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  • France: CCP Minister of Public Security is Sued in France

    Three Falun Gong practitioners are suing Zhou Yongkang, the CCP regime’s Minister of Public Security and State Council Member of China. The complaint alleges that Zhou Yongkang has the direct responsibility for the crimes of torture against Falun Gong practitioners in China. Falun Gong practitioners’ lawsuit gives a warning to those people who are still persecuting Falun Gong: Stop doing evil, be responsible for your own future.
  • Ireland: Dubliners Demand that the Chinese Communist Party Stop the Persecution of Falun Gong

    On July 20th, practitioners from Ireland held a rally in Dublin to condemn the persecution of Falun Gong by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Many passers by joined the practitioners in callng for an end to this brutal persecution. They watched the re-enactments of torture methods used against practitioners and signed the petition.
  • Germany: Falun Gong Practitioners in Mannheim Rally to Condemn the CCP's Atrocities

    On Saturday July 22nd 2006, Falun Gong practitioners held a rally in Mannheim, Germany. They exposed the CCP’s persecution against Falun Gong practitioners to the passersby. They carried out a reenactment of the CCP’s organ-harvesting from living people and imprisonment of practitioners in a small cage, and held a photo exhibition. They also collected signatures calling for a stop to the CCP’s atrocities.
  • Norway: Car Tour Calls for an End to Organ Harvesting from Living Falun Gong Practitioners

    To stop such a barbaric inhuman slaughter, on July 22, 2006, Falun Gong practitioners in Norway organized a car tour to introduce the grace of Falun Dafa and spread the facts about the persecution to people from Bodo to Oslo. They also called on people to offer assistance to stop the persecution.
  • Sweden: Letter from Chinese Falun Gong Practitioners Concerned about the Future of Compatriots in the Business Affairs Department of the Chinese Embassy

    Practitioners in Sweden are concerned about the future of their fellow countrymen in the Business Affairs Department at the Chinese Embassy. At 5:00 p.m. on the 19th of July, some twenty practitioners came to the Embassy to express their concern by handing in a letter of advice along with leaflets. They also did a group exercise demonstration.
  • Slovakia: Touring the Country to Mark Seven Years of Persecution

    From the 17th to the 22nd of July, Falun Gong practitioners visited several cities in Slovakia to mark seven years of persecution against Falun Gong by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). The practitioners raised awareness about the recent revelations that the CCP is harvesting living Falun Gong practitioners’ organs for profit before cremating their bodies.
  • Bulgaria: Practitioners Mark Seven Years of Persecution in China

    An open-air exhibition and a demonstration of the torture methods used by the Chinese regime upon Falun Gong practitioners were shown on July 22nd in the capital of Bulgaria, Sofia. The event was held to mark seven years of persecution in China by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), which was started on July 20th 1999 by then CCP head Jiang Zemin.
  • Austria: Practitioners Hold a Candlelight Vigil to Protest against the CCP's Persecution of Falun Gong

    On July 20th, 2006, Falun Gong practitioners from Austria held a candlelight vigil opposite the Chinese Consulate in Vienna to protest against the CCP’s brutal persecution of Falun Gong. During the past seven years, Falun Gong practitioners in mainland China and overseas have unceasingly explained the truth about the practice to people all over the world,
  • Denmark: Practitioners Call on Singapore Authorities to Withdraw the Unreasonable Accusations against Falun Gong Practitioners

    On the morning of July 21st 2006, Falun Gong practitioners in Denmark went to the General Consulate of Singapore in Copenhagen and delivered a letter from the Falun Dafa Association of Denmark, requesting the Singapore authorities to withdraw their unreasonable accusation against Falun Gong practitioners, and not to join the persecution of Falun Gong by the CCP.
  • French MP Concerned about the CCP's Crime of Organ Harvesting from Living Falun Gong Practitioners

    "... evidence coherently exposes the extremely severe human rights violations in China. I recently have been informed about an especially appalling thing happening at some detention centres ... it is said that they harvest organs from living persons who are not willing to donate their organs and then cremate their remains. I want to know if the departments of the French government have obtained related information about the situation stated above ..."
  • Greece: Practitioners Expose the CCP’s Organ Harvesting Crimes in Volos

    For a couple of hours the practitioners were busy handing out leaflets and talking to people. Many people were interested in the recent harrowing revelations that the Chinese Communist Party has been harvesting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners in China. During the activity a demonstration of Greek communist supporters passed the square and practitioners got the opportunity to talk to them about the human rights atrocities committed by the CCP.
  • Czech Newspaper Prague Daily Monitor: Falun Gong protests against the CCP’s persecution

    Prague Daily Monitor reported on July 20th that about twenty Falun Gong practitioners from Czechoslovakia and other countries gathered at the Chinese Embassy in Prague to protest against the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) persecution of Falun Gong. The article reported that the CCP began its persecution of Falun Gong on the same day seven years ago. The protest lasted for twenty-four hours. Protesters first read a letter which protested against the CCP’s violation of human rights. Afterwards, they intended to hand the letter in to the Chinese Embassy but did not succeed.
  • Interview with Plaintiff in Falun Gong Practitioners' Successful Libel Suit against Chinese Newspaper and Reporter in Italy

    "The actual outcome was exactly the opposite of what the defendants had expected. Many Chinese people didn't know about it in the first place, but after the publicising done by Europe Overseas Chinese News, many Chinese people learned about it and said to each other, "Falun Gong practitioners have brought them to court. If Falun Gong practitioners were wrong, they wouldn't have the guts to file a lawsuit." So, many Chinese people started thinking about it and started to doubt the CCP propaganda. During the past few years, many Chinese people asked us, "How is the lawsuit coming along?"
  • Sweden: Falun Gong Practitioners Protest in Front of the Chinese Embassy

    On the morning of July 21st, 2006, practitioners from all over Sweden gathered in front of the Swedish Chinese Embassy to carry out a peaceful protest. They strongly condemned the seven-year persecution of Falun Gong practitioners by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the recently exposed crimes of harvesting organs from living practitioners.
  • France: Many People Join Practitioners to Condemn CCP's Organ Harvesting and Protest the Persecution

    On July 15th and 16th 2006, Falun Gong practitioners gathered at Human Rights Square and Montparnasse Station in Paris to publicly expose the persecution of Falun Gong in China. July 20th 2006, marked seven years since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) banned Falun Gong and began its official policy of persecuting practitioners.