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  • Turkey: "Truthfulness Compassion Forbearance International Art Exhibition" Successfully Held in Ankara

    Between the 7th and 12th of May, Falun Gong practitioners in Ankara successfully held the “Falun Dafa Truthfulness Compassion Forbearance International Art Exhibition” at the Epoch Arts Centre, the biggest and most famous state-owned exhibition hall. Over the six days of the exhibition, more than a thousand people attended.
  • Radio Free Asia: Support from Germany for the Appeal to Rescue Jiang Renzheng

    Because he took part in Falun Gong activities in Germany, Mr. Jiang Renzheng, who was deported to China’s Liaoning Province in early March, was persecuted at once and was put in prison on the 8th of April. It is over a month since the incident occurred, which has been drawing the understanding and attention of more and more people in Germany.
  • "European Friends of Falun Gong" Organisation Writes to Malaysian High Commissioner

    As you are no doubt aware, over 2,300 Falun Gong practitioners have been tortured to death since China’s ban on Falun Gong in 1999, and many more thousands languish in prisons and labour camps across the country merely for exercising their constitutional right to freedom of speech and belief. For the Malaysian government to ignore the threat of further torture for Ms. Lin would be an act of extreme inhumanity and would show up Malaysia in a very negative way to the rest of the world.
  • United Kingdom: "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" International Art Exhibition Held in Cambridge

    On 20th May 2005, the "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" International Art Exhibition opened to the public in the Cambridge Union. Twenty four works of art by Falun Gong practitioners lined the corridors of this 200-year old building. Though students were bustling past, many also stopped in their tracks to take in the artistic pieces.
  • Turkey: Photo Report - Turkish People of All Ages are Learning Falun Gong

    As Falun Gong continues to flourish throughout the world, more and more kind-hearted Turkish people, men or women and old or young, are coming to learn. They are diligently cultivating themselves through following the principles of truthfulness, compassion, tolerance, and they are benefiting a lot from practising Falun Gong.
  • Turkey: "Truthfulness Compassion Forbearance" painting exhibition held in Ankara

    From May the7th to the 12th, the Falun Gong Truthfulness Compassion Forbearance International Painting Exhibition was successfully held at the biggest and famous Turkish national Time Art Centre in Ankara. During the five days many people visited the exhibition and learned about Falun Gong.
  • Germany: Falun Gong Practitioners were Invited by the Magdeburg Police Head Office to Reveal the Facts at an Information Day

    For ten years running, Germany’s Magdeburg Police Head Office has always held activities on Ascension Day to promote cross-cultural communication between foreigners and local citizens. Falun Gong practitioners attended this activity by invitation on 5th May 2005. Bystanders were attracted to Falun Gong’s elegant exercises and stopped by to watch.
  • Bulgaria: The Main Book of Falun Dafa, Zhuan Falun, is Published in Bulgarian

    Practitioners in Bulgaria marked World Falun Dafa Day with a press conference, announcing the official publication of the main text of Falun Dafa, Zhuan Falun, in Bulgarian language. The practitioners talked to the press conference attendees about what Falun Dafa is and the benefits it has brought to tens of millions of people.
  • French Falun Gong Information Centre Announces a Lawsuit for Crimes of Torture Against China’s Visiting Head

    On May 5th 2005, the Chinese Minister of Commerce, Bo Xilai, notorious for torturing Falun Gong practitioners, paid a visit to Paris to attend the 2005 Sixth WTO Ministerial Conference held by OCDE and the 11th Sino-French Economic Seminar. Based on an investigative report from the World Organisation to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong, Bo Xilai enthusiastically followed the former Chinese leader Jiang Zemin to persecute Falun Gong. Because of him, Dalian City and Liaoning province became places with the most brutal record of human rights abuses against Falun Gong practitioners in China.
  • Media Report: Practitioner from Germany Sentenced to a Forced Labour Camp for Three Years after being Deported to China

    Being suspected of wanting to stay in Germany by using the name of Falun Gong, Wuerzburg Administrative Court refused Mr. Jiang and his family’s application, which was submitted with Falun Gong practitioners’ verification of their identity. The German Falun Dafa Association reminded the German Government of the persecution situation against Falun Gong practitioners in China before the repatriation decision was made known. At present, the association is doing its utmost to rescue Jiang and his family back to Germany.
  • Irish Minister for Foreign Affairs Questioned about Progress in Ending the Persecution Against Falun Gong

    "The EU-China human rights dialogue, established in 1996, is the agreed formal framework through which the EU raises its concerns about individual human rights cases, including those of Falun Gong practitioners and more general issues, such as the protection of freedom of religion and expression, which have a particular impact on practitioners of Falun Gong. The 19th round of the EU-China human rights dialogue took place in Luxembourg on 24th and 25th February 2005. At that meeting, the EU raised strong concerns about the persecution of persons on the grounds of their peaceful expression of belief, in particular members of Falun Gong. The EU also raised the cases of a number of Falun Gong practitioners with the Chinese representatives."
  • Swiss and Hong Kong Falun Gong Practitioners Win Appeal: Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal Revokes Conviction

    On May 5th 2005, the Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal made a ruling on the accusation against Swiss and Hong Kong Falun Gong practitioners for obstructing and assaulting the police three years ago. The court ruling overturns the conviction made by a lower court. The summary of the verdict said peaceful demonstration is a constitutional right. Since peaceful demonstration and appeals are protected by the law, the arrest becomes illegal.
  • Italian Version of Zhuan Falun is Officially Published

    Falun Gong was formally introduced to the public by Mr. Li Hongzhi in 1992. The Chinese version of Zhuan Falun was first published in 1995 and listed among the top ten best sellers in China in 1996. To date, it has been translated into over thirty languages and helped more than one hundred million people improve their physical and mental health in over sixty countries.
  • Germany: Promoting Falun Gong and Exposing the Persecution in Augsburg

    Falun Gong practitioners in Augsburg held an activity to promote Falun Gong and tell people about the persecution happening in China. Practitioners in nearby cities also came to support this activity. They demonstrated the beauty of Falun Gong through photos, exercises, handouts, petitions and revealed the brutal methods of persecution used on practitioners in China.
  • Hungary: First Anti-torture Exhibition in Budapest Draws Attention from the Public and the Media

    A Chinese tourist from the U.S., having viewed the anti-torture exhibition, commented that she had visited many Falun Gong websites and that the CCP’s persecution is indeed outrageous. She remarked before leaving, “I admire your courage. China needs people like you to stand up and speak out. I Hope you will continue like this. I wish you success!”