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Czech Republic: Introducing Falun Dafa and Exposing the Persecution in Brno
2006-03-11During its fifty six years of dictatorial and cruel rule, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has started many campaigns at the cost of over eighty million human lives. The last and still ongoing campaign aims at the Falun Gong meditation group who base their lives on three cardinal principles: Truthfulness Compassion and Forbearance. Practitioners of this cultivation way from the Czech Republic met in the Moravian metropolis Brno, to inform its citizens about the persecution in China.
Italian Newspaper Reports on Attorney Gao and the Relay Hunger Strike against the Persecution
2006-03-11On February 23rd 2006, Italian newspaper “Cronache” reported that some Italian Falun Gong practitioners and other non-governmental organisations participated in a Relay Hunger Strike against the persecution in China to support Chinese lawyer Gao Zhisheng. Lawyer Gao is under pressure because he supports Falun Gong practitioners.
Ukrainian Parliamentarian: The anti-human communist regime caused the deaths of millions
2006-03-11When Ukrainians learned of this debate at the Council of Europe, they asked their delegation to be brave enough to speak out and condemn the communist regime. They were children of the victims of the red terror, which reigned in Ukraine for more than 70 years. Those who fought against the regime were arrested. Representatives of the regime used the KGB to draw up lists of “enemies of the people”. The communist regime in Ukraine committed the most terrible crime of the 20th century. It created an artificial famine, causing the death by starvation of much of the population. Some 30% of those who died were children.
EFGIC: Concentration Camp for Falun Gong Disclosed; Prisoners Killed for Organ Harvesting
2006-03-10BRUSSELS (EFGIC) — Since the Nuremberg Trials came to a close in 1946, condemning the Nazi officials responsible for the holocaust, it has been the common hope of the people in the world that concentration camps like Auschwitz, Buchenwald and Dachau, would never again emerge in the history of mankind. The horrifying fact is that a similar facility is at this very moment in operation in China. The European Falun Gong Information Centre received shocking, detailed information on Wednesday from a Chinese Communist Party insider documenting a concentration camp set up in Shenyang city, Liaoning province, expressly for Falun Gong practitioners.
Many German MPs Express their Concern about the Persecution of Falun Gong
2006-03-10It was said in a letter from MP Alois Karl on February 24th, “I personally think that it is no doubt to protect general human rights. Moreover, I think Germany has a responsibility to protect human rights.” He suggested Falun Gong practitioners to list the details of the persecution. “According to my experiences, the detailed personal cases are extremely important. Do not underestimate the efforts of providing detailed description of every persecution instance. The German government, I and my colleagues would talk to those representatives of related countries. If it’s necessary, we could give direct help to the victims. ”
Hungarian Parliamentarian: “We are talking not about beliefs but about the most horrible crimes”
2006-03-10"I do not understand why people on the left do not realise that we are talking about not ideology and belief but the most terrible crimes committed against human beings in our continent. I am worried that this debate could be used for various domestic political purposes. There is no problem in Denmark or the Netherlands – nor, fortunately, in Hungary as we do not have communists anymore – but there could be a problem in other countries. I hope that the Assembly will unite in condemning the criminal acts of communism."
Falun Gong Human Rights Working Group: European Citizens Condemn the CCP Persecution of Falun Gong
2006-03-09Falun Gong Human Rights Working Group (FGHRWG) recently published the experiences of several practitioners who were unlawfully detained in labour camps of the Chinese Communist Party. In the electronic report, practitioner Wang Bin and Chen Ying's stories were highlighted. The report received wide feedback from all over Europe. Reprinted in this article are some of the comments made by the readers to the FGHRWG Web site.
Russia: The Whole World Should Condemn the Crimes of Totalitarian Communist Regimes
2006-03-09Having suffered greatly under Communist control, the Russian people warmly welcomed a resolution passed by the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) on January 25th, condemning the human rights violations committed by totalitarian communist regimes. Before the vote by PACE, many Russian citizens risked minus thirty degree weather to deliver this pleasant news to other people and appealed for support for this resolution.
Georgian Parliamentarian: “Wherever the communists gained power their rule finished in bloodshed and terror”
2006-03-09"The inheritance of communist occupation is vivid in my country, as it is in any country where the communists ruled. Mr Lukashenko may not be a clear-cut communist, but he is the result of a communist regime. It has already been said that communists still rule in several countries where they continue to prosecute individuals and kill people because of their beliefs. Recently, members of the Ukrainian delegation cried when it was announced that an international document would be prepared to recognise the genocide of the 1930s. It is important that moral responsibility is taken for such crimes."
Belgium: Falun Gong Warmly Welcomed by High School Students and Teachers
2006-03-08Practitioners were once again invited to a college in Belgium to give a presentation to four classes of high school students. The students watched a demonstration of the five sets of Falun Gong exercises. At the end of the day, the practitioners were invited to the staff room to talk with some teachers and the school principal about the day’s successful activities.
Danish National Newspaper Reports on Relay Hunger Strike in China
2006-03-08"As a lawyer, Gao has defended in court hundreds of Falun Gong-members, democracy activists and farmers who have had their land confiscated by the state. As a private person he has sent letters to the leaders of the country and criticised their policies. He is even open about calling the Chinese Communist Party ‘evil’. Gao Zhisheng is playing with fire – and doing it even though he lives in Beijing, within the range of China’s regime, which so dreads criticism...From his apartment in the capital Gao has now started a hunger strike and he says that at least 70 other people from across the country have joined in."
Bulgarian Parliamentarian: “Condemnation of the crimes of totalitarian communist regimes was necessary”
2006-03-08"Those crimes were inspired by ideology. A number of left-wing parties had not found the strength or motivation to condemn ex-communist regimes. The report would give a moral boost to researchers and non-governmental organisations investigating communist crimes. It could have the same effect as the introduction of the Simon Wiesenthal Centre had had on those investigating Nazi crimes. It was essential that the archives of the security services in communist countries were opened; otherwise, it would not be possible to understand the full extent of their crimes."
Austria: Fourth Annual Falun Dafa Sharing Conference Held in Vienna
2006-03-07On March 4th, practitioners held the 4th Annual Falun Dafa Sharing Conference in Vienna. Practitioners from Austria and Germany attended the conference and shared their experiences in cultivation. Through the experience sharing, many practitioners found their own shortcomings and improved. The conference was a great success.
Danish Human Rights Organisation Asks the Danish Government to Support the Relay Hunger Strike in China
2006-03-07The hunger strike was initiated by the famous human rights lawyer Gao Zhisheng, who is known for his untiring struggle for the persecuted in China. Most commentators today deny China’s claims that the human rights situation in China is improving—in reality it has become much worse in recent years. For a long time the world has stood passively by as Communist China has persecuted large sections of its population, like Falun Gong, Christians and Buddhists. Gao Zhisheng himself recently commented: “When the Nazis slaughtered the Jews, they were condemned by the world. But the Communist Party has killed more than eighty million people, thirteen times more than the number of Jews and the world says nothing.”
Latvian Parliamentarian: “The ideology of communism...destroyed the moral value of human nature”
2006-03-07"I want to express my appreciation to the Assembly for its decision to call for an international debate on and condemnation of totalitarian communist regimes. We support the beginning of an international debate on the crimes that the communist regimes in central and eastern Europe committed in the past century. The crimes committed by totalitarian communist regimes must be investigated and those who perpetrated them must be brought to trial, as happened with the horrible crimes committed by the Nazis."