Exposing the Persecution

Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting

  • Horrific Wounds Inflicted on Dafa Practitioner Ms. Dong Mei in Longshan Labour Camp

    Her anklebone was exposed to the air - no skin or flesh covered it any longer, which was a horrific sight! Her feet were wrapped with cloth. She told me that was because guards had directed a collaborator [former practitioner who has given up Dafa cultivation under pressure] to drag her back and forth over the cement floor when she refused to give up her belief in Dafa.
  • Institutionalized Corruption in Hebei Province: Bazhou City Policemen Accumulate Illicit Money in the Persecution Against Falun Gong

    Once the corrupt police received a fine of 5,000 Yuan from a Falun Gong practitioner surnamed Chen of Chengguan Town and others, they straight away split up the money in the Political and Security Section office. After they split up the money, one of the police argued, just like a common thief,:"How come you have so much money, but only give me so little?" One of the leaders replied:"You only have that much! How many days have been here! If you want it, just take it, otherwise you have nothing. Don't you know the Party has no say in this matter..." They nearly started a brawl over an uneven share of the illicit money. This is what Falun Gong practitioners witnessed.
  • Wafangdian City Prison Prison Guards Cruelly Beat And Injure Many Dafa Practitioners

    The Wafangdian City Prison in Liaoning Province recently established a brigade especially designed to control and persecute all Falun Gong practitioners detained there. Guards from this unit gathered about thirty practitioners together and designated eighteen special guards to monitor them. The first thing these special prison guards did was to shave practitioners' heads bald to try and dehumanise them.
  • Where did "Repentance Statements" and "Fingerprints" Come from?

    This is how Jiang Zemin's Regime came up with many of these "Repentance Statements" and "Fingerprints." They forced practitioners to sign their names on those "Repentance Statements" against their will. Most of those statements are fabricated by the police to meet quotas set by the Jiang Regime and avoid being implicated themselves..
  • Gruesome Scenes at the Baoding Forced Labour Camp: Piercing Flesh with Barbed Needles

    On April 3, 2003, Group One of the Baoding Labour Camp organized a group reading of a newspaper article called "People's Dignity." Practitioner Li Jianguo then said, "Where is there dignity for Falun Dafa practitioners?" When inmate Cao Xiaoping heard this he reported him to the police, and practitioner Li Jianguo was hung by his wrists for eight days.
  • Trauma Suffered by Female Dafa Practitioner in Ziyang City Mental Hospital

    On January 19, 2001, my employers and the evil police of Chengdong Police Precinct continued to persecute me. When they could not find anything at my home and at my work place, they framed me. They put some Dafa truth-clarifying materials behind the document cabinet in the office, and with that as an excuse, they illegally sentenced me to forced labour for one and a half years without a trial. They also expelled me from the company.
  • Dafa Practitioner Ms Deng Chunyan Paralyzed by Torture at the Hands of Shuangyashan City "610 Office"

    After four days of surgery, Deng's condition stabilized, but she still couldn't move her limbs. After 46 days of treatment in the hospital and over 10,000 Yuan [Chinese currency, the monthly salary for an average Chinese urban worker is about 500 Yuan] spent, Deng was not improving. The hospital refused to give her further treatment as she owed six days of hospital bed fee. But the local "610 Office" and the detention centre refused to transfer her to another hospital.
  • Bandit Linghai City Police Terrorise and Cripple Dafa Practitioner Mr. Li Lingjun

    The Linghai City Police Department has a notorious reputation for acting like bandits, because they often deceive and oppress their countrymen. Over the past four years, they have made relentless efforts to persecute Dafa practitioners: ransacking their homes, brutal beatings, huge fines (often in the amount of 20,000 Yuan - yet this is a poor area where it would take most families a whole lifetime to save 20-30,000 Yuan. They would have to serve a forced labour term if they failed to come up with the money.)
  • Minxi Prison Uses Method Known as "All Day, All Directions, and Fully Enclosed" to Torture Dafa Practitioners

    They used handcuffs and thumbcuffs to tie Jiang Sheng onto the metal bars of the window. Jiang Sheng's toes were barely touching the floor. He was taken down only for feeding or going to the toilet. Jiang Sheng's feet were swollen so much that he could not put on his shoes. Evil Deng, the political instructor, still claimed, "If you dare to practise again, I will torture you to death. After that, I will find some prisoners to say that you died from practising these exercises!"
  • "My Son was Tortured to Death by Luo Ming and Li Wei, He Didn't Die from Jumping out of the Moving Train;" Additional Evidence that Sun Junxian was Murdered

    Afterwards, Sun's father repeatedly visited the county police department and "610 Office" to inquire into the cause of his son's death and ask for the autopsy report and other information. County Police Chief Wang Guoliang turned down his requests. They eventually gave him a copy of the fabricated autopsy report under pressure from the county government. The family requested compensation for the wrongful death. Wang Guoliang, Liu Xiquan and others said, "Your son broke the law and jumped out of a train. How can we compensate you for it?" Sun's father told Chen Yangke from the "610 Office," "My son was tortured to death by Luo Ming and Li Wei. He did not jump out of the train." Chen Yangke didn't say a word.
  • Outrageously Heavy Sentences for Three Innocent Guilin City Dafa Practitioners

    On October 1, 2001, Dafa practitioners from Guilin City in Guangxi Province: Mr. Huang Tenghui, Mr. Li Jun and Mr. Zheng Yuanhu, were arrested for making Dafa truth clarifying materials and detained in Guilin City's Second Detention Centre. On January 31, 2003, the three were illegally sentenced to outrageous terms of 10, 9 and 8 years of imprisonment, respectively.
  • Four Long Years of Relentless Persecution of Dafa Practitioners in the Changchun Chaoyanggou Forced Labour Camp

    In order to persecute Falun Gong, the Jiang Zemin regime spared no expense or human resources. It allocated four million Yuan [500 Yuan is the average monthly income for an urban worker in China.] to build the new Chaoyanggou Forced Labour Camp. On January 18, 2002, everyone was moved into the new site. At the original location, the number of Falun Gong practitioners in each team ranged from a few to over a dozen. At the new location Falun Gong practitioners from all over the province, who were illegally detained at forced labour camps were transferred to Chaoyanggou Forced Labour Camp.
  • Two Women Dafa Practitioners Suffering Torture in Baimalong Women's Labour Camp

    In May 2002, officers from Chenzhou Police Bureau and Hengyang Railroad Police Station illegally arrested her. She was taken to Hengyang city, where the police used the most inhuman methods to torture her. For instance, they handcuffed her hands and feet to an iron gate for more than six hours, stuffed live earthworms into her mouth, and even put a live eel into her underpants.
  • Sad Death of Practitioner Ms. Jin Lifeng in Huludao City Detention Centre

    Jin's brother and sister-in-law went to the detention centre. In the detention centre Jin's sister-in-law questioned the head: "Why didn't you inform us of her failing health until she was dead?" The head lied: "We were not clear about your address." "But how could you come to arrest her previously?" she questioned again. The warden was unable to answer or think up another lie.
  • The Suffering of A Ten Year Old Practitioner Facing Persecution

    In May 2002, policemen Yu Dehai, Sun Lizhong and Yang Dongsheng from Yinzhou District Police Department, Tieling City, arrested nine-year-old Huang Chunlin. He refused to answer questions when the cops interrogated him. Sun Lizhong picked him up by the throat and threatened, "I won't put you down if you refuse to talk. Don't think I can't deal with you because you are just a kid. You better speak, or I'll jail you here." Yu Dehai told Chunlin, "If you tell us where your mum and aunt are right way, we assure you we won't arrest them. But if you do not tell us we'll beat them if we capture them."