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  • Amnesty International's Annual Report Criticises the Continuous Persecution of Falun Gong in China

    "The Falun Gong spiritual movement remained a key target of repression, which reportedly included many arbitrary detentions. Most of those detained were assigned to periods of "re-education through Labour" without charge or trial, during which they were at high risk of torture or ill-treatment, particularly if they refused to renounce their beliefs. Others were held in prisons and psychiatric hospitals. According to overseas Falun Gong sources, more than 1,000 people detained in connection with the Falun Gong had died since the organisation was banned in 1999, mostly as a result of torture or ill-treatment."
  • Ukraine: Third Falun Gong Cultivation Experience Sharing Conference was Successfully Held in Kiev

    From May the 20th to the 23rd 2005, the third Ukraine Falun Gong cultivation experience sharing conference was successfully held in Ukraine’s capital city, Kiev. The conference was attended by Falun Gong practitioners from Ukraine, Russia, Byelorussia, Latvia, Israel, Germany and Sweden.
  • Germany: Falun Gong Information Day in Berlin

    In Alexander Square, which used to be the heart of the communist East Germany, yellow Falun Gong banners glowed like beacons. The passers-by quickly found out how the Chinese Communist Party uses its political power to commit unspeakable crimes against its own peaceful and kind citizens because they practise Falun Gong.
  • Interview with a German Newspaper about Falun Gong Appeals and Cultivation

    Because of its popularity in China and the exercises were practised by many people in the parks, the Chinese Ministry of Health surveyed it and found that at that time this practice was the most beneficial qigong practice in China. Gong is actually called cultivation energy. It affects positively the cultivation of one’s body. One also lives by the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance. The exercises are useless if one does not cultivate one’s heart at the same time.
  • Spain: Promoting Falun Gong to the Participants of the International Nature Therapy Conference

    An International Nature Therapy Conference was held at the parliament mansion in Madrid. Nearly one thousand academics and supporters attended this conference. After being given permission by the conference organiser, Madrid practitioners promoted Falun Gong in the square outside the conference, demonstrating the exercises and distributing leaflets.
  • Germany: Attracting Public Attention with our Anti-torture Exhibition

    It was a sunny Saturday spring morning when I arrived at the downtown Kassel Falun Gong information stall. Practitioners had chosen a great location, right in a busy pedestrian zone. The site was visible from many directions. The trams passed our information stall, which allowed many people to see our posters and the colourfully decorated display.
  • Germany: Magnificent Performances of Oriental Art and Falun Gong Exercises

    The German Gymnastic Festival activities were held from May 14th to 20th in Berlin, which attracted hundreds of thousands of athletics lovers from all over the world. At the invitation of the organisers, Falun Gong practitioners offered various programmes including demonstrations of the Falun Gong exercises, dance performances and a forum.
  • Sweden: Seminar about Falun Gong at Dalarna College

    Falun Gong practitioners were once again invited to hold a seminar at a college in Dalarna. The Falun Gong seminars are widely appreciated and have almost become like a tradition for students. This time even the students who study through long-distance education had the chance to get an introduction to Falun Gong via web television.
  • Sweden: Truth, Compassion, Tolerance International Art Exhibition Premiers at a Health Fair in Jönköping

    All the visitors had the chance to see the exhibition since it was the only way in and out of the large exhibition hall. Many told us that they liked the paintings. One visitor stopped for almost an hour at the exhibition and talked with practitioners about Falun Gong and the persecution. Finally he said, “I don’t need to go into the fair, this is all I need.”
  • Norway: More and More Norwegian People are Coming to Learn Falun Gong

    At an Oslo health expo, practitioners displayed pictures about what Falun Gong is, Falun Gong’s introduction all over the world, benefits to the body and mind experienced by people who practise, the brutal persecution of Falun Gong by the Chinese Communist Party and the peaceful anti-persecution campaign conducted by practitioners all over the world.
  • German Newspaper Report: Deported to China from Wurzburg then Sentenced to Forced Labour Camp for Practising Falun Gong

    This article is based on an April 12th report by German newspaper The Main Post. Phone calls from China said that Jiang Renzheng, who was deported to China from Wurzburg, was sentenced to three years in a forced labour camp. The only reason for his detention is that he participated in Falun Gong activities in Germany, which are forbidden in China.
  • Ukraine: Candlelight Vigil in front of the Chinese Embassy in Kiev

    During the Ukraine Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference, in order to commemorate more than 2300 practitioners who died in the Chinese Communist regime's persecution against Falun Gong, nearly 100 practitioners gathered at the Chinese Embassy in downtown Kiev to hold a candlelight vigil.
  • Ukraine: Photo Report - Falun Gong Practitioners held a Grand Parade in the Capital City of Kiev

    During the recent Falun Gong conference in Ukraine, practitioners from Ukraine, Russia and the Baltic states held a parade in Kiev. The parade marched through the centre of the capital and passed the Chinese Embassy, the Supreme Senate, the President's Office and the Ministerial Offices.
  • Finnish Falun Gong Practitioner Appears in National TV Programme

    The Finnish practitioner has been the target of the Chinese Communist Party’s threat campaign. He received several hundred harassing phone calls, where English tape recordings were played defaming Falun Gong. Like other Finish Falun Gong practitioners who received the same type of calls, he sent crime investigation reports about the case to the local police and also had an opportunity to report about the harassment on the TV programme. Many people who had watched the programme told practitioners that they condemned the dirty tricks used by the Chinese Government and expressed support for Falun Gong.
  • Article from Islington Gazette (UK): Antique dealer's fears as Chinese 'daughter' jailed

    An honest and kind businesswoman who stayed regularly in Islington has been jailed for two years in a Beijing labour camp for practising Falun Gong, a faith that is [banned and persecuted] in China. Friends are campaigning for the release of single mother Feng Yang (also known as Annie), 42, amid fears she may be suffering torture and ill treatment in the Tiantanghe labour camp.