Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Ms. Ma Zhichai Dies in Police Custody under Suspicious Circumstances
2012-08-17Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Ma Zhichai, 42, died in police custody on August 1st, 2012. Her body is being held at the Jiyuan City Funeral Home, but her family have not been allowed to view the body. Funeral home personnel have said that it is not allowed to see her body without the permission from the director of the police department. Ms. Ma had been in the intensive care unit after her health deteriorated in detention, but she was beginning to recover. Her sudden death, and the police department's refusal to allow the family to view the body have raised serious concerns about the cause of Ms. Ma's death.
70-Year-Old Man from Rongcheng City, Shandoing Province Defends Himself in Court - Judge Left Speechless
2012-08-17Mr. Ning Shijiang, a 70-year-old Falun Gong practitioner, was arrested and has been detained for more than five months. The Rongcheng City Court authorities were instigated by Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials to hold a hearing on July 25th without notifying Mr. Ning's family or allowing anyone to attend the hearing. The courthouse was filled with criminal police from the entire county, and plainclothes police were everywhere in the plaza where the city government is located. This was to ensure no one tried to interfere with the hearing.
Sixty-Nine-Year-Old Practitioner Ms. Zhang Guilian from Dalian City Dies One Month After Arrest
2012-08-17Sixty-nine-year-old Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhang Guilian was taking a shower at home on July 6th, 2012 when the police broke in. They arrested her and took her to a detention centre. Ms. Zhang Guilian was detained for 17 days before she developed symptoms of a stroke. Her life was in danger. To avoid responsibility for her possible death, the detention centre officers sent her home. Ms. Zhang passed away on August 5th, only 29 days after she was arrested.
Details Regarding the Persecution and Death of 66-Year-Old Mr. Zhao Shenxing from Wu'an
2012-08-17Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Zhao Shenxing was sent to a forced labour camp three times. Guards shocked Mr. Zhao with electric batons and beat him with rubber batons for a very long time. They tortured him without restraint. Mr. Zhao suffered a mental breakdown as a result of torture at the Handan City Forced Labour Camp. He passed away on November 20th, 2011, at the age of 66.
Ms. Wu Lijun's Personal Account of being Injected with Psychotropic Drugs in Heilongjiang Women's Prison
2012-08-17Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Wu Lijun was sentenced to nine years in prison in early January 2002. She was tied up and taken to Heilongjiang Women's Prison, where, because she had scabies, she was isolated in a small cell. In the small cells, the prison guards injected practitioners with psychotropic drugs, causing them great physical discomfort. To keep others in the prison from hearing the practitioners' screams, the guards turned on the loud speaker.
Falun Gong Practitioners Tortured in the Second Division of Inner Mongolia Women's Forced Labour Camp
2012-08-17Practitioner Ms. Wang Jiangbin refused to be “transformed” [forcibly renounce Falun Gong] in Inner Mongolia Women's Forced Labour Camp, thus in mid-January in 2012 the guards instigated inmate Duan Lihui to monitor her. When Ms. Wang did not obey, Duan Lihui brutally beat her, scolded her, and slapped her face. Once, Duan grabbed Ms. Wang's neck and did not let go until she was almost choked to death. Another time, Duan took Ms. Wang to the toilet and poured ice-cold water over her, drenching her from her head to her toes. In the past several months, Ms. Wang has been beaten and scolded by Duan and has been suffering greatly mentally.
Seventy-year-old Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Fan Guotian Arrested and Brutally Beaten
2012-08-17On July 24th, Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Fan Guotian, in her seventies rode her bike to the Baibu village market to distribute materials introducing Falun Gong and exposing the 13-year persecution of the practice. She was stopped by Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials and the police arrested her. While Ms. Fan resisted, the two policemen, with Zhao and Rang, pushed, pulled, and forced her into the police vehicle. They pulled her so roughly that Ms. Fan's right leg was injured. At this writing, her right leg is still in pain and she cannot walk properly. At the police station police interrogated her as to where her materials came from. Ms. Fan refused to tell them. The policeman slapped Ms. Fan on the face and brutally beat her.
Cadres and Workers in Ganzhou, Jiangxi Province Forced to Sign Guarantees Not to Support Falun Gong
2012-08-17Mr. Zhong Dingbang, a manager of a technology company in Xinzhu, Taiwan, flew to Nankang, Ganzhou in Jiangxi Province to visit his two half brothers on June 15th, 2012. He was planning to return to Taiwan on the evening of June 18th, but was arrested by officials at Ganzhou Airport. He was told that he was to "assist with investigating Falun Gong" and was then told to tell his family in Taiwan that he would be released after one day. Mr. Zhong's family still has no information on his whereabouts. Shortly after this news was reported, Chinese Communist Party officials forced local cadres and workers in Ganzhou to sign a guarantee that they and their family members would not pass on information about or support Falun Gong in any way.
Mr. Deng Jiangang Dies from Abuse in Wumaping Prison
2012-08-14Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Deng Jiangang, from Pengshan County, Meishan City, Sichuan Province, was sentenced in 2008 to five years in prison. He was abused in the Wumaping Prison and was in critical condition. He was recently released. He died on July 18th in excruciating pain only one month after his release. He suffered many symptoms, including symptoms of being poisoned.
Ms. Wang Guanrong Tortured to Death in 2009 in Shuangyashan City, Heilongjiang Province
2012-08-14Ms. Wang Guanrong was from Shuangyashan City in Heilongjiang Province. The communist regime sentenced her to 12 years of imprisonment in September 2003 and held her in a detention centre. Officials tortured her for more than 50 hours, including depriving her of food and water, having her maintain the “flying an airplane” position, cuffing her hands behind her back, stomping on her feet, kicking her in the knees, etc. Ms. Wang died at a local hospital in April 2009. She was 53 years old.
Elderly Ms. Zhang Xiuzhi Dies As a Result of Physical Abuse and Torture Suffered in Heilongjiang Province Women's Prison
2012-08-14Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhang Xiuzhi, 68, was sentenced to imprisonment and held in the Heilongjiang Province Women's Prison for nearly five years. Physical abuse and torture caused her to be unable to take care of herself. After she was released, she could no longer eat and food had to be instilled into her stomach through a syringe to sustain her life. After Ms. Zhang returned home from prison, her family saw that she had suffered a mental collapse. She cried and laughed uncontrollably. Her facial expressions were abnormal. Her family suspected that she had been injected with or forced to take toxic drugs in prison. She passed away in the spring of 2012.
Wang Yaowen, a Former Middle School Teacher in Shanxi Province, Arrested Again
2012-08-14On July 10th, 2012, Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Wang Yaowen went to distribute Falun Gong informational brochures in Jiang Village. He was reported to the village police department by someone who did not know the facts about Falun Gong. Police from the domestic security team arrested him and he was taken to Xinzhou Detention Centre.
Married for Eleven Years, but Together Only 13 Months because of Persecution
2012-08-14Mr. Li Zheng and Ms. Wu Chunxia, are Falun Gong practitioners from Huangshi City of Hubei Province. The communist regime officials detained them numerous times because they remained steadfast in practising their belief. Although the couple has been married for over 11 years, they have only been able to be together less than 13 months. Yuanyuan was six years old when she finally met her father, Mr. Li.
Police from the Shenbei New District in Shenyang City Continue to Arrest Many Falun Gong Practitioners
2012-08-14On the evening of June 7th, 2012, Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials and police arrested eight Falun Gong practitioners at their homes. Right now, there are still six practitioners being detained. Mr. Wang Huadi was taken to the Domestic Security Department in Xinchengzi District. While in detention, police officers turned on the air conditioning in the room, poured cold water onto his body, and then shocked him with electric batons. They didn't stop until the batons ran out of power.
Mr. Hua Lianyou's Hunger Strike to Protest Detention Has Lasted over 30 Days
2012-08-14Mr. Hua Lianyou and his wife, Ms. Tian Zongli, both Falun Gong practitioners in Tianjin, were arrested by police and their home was ransacked. When Mr. Hua's attorney went to the Beichen police station to apply to see his client, he was told that Hua Lianyou was in the Ciji Hospital owned by the 1st Detention Centre. When the lawyer saw him that afternoon, he discovered that Mr. Hua had started a hunger strike on May 23rd, over a month before.