Dafa practitioner Mr. Xun Ruilin was arrested along with many other practitioners when they were exchanging cultivation experiences. The chief of the police department, Li Zhide, ordered four or five policemen to beat Xun Ruilin, which they did until his white shirt turned red. He immediately went on hunger strike to protest his illegal and brutal treatment, whereupon the police force-fed him as a form of torture. He died on September 8 2002. The police took his corpse to the county hospital and staged a scene, for the benefit of his family members, making it appear as if doctors had attempted to rescue him from the brink of death.
Female Practitioner Dies When Cancer Recurs after Being Detained and Denied the Right to Practise Falun Gong
2004-04-08Ms. Yan Suyun, in her 40's, was a Falun Gong practitioner who lived in Zhejiang Province. The doctors at the major hospitals had previously diagnosed her with cancer and determined that there was no cure. After that she began practising Falun Gong, and soon her cancer began to go into remission and she recovered completely. Later she was arrested and detained at a detention centre. Police there strictly prohibited her from practising Falun Gong and eventually her cancer symptoms returned and due to police negligence she died form cancer.
Long-Term Persecution Leads to Death of Mr. Li Chuanwen from Meihekou City
2004-04-07Mr. Li Chuanwen was 54 years old and from Jilin Province. He was arrested and detained six times from October 1999 until his death on March 10th 2004. During this whole period he suffered excruciating torture which eventually lead to his death. According to the man on duty in the mortuary, on the day of Li's death, the police patrolled outside until midnight. The next morning, seven people from the police department, the political and legal committee and the "610 Office" came and picked up Li's corpse. It is not known where they took his body.
Hubei Province Falun Dafa Practitioner Mr. Chen Rongyao Was Tortured to Death in May 2002 (Photo)
2004-04-07Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Chen Rongyao from Wuhan City, Hubei Province was arrested by police from the Qiaokou Station on January 6, 2002. Police ransacked his home on the same day and confiscated They took away two stereos, one bike, and 13,000 yuan in cash, which was Chen's daughter's savings. He was sent to the Etouwan No.1 Detention Centre, where he was tortured severely. He died in the hospital on May 15, 2002.
Daqing City Police Responsible for Death of Dafa Practitioner Ms. Wang Guofang
2004-04-07Dafa practitioner Ms. Wang Guofang was 42-year-old. She lived in Daqing City. In 2002, she was arrested and was sent to Shuanghe Labour Camp in Qiqihar City. The labour camp authorities told Wang Guofang's family that she died from heart disease. However, sources reveal that lately the authorities of Shuanghe Labour Camp have been brutally torturing determined Dafa practitioners in order to reach the quota for "reformed" Falun Gong practitioners. In mid March 2004, she was tortured to death in the custody of Daqing City police.
Hebei Province College Student Liu Ling Unjustly Suspended from College for Persisting in Her Belief
2004-04-07Ms. Liu Ling is a student in the Chemistry Department of Hebei's Handan Normal Junior College. Ms. Liu Ling is a student in the Chemistry Department of Hebei's Handan Normal Junior College. Because she practises Falun Gong, officers from her local police station arrested her in 2001. Ms. Liu was detained for more than five months, during which time the college attempted to force her to give up her belief. Liu Ling's suspension from school has now lasted more than three years.