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Falun Dafa in Europe: European Practitioners Expose the Persecution of Falun Gong by the Evil CCP with Anti-Torture Exhibitions
2006-02-22 -
German Newspaper: Unfounded Inspection Is Illegal
2006-02-22German newspaper “Dresdner Neuesten Nachrichten” published an article on February 1st 2006 entitled “Unfounded Inspection is Illegal”. The article reports that Falun Gong practitioners’ lawsuit against German policemen’s violation of their human rights under the Chinese Communist Party’s pressure, which was handed in and dealt with by the Dresden City Administrative Court, was successful. The report says that the Dresden Administrative Court decided in their judgement that the police have no right at all to order an individual of any nationality belonging to any religious group to depart from a certain place.
Italy: Falun Gong Practitioners Introduce Falun Dafa and Expose the Persecution in Turin
2006-02-21Before the arrival of the Winter Olympic Games, Falun Gong practitioners from Switzerland, Sweden, Germany, France, Norway, Poland, UK, Romania and Italy came to the hosting city – the Northern mountain city of Torino, to introduce Falun Dafa and tell local people and visitors about the persecution of Falun Gong in China.
French Newspaper: Lawyer who Defends Human Rights for Falun Gong Holds Hunger Strike
2006-02-21France’s largest newspaper Le monde published reports on 12th and 13th February 2006 entitled “Human Rights Activist in China Initiates Relay Hunger Strike”. The articles point out that China’s declining human rights situation and the Chinese Communist authorities’ escalating violence and persecution triggered off a relay hunger strike for human rights, with lawyers, journalists, law scholars and people of all levels of society taking part.
Russia: Hunger Strike Relay to Protest Against the CCP’s Overseas Violence
2006-02-20Practitioners did not have time to arrange a group protest so they took turns to protest individually. Though it was nearly degrees below freezing, practitioners braved the freezing snow and wind to let more people know about the persecution that their fellow practitioners in China are subject to as well as the recent incident in Atlanta.
Ireland: Falun Gong Practitioners Strongly Condemn the Gangster Acts of CCP Secret Agents
2006-02-20On February 15th, Irish Falun Gong practitioners protested in front of the Chinese Embassy in Dublin against the recent violent assault of Falun Gong practitioner Dr. Yuan Li by secret agents of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). The armed agents tricked their way into his house before beating him and tying him up.
Finland: “I truly hope that China will become more peaceful and beautiful in the future!”
2006-02-20It was extremely cold that day, but many passersby stopped to watch practitioners' exercises demonstration, read the posters and sign the petition which calls an end to the Chinese Communist Regime's persecution against Falun Dafa. In addition, many people asked practitioners for more information on the human rights abuses.
Turkish Practitioners Invited to Introduce Falun Gong on TV Morning News
2006-02-20On February 15th, practitioners from Ankara were invited by KANAL-D, one of the largest of Turkey’s private TV stations. The host told his audience: “I hope every Turkish will practise Falun Gong and have a healthy body.” Immediately after the news, the TV station received many phone inquiries about Falun Gong.
Norway: Introducing Falun Dafa and Exposing the Persecution to the People of Bodo
2006-02-19Bodo is a beautiful seaside city in the north of Norway with a population of nearly 50 thousand. On Saturday February 11th, 11 Falun Gong practitioners altogether, including 3 little practitioners, came to the busiest part of Bodo city centre to introduce Falun Dafa to local people and tell them about the persecution of practitioners taking place in China.
Germany: Representatives from the World Organisation to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong Attend a Seminar on Human Rights in China
2006-02-19It has been a tradition of Germany’s Free Democratic Party’s (FDP) Upper Bavarian Division to hold monthly seminars to discuss issues such as foreign politics, economy, and human rights. On February 7th 2006, the seminar held in Munich had China’s Human Rights as its theme. Mr. Kritzler, representing the World Organisation to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (WOIPFG), and Mr. Thierack, representing the International Human Rights Organisation in Munich, were invited to give speeches.
Belgian Parliamentarian Calls for International Condemnation of the Crimes of Totalitarian Communist Regimes
2006-02-19A resolution was passed by the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly on January 25th 2006. The chairman of the Christian Democrats, the chairman of the political division of general affairs committee in the Council of Europe and a Belgian parliamentarian Mr. Luc Van den Grande underlined the significance of this resolution but concluded, "To pass this resolution is just a beginning."
Germany: Protesting Against CCP Violence and Supporting the Global Hunger Strike Campaign for Human Rights
2006-02-18On February 11th in Munich city centre, Mr. Solomon and Mr. Yuan Zhang carried out a 24-hour hunger strike to strongly condemn the CCP’s gangster violence in attacking Falun Gong practitioners Dr. Yuan Li, and also to support the renowned Chinese human rights lawyer Gao Zhisheng’s hunger strike to protest against CCP human rights abuses.
Russia: Journey of Fa-Rectification Photo Exhibition in Nizhny Novgorod
2006-02-18The Journey of Fa-Rectification Photo Exhibition was held in Nizhny Novgorod from February 3rd to 13th. More than forty photos introduced the story of Falun Gong. A stream of people went to visit the exhibition and learned about Falun Gong’s history as it spread to over seventy countries. People also learned how to fold paper lotus flowers.
During Chinese New Year, One Thousand People Sign a Spanish Petition in Support of 7.5 Million People Quitting the CCP
2006-02-18On January 28th, the Spain branch of the “Global Service Centre for Quitting the Chinese Communist Party” (CCP) launched a petition-signing campaign in Madrid to expose the CCP’s brutal violence and to support 7.5 million people quitting the CCP. A 3-hour rally was held, during which almost one thousand people signed a petition to condemn the CCP
Holland: Falun Gong Practitioners Protest Atrocity Perpetrated by Chinese Communist Regime's Hoodlum Agents
2006-02-17Falun Gong practitioners in Holland, together with people from The Epoch Times newspaper and supporters protested in front of the Chinese Embassy in The Hague. They strongly condemned the Chinese Communist regime's hoodlum agents for assaulting Falun Gong practitioner and chief technical officer of The Epoch Times Dr. Peter Yuan Li in the USA.