Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Brutality at Suihua Forced Labour Camp: Repeated Beatings and Electric Shock
2003-11-23In March 2003, police officers Fan Xiaodong took turns beating practitioner Zheng Shuzhong. Mr. Zheng almost died from the severe injuries. He remained in bed over 20 days. He would vomit up whatever he ate. During a period of more than three weeks, Mr. Zheng endured unimaginable pain. He maintained the strongest righteous faith and survived the brutal ordeal. Even when Zheng was near death, however, the police did not slow their terrible campaign.
Ms. Wang Li, Awarded as one of "The Ten Most Outstanding Youths in Wuhan City," Is Again Illegally Sent to a Forced Labour Camp
2003-11-23After she was brought back to Wuhan, the police sentenced her to two years of forced labour using some ambiguous charges. During that time, she was transferred around to many different places, such as the detention centre, the brainwashing class, and the labour camp. She experienced many types of torture such as brutal beatings, long-term sleep deprivation, being hung up in the air by her wrists with her feet off the floor for a long time, being forced to do physical labour after her hunger strikes, being tied onto the "dead person's bed"[1] for a long time, force-feeding, and other forms of torture.
Death of Dafa Practitioner Mr. Zhang Xiaodong in Gansu Province Due to Torture
2003-11-22He was illegally arrested and detained at the No. 1 Detention Centre in Lanzhou City for over two years, merely for clarifying the truth about Dafa. Not only that, but the enforcers had also unlawfully sentenced him to seven years in prison. During over two years of detention, he was brutally tortured and was close to death and was later sent to a clinic. He passed away on October 24th, 2003 at Kangtai Hospital.
Liu Chengjun's Life is In Danger--Police Will Not Allow Him Medical Parole
2003-11-22He remained unconscious for an entire day following an inability to eat or drink for the past twenty-five days. He is a patient at Central Hospital, located within the Jilin Provincial Forced Labour Camp, where for many days he has been officially classified as "life at risk." Jilin City Prison has agreed to temporarily release him for medical treatment, but as he is a registered resident of Nong-an County, that would put him under the jurisdiction of the Nong-an County Police System, and they have refused to accept him because they are afraid to accept responsibility for his life. Consequently, the prison voided his medical parole forms, and Liu Chengjun has not been allowed to go home.
Falun Dafa Practitioners Hold Hunger Strike to Protest Unlawful Endless Detention in Dehui, Jilin Province
2003-11-22November 1 marks the 20th day the 13 Dafa practitioners have been on a hunger strike in the Dehui Jail. The malicious policemen would not release anyone even when their condition was critical. On one occasion, when a Dafa practitioner's relative went to appeal the situation, one of the Political and Law Committee said, "There will be someone responsible if anyone dies." When the relative asked about the reason for past-due detention, Wang Jishen, the supervisor of the court, replied, "Because of insufficient evidence, we need to start the investigation over."
An Account of How Police in Qian'an City, Hebei Province Brutally Killed A Young Female Falun Dafa Practitioner
2003-11-21Around 10 p.m. on November 26, 2000, police from the Qian'an City Detention Centre brought in 14 Falun Dafa practitioners. They came from all over the country, and were arrested because they went to Tiananmen Square to appeal for Falun Gong in Beijing. The police lied to them by saying that if they told their names and addresses they would be released. These Falun Dafa practitioners refused to cooperate with the unjust demands, and they were all inhumanely tortured.
Tight Information Blockade Hides Dark Secrets of Daily Tortures of Dafa Practitioners at Dabei Prison
2003-11-21After the "life and death" tortures, Dafa practitioners go through a torment called "hell's gate." The guards try to force Dafa practitioners to curse the Teacher and compel them to abandon Dafa. For those who refuse to do so, several police officers will forcefully hold and guide the practitioner's hand to sign a document denouncing Dafa. If someone still refuses, they tie the practitioner with rope and glue sticky notes with swear words against Teacher all over his body, and keep him awake for 24 hours. Several people would point their fingers at the practitioner and verbally attack Teacher.
Police in Mengzhuo City Force Practitioner Ms. Geng Juying to Have an Abortion
2003-11-21Ms. Geng Juying, 32 years old, went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Dafa in October 1999. She was brought back by Mengzhuo City police and then sent to the Mengzhuo City Detention Centre. She was pregnant at that time. The police forced her to have an abortion, and then illegally sent her to Henan Province Female Labour Camp in Shibalihe of Zhengzhuo City. Her mother and sister were also sent to the labour camp at the same time. Her father was sent Henan Province No. 3 Labour Camp in Xuchang City.
Female Prison Tries to Force Practitioners to Sign "Guarantee Letters" by Hanging Them Up and Breaking Their Fingers
2003-11-21At the time the temperature outside was about -30o C (-22o F), and the police did not let her wear a winter coat or pants. They placed her near the biggest drafts, where it was coldest. While cursing, the police hurled snow at the practitioners and then complained about the cold, even though the policemen were wearing heavy woolen outfits. They tortured Chu Li by forcing her to sit on the "Tiger Bench." The police said to the practitioners, "Our treatment of Falun Gong is justified by internal documents, so being beaten to death will be counted as suicide. After somebody dies, we'll throw their body at the base of the mountain to feed wild animals, and nobody will ever know."
Lanzhou Falun Gong Practitioners' Lives Are In Danger Due to Persecution
2003-11-21Less than one month later, on September 28, policemen and other agents from her work unit drove to Shuiquan Village, Jingyuan County, which is 200 kilometres away from Lanzhou, claiming that they would take her to Lanzhou Hospital for therapy. Several of these people carried the extremely weak Han Zhongcui to the vehicle, without even giving her time to put on a coat and socks. The local countrymen saw this scene and all condemned such malicious behaviour. Ms. Han was sent back to the Gongjiawan Brainwashing Class. When Ms. Han's family members went to Lanzhou to visit her, the Gongjiawan brainwashing class personnel refused to let them see her.
One Year of Savage Torture in Labour Camps Results in Death of Practitioner Mr. Tian Junlong
2003-11-20In attempts to escape responsibility for his impending death, the labour camp authorities sent him home on September 1, 2003. At that time he could neither speak nor walk, and he shed tears in front of his family as he lay in bed. He passed away on September 21, 2003. After he died, his father who was in a critical condition was so grief stricken that his health declined drastically and he passed away on October 2, 2003.
Eighth Practitioner Known To Have Died as a Result of Torture at Jilin Province Yinmahe Labour Camp
2003-11-20On November 2, the Yinmahe Labour Camp officials notified Li Yutong's family to pick him up in order to abnegate their responsibility. When they arrived, Li's family became aware that he could no longer recognise people and his mouth was bruised from force-feeding. His family sent him to a hospital for emergency treatment. The doctor diagnosed kidney failure, and five days' emergency treatment failed to revive him. Li Yutong passed away at 1:30 p.m. on November 6, and his body was cremated on November 7, 2003.
Three Practitioners Abducted By Police in Shenzhen City
2003-11-20Li Wei, a Falun Dafa practitioner, worked for the Police Station of Shenzhen Airport and was once awarded as one of the "Ten Top Police Officers of the City." He had just been released after being jailed for over a year for not giving up Falun Dafa. On July 30, he was again abducted by the airport police station. His whereabouts is currently unknown.
Dafa Practitioner Ms Fu Yingxia in a Life-Threatening Condition after a Nearly One-Month-Long Hunger Strike
2003-11-19While in detention, she went on a hunger strike to protest the illegal persecution and tried to clarify the truth to her persecutors, displaying Dafa practitioners' great benevolence and forbearance. The "610 Office" staff used various means to brutally torture her, including forcing her to sit on the "Tiger Bench,"piercing her hands with bamboo sticks, hitting her and beating her feet with a club. The extent of the persecution against her was so severe that even one policeman commented, "They are so heartless. This torture is too horrible to witness."
The 110 Emergency Hotline Is Used as a Tool to Persecute Falun Gong
2003-11-19After the police abducted one Dafa practitioner, the practitioner witnessed this scene: A 110 staff member's mobile phone rang suddenly and they realised that they were being notified of an emergency to which they would have to respond. The person in charge said, "Turn off the mobile phones and pagers, and do not let them know where we are. Arresting an escaped criminal is not the same as arresting a Falun Gong practitioner. Falun Gong practitioners do not fight back when they are beaten or sworn at, and we can arrest them any time. However, it could be life-threatening to have to arrest an escaped criminal. What if something should happen to us?"