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Czech Republic: Anti-torture Exhibit Receives Public Support and Media Attention in Brno
2005-04-16On Friday the 8th of April, the peaceful sounds of Falun Dafa music spread through the Brno streets of Novobranska and Josefska. Practitioners from all over the Czech Republic, supported by a group of practitioners from England, gathered in Brno to tell the local people about the Chinese Communist Party‘s campaign of genocide against Falun Gong in China.
German Practitioners Write to the Premier Calling for the Rescue of Jiang Renzheng and his Family
2005-04-16The German Falun Gong Information Centre disclosed that practitioners are now actively informing the German authorities, politicians, media and human rights organisation about the situation of Jiang’s family. They are appealing to the German Government to rescue the family and they want to help the public understand the situation under the Communist Party’s rule.
Ireland: Falun Gong Exercise Demonstration and Cultural Performances at a Mind, Body & Spirit Exhibition
2005-04-16Those who visited the Falun Gong stall and asked questions showed that they had a better understanding of Falun Gong than last time. Many people bought the English version of the introductory text Falun Gong and the main book Zhuan Falun, as well as exercise demonstration tapes and DVDs. In a few days, over six thousand leaflets were given out.
Ukraine: Journey of Compassion Painting Exhibition held in Konstantinovka
2005-04-15Practitioners in Ukraine recently staged a painting exhibition entitled the Journey of Compassion in Konstantinoyka City. Through watching the painting exhibition, many people felt angry after finding out about the cruel torture against Falun Gong practitioners initiated by the Chinese Communist Party. People signed their names on the petition form to support Falun Gong practitioners.
National Dutch TV Station Broadcasts the Truth about the Staged Immolation
2005-04-15On the 14th March, a Dutch national TV Station broadcast a programme about Falun Gong which was produced by “Network”. It was arranged to be broadcast during the “Current Affairs Review” programme. Network positively commented on Falun Gong’s first appearance in China, its popularity, the large number of practitioners and the persecution. After its introduction to the public in 1992, Falun Gong was immediately very popular all over the country and attracted almost seventy million practitioners, outnumbering the membership of the Chinese Communist Party. Therefore, the CCP saw it as a big threat. They banned Falun Gong in 1999.
A Young Chinese Couple Learn the Truth from a Video-CD
2005-04-14Once I was on a boat ride back to my home country when I met a young Chinese couple. I began a discussion with them, telling them that I practise Falun Gong. They were happy to talk to me and we had a long discussion, mostly about the persecution against Falun Gong in China. They both had a higher level education, so we discussed issues on many levels and they asked many questions, most arising from the lies that the Chinese Communist Party have spread.
Norway: Promoting Falun Gong’s Positive Health Benefits at an Annual Health Exhibition
2005-04-14At the Falun Gong stand, people could find out how practitioners have become physically and mentally healthy through Falun Gong cultivation practice. Practitioners showed details of health surveys from Beijing before Falun Gong was suppressed, health surveys from Taiwan and medical reports of Falun Gong’s effect on health in Germany.
EFGIC: China Genocide Suit on U.S. Supreme Court Steps
2005-04-13“The defendant will go down in history as one of the most unscrupulous men of the twentieth century, a man who tortured and murdered thousands upon thousands of adherents of Falun Gong, a spiritual practice based on the moral and spiritual principles of truthfulness, compassion and forbearance,” Dr. Marsh says. Apart from the fact that Jiang was never legitimately elected to office, as is required in China by the Constitution, Dr. Marsh argues that such “least wanted” as Jiang Zemin, Saddam Hussein, Adolph Hitler and the Khmer Rouge are per se not legitimate heads of state due to the magnitude of their crimes against humanity.
Geneva: The United Nations Human Rights Commission raises Concern about the Human Rights Problems in China
2005-04-13Many U.N. (NGOs) spoke in the U.N.’s 61st session of the Human Rights Commission condemning China’s state terrorism. The Chinese Communist regime not only brutally persecutes its own citizens; it also entices international communities with money to violate their own values and principles.
Film about the Persecution of Falun Gong was Broadcast on National TV in Norway
2005-04-13Norway is a country which stretches far, even into the arctic regions, with many places that are quite isolated. Therefore, this was a good opportunity to tell many people about the persecution in China who might not have heard about it before. For almost six years, Falun Gong practitioners in China have been suppressed in the evilest manner by the Chinese Communist dictatorship: hundreds of thousands have been sent to labour camps, thousands have been murdered, countless have become homeless, robbed of their work and income because they wanted to live by Truth, Compassion and Tolerance.
Chairman of the London Assembly Expresses Concern over Annie Yang’s Situation
2005-04-13His letter stated that one of his constituents recently told him that Annie was arrested by officers from Shuangyushu Paichusuo on 1st March 2005 on suspicion of being a Falun Gong practitioner. China is the only country in the world where practising Falun Gong, a practice of peaceful exercises and meditation that asks practitioners to live by the principles of truthfulness, compassion and tolerance, is illegal. In other countries, Falun Gong has received proclamations and awards from governments for its role in improving practitioners’ health and morality.
United Kingdom: Anti-torture Exhibition in Huddersfield Arouses People’s Sympathy
2005-04-12The purpose of this activity was to introduce Falun Gong to local residents and to tell them about the brutal persecution against the practice in China. The few torture methods re-enacted were just the tip of the iceberg; over 100 forms of torture are used under orders from the Chinese Communist Party.
Where does the Money for these Geneva Activities Come From?
2005-04-12Since the year 2000, each March and April there are one to two thousand Falun Gong practitioners from Europe, Asia, Australia, North America and South America going to Geneva to raise awareness of the persecution against Falun Gong in China. Where does the money for all their travelling and materials come from?
Agence Télégraphique Suisse (ATS): Human Rights - Falun Gong Denounces Torture in China
2005-04-12The Falun Gong movement demonstrated last Wednesday in front of the Palais des Nations in Geneva, outside the Commission on Human Rights, forms of torture to which its practitioners are victim in China. “Every day, thousands of people in China undergo torture, because they practise Falun Gong”, said Lee Kye Ja, organizer of the demonstration. In presenting the methods used and displaying photographs of the victims, the association wished to draw attention to the fate of its Chinese adherents.
Geneva: Photo Report - Revealing the Persecution of Falun Gong during the UN Human Rights Commission