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Germany: Raising Awareness of the Genocide Against Falun Gong in Einstein's birthplace
2005-04-24People were deeply shocked by the photos of practitioners being tortured. One person took several newspapers and wanted to help distribute them. They agreed that the Chinese Communist Party must end its human rights abuses immediately. They signed their names to support the lawsuit against Jiang Zemin.
Russia: Photo Report - Appealing for an End to the Persecution in Moscow’s Smolensk Square
2005-04-24On Saturday the 16th of April, Falun Gong practitioners in Moscow called for an end to the persecution happening to their fellow practitioners in China opposite the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Smolensk Square. People came to find out more about Falun Gong and the six years of persecution against the practice in China.
Finnish Practitioners Congratulate the Establishment of the Turkish Falun Dafa Association
2005-04-24We are pleased to congratulate the establishment of Turkish Dafa Association. We believe that its establishment is a blessing for the people of Turkey and is a big step towards a bright future. We encourage Dafa practitioners all over the world to be brave and diligent at this great moment of rectifying the Fa under Master's grand mercy.
The Falun Dafa Association and Practitioners in Russia extend congratulations on the founding of the Falun Dafa Association in Turkey
2005-04-24To the Falun Dafa Association and fellow practitioners in Turkey. The Falun Dafa Association in Russia sincerely congratulates the founding of the Falun Dafa Association in Turkey! Let us encourage each other, do well with the three things required of Dafa practitioners and help Teacher rectify the Fa.
United Nations Association Condemns Chinese Government's Human Rights Violations against Falun Gong Practitioners
2005-04-23Representatives of the United Nations Association of the USA, San Diego Chapter delivered speeches on April 8th and 12th, respectively, during the 61st Session of the UN Commission on Human Rights in Geneva to condemn the Chinese Government's severe human rights violations. The speeches particularly focused on human rights violations against Falun Gong practitioners and pointed out, "The violent persecution against tens of millions of Falun Gong practitioners has gone on for five years...The PRC's outrageous treatment of children of Falun Gong practitioners is a particularly shocking example."
Spain: Many People Sign a Petition Calling for an End to the Persecution after Viewing an Anti-torture Exhibition (2)
2005-04-23Spanish practitioners held an anti-torture exhibition in La Rambla, downtown Barcelona. Many kind-hearted people signed a petition to support Falun Gong practitioners. Some asked for more flyers to give to their teachers, classmates, family members or colleagues, while others bought books and wanted to learn the exercises on the spot.
A Song of Gratitude - Celebrating Ten Years of Falun Dafa in Sweden
2005-04-23Sweden was one of the first countries where Falun Gong was established. Sweden is in fact the first country outside China where Master Li personally taught the exercises and gave lectures in a seven-day seminar. This happened in April 1995, ten years ago.This happened in April 1995, ten years ago. A practice group was started after the course in a quiet park on a hill in Eastern Gothenburg, where practitioners have gathered every Sunday since then to do the Falun Gong exercises together. Today Falun Gong has spread to sixty countries. To celebrate this, I want to give this song to you today - a song of gratitude, encouragement and joy.
Germany: Falun Gong is Deeply Rooted in the German Community
2005-04-23Because practitioners organise information days frequently, if they see something missing, they just quietly buy it using their own money. When similar activities occur, they all know where to purchase the relevant things. This phenomenon of giving and never asking for reward is very closely linked with the benefits they experienced in Falun Gong. Through practising Falun Gong, they generally obtained a healthy body, a calm and peaceful mind, and a harmonious relationship with others.
Italy: Anti-torture Exhibition Touches People’s Conscience in Milan
2005-04-22Italian practitioners went to Cardusio Square and held an anti-torture exhibition to let the public know about the Chinese Communist Party’s persecution against their fellow practitioners in China. They re-enacted two methods of torture used to force practitioners in China to give up their beliefs. Many tourist groups from Mainland China saw the exhibition.
A Precious Gift - Celebrating Ten Years of Falun Dafa in Sweden
2005-04-22At the end of February in 1995, a friend of mine told me that a qigong-master from China with great wisdom would come to Gothenburg to hold lectures. I felt in my heart that I wanted to attend these lectures and submitted my application for the course. Master Li first held three introductory lectures in Gothenburg and I went to listen to all three of them. When I saw Master entering the lecture hall, I felt so happy inside. The following lectures were very interesting and intuitively I understood Master’s knowledge was extraordinary. It was like a new and vast world had opened up for me that gave me new energy and hope in life’s difficulties.
Spanish Screening of “Sandstorm” Triumphs at International Human Rights Film Festival in Barcelona
2005-04-22The film "Sandstorm" exposes the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China and was recommended by human rights organisations in Spain, as well as the organiser of this film festival. People were shocked and frustrated that basic human rights and freedom of belief are still being seriously trampled on in China, even in the 21st Century.
Russia: Practitioners from Pjatigorsk Introduce Falun Gong in Essentuky City
2005-04-22Practitioners held activities in the city of Essentuky to promote Falun Gong and show the beauty of traditional Chinese culture. A photo display detailing Falun Gong’s popularity all over the world was exhibited alongside practitioners’ art works. A demonstration of the Falun Gong exercises was followed by a poetry recital and traditional Chinese dancing.
Irish Practitioners Send Congratulations to Turkish Falun Dafa Practitioners
2005-04-22Irish Falun Dafa practitioners congratulate Turkish practitioners on the founding of the Turkish Falun Dafa Association. It is a wonderful and historic accomplishment that will no doubt bring blessings to the people of Turkey.
Slovakia: The People of Topolcany Call for an End to the Persecution of Falun Gong
2005-04-21The chief editor of the local newspaper stayed at the activity for a long time in order to get an insight into Falun Gong from different angles because he had not heard about it before. Slovakian practitioners were grateful for local people’s heartfelt concern and support in demanding that the human rights abuses against Falun Gong in China are stopped immediately.
Radio Free Asia: Increasing Persecution of Jiang Renzheng by the CCP Shocks the German Public
2005-04-21Falun Gong practitioner Jiang Renzheng and his family went back to mainland China from Germany at the beginning of March. As soon as they arrived at Benxi, Liaoning, they suffered continuos persecution from the police and the national security department. From the information we got on Friday, the persecution has increased again. Ms Tang, who has been actively working on this issue, introduced her most recent situation to a reporter last week. The information that Jiang Renzheng has been detained and his family is not allowed to visit him shocked Germany’s media and human rights organisations again.