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Sweden: Swedish Members of the European Coming for You Choir Sing in the Church at Charlottensborg
2005-12-03Members of the parish and candidates for confirmation had an opportunity on the 20th of November to listen to songs performed by the European Coming for You Choir, in the church of Charlottenborg in the town of Motala. Swedish members of the choir met during the weekend of November 18th in Motala to rehearse their repertoire.
Holland: Truthfulness Compassion and Forbearance International Art Exhibition Held at Amsterdam City Hall
2005-12-02From the 2nd to the 15th of November, 2005, the Dutch Falun Gong Association organised a two-week long “Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance” Art Exhibition in the City Hall, Amsterdam. People learned about the brutality and secret nature of the Chinese Communist regime’s persecution of Falun Gong practitioners through the paintings.
Switzerland: Falun Gong Warmly Welcomed at Fribourg Health Expo
2005-12-02From November 11th-13th, 2005, Falun Gong practitioners in Switzerland participated for the fourth time in the annual Health Expo held in Fribourg. Ever since 2002 when Falun Gong practitioners were first invited to attend the Expo, Falun Gong has been very popular each year. This year was no exception and many people showed a great deal of interest.
Germany: The Touring "Fields of Shame" Exhibition Concludes Successfully in Hamburg
2005-12-02November 17th 2005 was the official opening day of the four day photo exhibition “Fields of Shame” in Hamburg. The German division of the International Society for Human Rights (IGFM) had organised the exhibition, which critically exposed the human rights situation in select communist ruled countries. The group invited Falun Gong practitioners to provide information about the persecution in China, as part of the exhibition.
Moldova: Moldavian People Treasure Falun Dafa in their Hearts
2005-12-01Several Romanian practitioners visited Moldova and met practitioners there. A local practitioner told the visiting Romanians how Falun Dafa arrived in Moldova two years ago. At the beginning, the practitioners had no Falun Dafa books. They went without food to save enough money to use an Internet café for a few minutes where they could read the Falun Dafa teachings.
The Prince of Wales Writes to European Friends of Falun Gong
2005-12-01"His Royal Highness shares your concern about the freedom of Falun Gong practitioners in China to follow their faith, and understands that these issues were indeed raised during the State Visit of the Chinese President earlier this month, though not by The Prince of Wales as he was overseas at the time."
Germany: The Predestined Relationship between Falun Gong and Goettingen City
2005-12-01From 2001 to 2003, several practitioners from Goettingen demonstrated the five sets of Falun Gong exercises at the Old Town Hall Square every day. Their perseverance brought about a series of changes in Goettingen, including the University offering a Falun Gong course for a whole semester. This article shares several tales of Falun Gong's development in Goettingen.
Spain: Canary Islands TV Broadcasts Special Falun Gong Programme
2005-12-01As this year’s summer holiday finished, another practitioner and I were invited by a Canary Islands TV station to host a special Falun Gong programme together with the TV station’s director. The director is very interested in Oriental culture. Not long ago, he also started to learn Falun Gong. He especially devised this programme about Falun Gong.
Spain: Human Rights Lawyer Speaks on the Chinese Communist Party’s Persecution of Falun Gong
2005-11-30According to Mr Iglesias's introduction, because the CCP dictatorship could not tolerate Falun Gong’s principles of truthfulness, compassion and forbearance that were recovering people's morality in China, it launched this brutal persecution of innocent people. People were deprived of their freedom of belief and even tortured to death.
Germany: Falun Gong was Introduced Daily at a Week-long Health Fair
2005-11-30Practitioners demonstrated the five sets of Falun Gong exercises several times each day. In the anonymous atmosphere of a modern shopping centre, the Falun Gong practitioners in their shining yellow outfits presented peacefulness, dignity and concentration. The demonstrations were eye-catching and attracted a lot of positive attention.
Holland: People Pay Attention to Young Victims of the Persecution of Falun Gong in China
2005-11-30November 20th was International Children's Day. In order to bring attention to the children who are victims of the persecution of Falun Gong in China, Dutch practitioners held a poster exhibition on the streets of Rotterdam. Many people signed a petition to express their support and offer their efforts to help rescue these children who are living under very difficult circumstances.
Germany: Speech from the Opening of the Travelling Exhibition ‘Fields of Shame”
2005-11-30"Four-year-old Wan Shu-Jie lived in Laiwu City, Shandong Province. On July 19th 2000, a group of police broke into the home of little Shu-Jie’s uncle and arrested all grown ups in front of the little girl. On December 3rd 2000, the police arrested Shu-Jie’s father and took him to the police station for interrogation. The child fainted when she was forced to watch the mistreatment of her father. After she came to, she broke out in cold sweat and had a fever. Since then, she was no longer herself, hit her head against the wall, cried a lot and stopped growing. She was in shock and suffered trauma since this experience with the police. She lived in constant fear. At the age of four, Shu-Jie died on July 15th 2002."
Spain: The Film “Sandstorm” Receives a Warm Welcome at a Human Rights Film Festival
2005-11-29In October, the third International Human Rights Film Festival hosted by Asociacion Gandhi, a Spanish human rights organisation, toured eight major cities in Spain. Award-winning movie Sandstorm was shown at the film festival. “Sandstorm” is set in China where Falun Gong practitioners are subjected to a brutal persecution.
Sweden: Reading the “Falun Dafa Association Announcement” at the Chinese Embassy
2005-11-29Practitioners read the “Falun Gong Association Announcement” to officials in front of the Chinese Embassy in Stockholm. Next, they demonstrated the five sets of Falun Gong exercises. Passers-by stopped and watched the demonstration. They asked for leaflets and talked with practitioners to find out more about Falun Gong and the persecution.
Germany: Travelling Exhibition “Fields of Shame” Shown in Hannover
2005-11-29Two groups of Falun Gong practitioners collected petition signatures during the afternoon for two petitions: one petition demanded that the instigator of the persecution against Falun Gong, Jiang Zemin, be brought to justice in a court of law for his crimes; the other petition demanded the return to Germany of Jiang Renzheng and his family.