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Spanish Government Grants Political Asylum to Two Falun Gong Practitioners
2006-06-18According to a Radio France International (RFI) June 12th report, the Spanish Ministry of Home Affairs granted two Falun Gong practitioners the right of political asylum. Their Chinese passports were expired, but the Chinese Embassy in Spain refused to renew their passports, and asked them to go back to China to renew. Considering that two practitioners risk the danger of being persecuted in China, the Spanish government granted them political asylum.
MEPs Question European Parliament about Chinese Communist Party's Organ Harvesting
2006-06-17One MEP wrote: “Thank you for your letter of 4th June regarding an independent investigation into allegations of organ harvesting from prisoners in China. I share your concerns about reports of this appalling and barbaric practice. As you know the European Parliament has passed several resolutions condemning it and called for improvements in China’s human rights record. I am one of the more active MEPs pressing for change in this area and will be pleased to continue to raise the issue wherever I am able.”
Russia: Exposing the CCP Atrocities in St. Petersburg City Centre
2006-06-17On the afternoon of the 3rd of June, Russian Falun Gong practitioners held an activity at the Baltic Sea Film House to expose the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) atrocities of harvesting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners in secret concentration camps, labour camps and prisons to be sold for profit and cremating the bodies to destroy evidence.
France: Promoting Falun Gong and Exposing the Persecution in Guadeloupe City
2006-06-17On May the 14th, Falun Dafa practitioners held activities in the beautiful forest park in Guadeloupe City to mark World Falun Dafa Day and to spread Falun Gong to the public. An exhibition of paintings along with poems once again exposed the violent persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China, which touched people’s hearts.
United Kingdom: People of Glasgow Call for an End to the Chinese Communist Party's Organ Harvesting
2006-06-16On Sunday the 11th of June, Scottish Falun Gong practitioners set up a stall at the Glasgow West End Festival. The stall featured a petition table for people to sign their names calling for an end to the persecution of Falun Gong and a table where practitioners taught people how to fold paper lotus flowers, which was popular with the children.
Belgium: SOS Car Tour to Stop Organ Harvesting Against Falun Gong Practitioners
2006-06-16Three female Falun Gong practitioners began a car tour to raise awareness about organ harvesting in China and to appeal to local government officials and citizens of the cities in the Southern French speaking region of Belgium, to help end the cruel persecution that their fellow practitioners have suffered in China for almost seven years.
Germany: Exposing the Organ Harvesting to People in Southern Germany
2006-06-16On the 20th of May, Falun Gong practitioners held activities at Kingsplatz, Augsburg in southern Germany to reveal the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) human rights atrocities of taking organs from living Falun Gong practitioners and selling them for profit. Many people signed their names on a petition to appeal for an end to the CCP's brutal acts.
France: Falun Gong Practitioners Expose the CCP's Crimes during the World Cup France-China Warm-up Match
2006-06-15In a pre-game interview with French Station TV3, Falun Gong practitioner Stephane said that the football match was a good opportunity to talk about issues in China. "There are a large number of Falun Gong practitioners in China suffering the atrocity of having their organs removed when they are still alive. We are here to call for an urgent rescue!"
Newspapers in Croatia and Serbia and Montenegro Report about the Horrific Crimes of Organ Harvesting
2006-06-15Croatian newspaper Novi List published a large article entitled "Concentration death camps spread across China: Chinese harvesting of human organs". In the subtitle, Novi List states: "Flourishing trade with human organs is the most profitable business in China and witnesses speak about extremely non-human treatment of the prisoners (mostly Falun Gong practitioners), whose organs are taken while they are still alive, with only minimal use of anaesthetics."
Spain's Supreme Court sanctions the National Court to Investigate Genocide Against Falun Gong in China
2006-06-15After a two hour hearing on June the 6th 2006, the Criminal Division of the Spanish Supreme Court made its final decision to uphold an appeal submitted by Falun Gong practitioners who survived the alleged genocide instigated by top Chinese government officials since July 1999. The Spanish Falun Dafa Association gives high praise to this rightful decision of the Supreme Court. It is hoped that this is the starting point of terminating the persecution and that all of the criminals responsible for the persecution are brought to justice.
Germany: Bonn Citizens are Shocked to hear about the CCP's Atrocity of Organ Harvesting
2006-06-15Some of the people in Bonn had already found out something from the media about the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) removing organs for transplants from criminals on death row, but they never imagined that the CCP would treat in the same way such a group of innocent people who are just persisting in their own belief.
China's New Tyranny - European Parliament Vice-President Edward McMillan-Scott Writes About CCP Organ Harvesting
2006-06-14"With the World Cup well under way in Germany, across the world Beijing is preparing to host the 2008 Olympics. But if what I was told there recently by former prisoners is true, the civilised world must shun China. In a dingy hotel room with the curtains drawn, the men I met told of brutal persecution of their spiritual movement and worse, the sale of living organs, to order. Along with my interpreter, the men were rapidly arrested, detained and questioned for the 'crime' of meeting me. One practitioner is still missing and it is feared that he is being tortured."
United Kingdom: What Can I Do to Help You?
2006-06-14It is almost two months since Falun Gong practitioners of London in the UK began to expose the persecution of Falun Gong in Downing Street, the official residence of the Prime Minister. Many people signed the petition expressing their support for Falun Gong practitioners, often asking practitioners: “What can I do for you?”
Germany: Passers-by in Saarlouis are Actively Involved in Distributing Information about Organ Harvesting
2006-06-14On Saturday, June 5th, 2006, Saarlouis Falun Gong practitioners exposed the inhuman crimes committed by the Chinese Communist regime against innocent Falun Gong practitioners. Falun Gong practitioners went to a large market and the busy pedestrian zones to tell the people about the organ harvesting from live Falun Gong practitioners in China.
Austria: “Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance” Art Exhibition in Friedensburg
2006-06-14On May 16th, the Austria Post published an article titled “Chinese Art Exhibition in Burg Schlaining”, recommending the “Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance” International Art Exhibition held by Falun Gong practitioners to its readers. During the exhibition, many impressive paintings from a different China were displayed. All the artworks displayed are from the hands of Falun Gong practitioners. This exhibition was displayed in the US and Canada first and now it has come to the Europe.