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  • German Falun Gong Information Centre: Sued in Karlsruhe for Genocide yet Courted by German Firms

    Wang Yunkun is one of the defendants in a complex lawsuit that charges the defendants with committing genocide, crimes against humanity and torture. The lawsuit was filed November 21st 2003 in the Karlsruhe Federal Court and is still under litigation. Wang Yunkun, as the CCP Secretary, holds direct responsibility for the persecution of Falun Gong in Jilin Province, as the CCP province committees are in charge of the coordination and organization of this persecution.
  • Sweden: Celebrating the Tenth Anniversary of Falun Gong’s Introduction to Europe in Stockholm

    On the 11th of June, practitioners from all over Europe came to Stockholm for different activities to promote Falun Gong and let people know more about the peaceful practice and the vicious persecution happening in China. Peaceful music and graceful exercise demonstrations encouraged many passers-by to stop and watch.
  • Finland: “Communism and Human Rights in China” Seminar Focuses on the Persecution Against Falun Gong

    China experts from different countries expressed their views on both the current state and the future of the ruling Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Their message to the Finnish Government and public was that the human rights situation in China is getting worse. They especially mentioned the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners, which represents the most serious human rights crime in Chinese history. The major media outlets, like the Finnish News Agency and a newspaper called Helsingin Sanomat attended the seminar and a related press conference.
  • United Kingdom: "Truthfulness Compassion Forbearance International Art Exhibition” in London

    The "Truthfulness Compassion Forbearance International Art Exhibition” was successfully held in central London between May 31st and June 3rd. The exhibition gallery was located in a traditional building just opposite the British Museum. The touching displays attracted many visitors including tourists from around the world.
  • Slovakia: People of Malacky learn about the CCP’s Persecution Against Falun Gong

    Practitioners demonstrated the Falun Gong exercises and distributed flyers to let more people know about the cruel persecution waged against Falun Gong by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for the last six years. This persecution has taken over 2,500 lives, as practitioners have been systematically tortured to death at the hands of Chinese officials.
  • Germany: Sunny Weather and Bright Spirits in the Old Coastal Town of Rostock

    Early in the morning of May 28th 2005, we arrived at the ancient University Square in Rostock and chose a shady spot for our Falun Gong information stall. We quickly finished setting up and soon the first passers-by received flyers with information about the persecution of Falun Gong by the Communist Government in China. We took turns demonstrating the five sets of Falun Gong exercises. We informed some of the nearby tradesmen about our activities and one of the practitioners walked around the busier shopping streets while distributing flyers.
  • Lawsuit Filed against Former Chinese Head of State Jiang Zemin for Wide-Scale Human Rights Crimes Against Falun Gong Practitioners

    Human rights lawyer Peter Bergquist, representing the Swedish Falun Dafa Association, filed a lawsuit on Monday 13th June against the former Chinese head of state Jiang Zemin and leaders of the so called “6-10 Office”, Li Lanqing, Luo Gan, Liu Jing, Ding Guangen and others, charging them with participation in crimes of murder and kidnapping of Falun Gong practitioners. The lawsuit was filed at the Kungsholmsgatan police station in Stockholm.
  • European Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference Successfully Held in the Capital of Sweden

    On June 12th 2005, the “2005 European Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference was grandly held in Stockholm, the capital of Sweden. Falun Gong practitioners from nearly 30 countries attended the conference. Revered Master Li sent a message of greetings to the conference; all attending Dafa practitioners were deeply inspired. Practitioners from fifteen different countries gave speeches at the conference about raising awareness of the persecution and clarifying the truth by making use of local TV stations, Falun Gong art exhibitions, a choir and anti-torture exhibitions. The conference concluded successfully in a sacred and celebratory atmosphere.
  • Radio France Internationale: Guo Guoting, a Renowned Chinese Lawyer, Published his Resignation from the Chinese Communist Party

    According to Radio France Internationale, The Epoch Times reported the announcement by Guo Guoting, a renowned Chinese lawyer, of his resignation from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). The Epoch Times website reported that Guo Guoting had initially been under house arrest in China due to defending Falun Gong practitioners. He arrived in Canada at the end of May this year. Guo announced on the website his renouncement of the CCP and other CCP subsidiary organisations.
  • Finland: Anti-Torture Exhibition Helps People See Through the Lies of the Chinese Communist Party

    On June 14th 2005, Falun Gong practitioners from Sweden, Norway, Germany, Ukraine, Latvia, Russia, Spain, Italy and Taiwan attended an anti-torture exhibition held by Finnish practitioners in the central park of Helsinki. Most of the practitioners came directly from the European Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference that was held in Stockholm.
  • Radio France Internationale: Update on Chen Yonglin’s Case

    'Yesterday, Chen Yonglin made a direct application to Mr. Downer, the Australian Minister of Foreign Affairs. After accepting the application, Mr. Downer said Australia does not usually provide this kind of refuge. When Chen Yonglin’s case roused a big argument in Australia’s political realm, another Chinese security official who fled to Australia earlier, told the Australian Broadcasting Company that what Chen Yonglin said is completely true. Chen Yonglin claimed that there are thousands of spies from China active in Australia.'
  • German Foreign Office will Devote Efforts to Release of Jiang Renzheng

    Since Falun Gong practitioner Jiang Renzheng was deported from Germany and subsequently sentenced to a forced labour camp in China, the German Falun Dafa Association, along with practitioners in Germany and around the globe, have been calling for the German Government to rescue Jiang Renzheng. Their petitions were echoed by many international organisations including the International Human Rights Organisation, Amnesty International and the United Nations Refugee Council.
  • Agence France Presse: Swedish Falun Gong To Press Charges Against China's Jiang Zemin

    Swedish members of the banned Chinese spiritual movement Falun Gong said Friday they plan to press criminal charges against China's former president Jiang Zemin and other senior officials for murder, torture and kidnapping. "The persecution of Falun Gong is extensive and has been going on for several years. It is directly inspired by the Communist Party and is led by a special body that was created by Jiang Zemin," the group's Swedish lawyer, Peter Bergquist, said in a statement from Falun Gong.
  • France: Appealing in Paris for Public Awareness of Persecution against Falun Gong

    Practitioners in France decided to promote Falun Gong on various streets in Paris. Though there were not many practitioners to take part, our banners were so eye-catching that many passers-by stopped to read the captions that went with photos about the persecution. Some were shocked and took the initiative to sign the petition.
  • Radio France Internationale: Chen Yonglin's Defection to Australia is due to his Opposition to China’s Persecution of Falun Gong

    Radio France Internationale reported that Mr. Qin Jing, Chairman of the Alliance for Chinese Democracy in Australia, was interviewed by a reporter about the political asylum application made to the Australian Government by Chen Yonglin, First Secretary of the Chinese Consulate-General in Sydney. When interviewed, Mr. Qin Jing said that there were two reasons for Chen Yonglin’s defection. The first one was that he was against China’s high-pressure policy towards dissidents, which was a political matter. The other was that he was against China’s brutal persecution of the Falun Gong group, which has been consistently extended to foreign countries.