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Scotland: During Easter Weekend in Edinburgh, Practitioners Expose the CCP's Trade in Illegally Harvested Organs
2006-04-21A group of Falun Gong practitioners from various regions met in Edinburgh on Easter weekend. Their purpose was twofold; to make a short presentation to parade spectators about the practice of Falun Gong and to raise public awareness of new information about an almost-unbelievable scale of human-rights violations inside Communist China. A presentation explaining the principles of Falun Gong was very well-received by the spectators. The information stand attracted a lot of interest, as did a demonstration of lotus-flower folding.
Russia: Practitioners in Russia Expose the Crimes of the Chinese Communist Party at the Chinese Embassy
2006-04-20Falun Gong practitioners in Russia engaged in a protest against the crimes of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) at the Chinese Embassy and Consulate in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Almost all passersby accepted leaflets and condemned the ruthless killing and persecution of Falun Gong practitioners by the evil CCP.
Czech Republic: Another Twenty-Four Hour Hunger Strike Protest against the Massacre of Falun Gong Practitioners in Chinese Concentration Camps
2006-04-20Falun Gong practitioners who participated in the hunger strike protest distributed several thousand flyers with information about concentration camps in China as well as about the withdrawals from the communist party. Many people decided to help with their signature to stop the atrocities in the concentration camps.
Turkey: The Human Rights Investigation Committee of the Turkish Grand National Assembly Strongly Condemns the Chinese Communist Regime’s Atrocities
2006-04-20On behalf of all the Turkish Falun Gong practitioners, the Turkish Falun Gong Association recently sent a petition to the Human Rights Investigation Committee of the Turkish Grand National Assembly (TGNA) to expose the Chinese Communist regime’s atrocities of persecution and killing of Falun Gong practitioners in over thirty concentration camps. The petition called on the Turkish authorities concerned to help put an end to the cruel persecution and reckless killing of Falun Gong practitioners in China, which has lasted for over seven years.
EFGIC: International Team Poised to Enter China for “Broad and Rigorous” Investigation of Atrocities against Falun Gong
2006-04-19BRUSSELS (European Falun Gong Information Centre) – A newly-formed international coalition of organizations announced today that investigators from North America, Europe, and Australia will begin applying for visas today as part of a plan to enter China and conduct a “broad and rigorous” investigation of China’s concentration and labour camps. The coalition also plans to investigate medical facilities throughout China that conduct organ transplants in light of mounting evidence that thousands of Falun Gong practitioners are being killed for their organs there.
United Kingdom: Appeal near the Prime Minister’s Office to the International Community to Investigate the Chinese Labour Camps
2006-04-19UK Falun Gong practitioners held activities near the Prime Minister’s office in Downing Street, London, distributing leaflets to passersby, collecting petition signatures and disclosing the Chinese Communist Party’s almost seven year persecution of Falun Gong practitioners, especially the removal of organs from living Falun Gong practitioners for profit.
Germany: Berliners are Shocked by News of Organ Harvesting in China
2006-04-19On April 15th, Berlin Falun Gong practitioners went to the Breitscheitplaze in Berlin city centre to tell Berlin citizens and tourists the truth about Falun Gong practitioners’ organs being removed for profit in labour camps in China and also to appeal to the people to pay attention to the CCP’s persecution of Falun Gong which has lasted for over seven years.
Latvia: Olympic Medallist Goes on Hunger Strike to Protest Against the CCP Atrocities
2006-04-19In order to protest against the CCP's crime of harvesting organs from live Falun Gong practitioners, Latvian Falun Gong practitioners started a 72 hour hunger strike in front of the Chinese Embassy. Mārtiņš Rubenis, a bronze medallist in the Turin Winter Olympic Games and the first Olympic medallist in the history of Latvia, also participated.
Germany: Truthfulness Compassion Forbearance International Art Exhibition Opens in Dietzenbach
2006-04-18The Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance International Art Exhibition is being held in Dietzenbach, Germany. The artworks were created by a group of artists who are Falun Gong practitioners. Their work expresses their personal experiences of cultivating according to Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance through their art works.
Switzerland: "I Wish You Success"
2006-04-18On April 3rd, Falun Gong practitioners from over thirty countries held a grand parade in Geneva to let people know about the goodness of Falun Dafa and strongly protest against the CCP’s crimes against Falun Gong practitioners taking place in China.
Danish Newspaper Christianity Daily Reports on Atrocities in China's Secret Concentration Camps
2006-04-18The Christianity Daily, a major newspaper in Denmark, published an article by Pastor Leif Bork Hansen on the 4th of April, 2006 entitled "It is everyone's responsibility to always fight a savage act." The article says that no matter where the secret savage acts were found, in China, Iraq or Cuba, as long as the savage acts takes place on the this earth where we live, we have a responsibility to expose it ... (a) recent report revealed that those organs were all removed from live bodies when people were still alive.
Switzerland: The European Falun Dafa Waist-Drum Troupe Performs During the Grand Parade in Geneva
2006-04-17On April 3rd 2006, five hundred people from various European countries participated in a grand parade exposing the persecution in China. The procession was led by a group expressing the magnificence of Falun Gong, and it was followed by a group exposing the Chinese Communist regime’s persecution of Falun Gong practitioners.
Finland: Falun Gong Practitioners were Invited to the Finnish Parliament to Explain the Facts about the Chinese Communist Regime’s Atrocities
2006-04-17On April 6th 2006, representatives of Finnish Falun Gong practitioners were invited to Parliament Building to have a talk with Mrs. Ulla Anttila, Chairperson of the Finnish Parliamentary Human Rights Group, Ms. Paula Moisander, Secretary for Parliamentary International Affairs, and Ms. Janine Hasenson, Head of the Human Rights Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, on the topics regarding the atrocities that Falun Gong practitioners’ organs were harvested in China.
Slovakian TV Exposes the Lies behind the Chinese Regime's Denial of the Existence of Concentration Camps
2006-04-17On April 12th 2006, the Chairman of the Slovak Falun Gong Association was invited to appear on the “World Today” programme on Slovak TV station TA3. For about five minutes of the interview he exposed the truth behind the removal of internal organs from the bodies of Falun Gong practitioners which is currently taking place in labour camps in China. He also talked about the history of the persecution of Falun Gong in China.
Spain: "I hope the CCP will vanish from the earth forever"
2006-04-16Falun Gong practitioners assembled in the busy Puerta Del Sol in Madrid to protest against the Chinese Communist Party’s brutal behaviour of setting up concentration camps to torture Falun Gong practitioners to death, removing their organs while they were alive, cremating their bodies, and to support the 9.5 million people who quit the CCP.