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Finland: Bringing the Goodness of Falun Gong to the Finnish People
2005-04-28On the evening of the 8th of April 2005, practitioners from two different cities in Finland drove several hundred kilometres to the Kylpyl Hotel near the mid-west city of Pori to participate in a two-day health exhibition. Some people told practitioners they had already seen Falun Gong on Finnish TV. Several members of the public said that they could feel a strong energy field at the Falun Gong stall.
Latest French Translation of Zhuan Falun has been Completed
2005-04-27Thanks to the hard work of Mid-European and Western European Dafa practitioners, a new French version of Master Li Hongzhi’s Zhuan Falun has been finished recently and published. Translations of the introductory text Falun Gong and the main text Zhuan Falun are now available in over 30 languages, including Slovak, Hebrew and Indonesian. Many languages even have different translations to be more accurate. All completed translation can be downloaded for free.
Sweden: Activities in Gothenburg to Commemorate the April 25th Incident
2005-04-27On April 24th, Falun Gong practitioners from Gothenburg held an activity in the city centre to raise awareness about the persecution and inform the public of the anniversary of the 25th of April appeal. It was six years ago that 10,000 Falun Gong practitioners peacefully gathered at the Chinese Communist Party’s central appeal office in Beijing.
Holland: To Commemorate the "4.25" Appeal, Practitioners Peacefully Appeal Outside the Chinese Embassy
2005-04-27To commemorate the "4.25" appeal in Zhongnanhai, when 10,000 Dafa practitioners went to peacefully appeal to the Chinese Government in 1999, Holland Dafa practitioners peacefully demonstrated outside the Chinese Embassy and called for an end to the persecution on the 24th of April.
NTDTV Invited to a Special Seminar on "Communism - the Rights of Freedom of Speech” during the 61st UNHRC
2005-04-27On the 13th of April, inside the UN building in Geneva, a special conference was held by the General-Secretary of the International Multicultural Religions Organization about New Tang Dynasty Television. The main speakers included NTDTV Public Affairs Deputy Principal, Chairman of the Overseas Chinese Democracy League, a representative for the Tiananmen Mothers Committee and also a Swiss lawyer.
UK Falun Gong Practitioners Urgently Appeal to the Home Office to Grant Jin Hua Asylum
2005-04-26UK practitioner Jin Hua, who has already suffered violence at the hands of the Chinese communist regime, is scheduled for deportation today. We sincerely ask the world’s people to speak out against the UK Government’s plan to deport Jin Hua to China for certain persecution. Please fax or e-mail your support letter to Jin Hua’s lawyer and the UK Home Office. The contact details are in this article.
United Kingdom: April 25th Commemorative Press Conference and Chinatown Appeal in London
2005-04-26The speakers at the London press conference exposed the massive increase in illegal arrests of Falun Gong practitioners and the declaration of martial law in parts of China that has happened in the week leading up to the April 25th anniversary. On the same day, a demonstration of the Falun Gong exercises took place in London’s Chinatown.
Estonia: Activities to Promote Falun Gong Add a Touch of Spring to the Capital City of Tallinn
2005-04-26From the 16th to the 17th of April, practitioners from Estonia, Latvia, and Finland attended a health expo in the Estonian city of Tallinn. They demonstrated the five sets of Falun Gong exercises and told people about Falun Gong and the human rights abuses that practitioners in China are suffering. They also held a photo exhibition in a nearby park.
The Spanish Falun Dafa Association Congratulates the Establishment of the Turkish Falun Dafa Association
2005-04-26We are happy to learn about the establishment of the Turkish Falun Dafa Association. Spanish Dafa practitioners extend their warm congratulations to Turkish Dafa practitioners. Let us continue to follow Master's teachings and move forward together with Dafa practitioners around the world in assisting Master in rectifying the Fa. Let us try to do the best of the three things with righteous thoughts and deeds and complete our great vows made long ago.
Geneva: Exposing the Chinese Regime's Crimes Against Conscience During UN Human Rights Meeting
2005-04-25During the 61st session of the UNHRC, the Falun Gong Human Rights Working Group, the United Nations Association of the United States of America San Diego Chapter and the International Educational Development - Humanitarian Law Project jointly held a forum entitled, "Crimes Against Conscience - The Chinese Government's Persecution of Falun Gong."
Slovakia: Promoting Falun Gong at the "Health Days" Expo in Bratislava
2005-04-25Practitioners of Falun Gong took part in the "Health Days" expo in Bratislava. Many people came to the Falun Gong stall, on which there were information leaflets, books and also a petition against the persecution in China. Many had already heard about the practice and the terrible human rights abuses happening under the tyranny of the Chinese Communist Party.
Speech from the Vice-Chairman of “European Friends of Falun Gong” at a Press Conference to Commemmorate April 25th
2005-04-25Six years ago, on the 25th April 1999, 10,000 Falun Gong practitioners appealed to the Chinese government against the curbing of their basic human rights by gathering in a peaceful protest in Beijing. As a result the Chinese government, under the leadership of then President Jiang Zemin, began its brutal persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China. We know that so far at least 1,880 practitioners have died as a result of torture of one form or another at the hands of the authorities since then, while many thousands more still languish in prisons and labour camps throughout the country, unsure of their eventual fate.
The Epoch Times: April 25th - Falun Gong Practitioners Begin to Appeal
2005-04-25The Beijing police had never seen a crowd like this. They remained quiet, orderly and in good humour the whole day. They kept the sidewalks clear so that pedestrians could move along. At the end of the day they cleaned up all litter, including the cigarette butts of the policemen.
EFGIC: Largest Nationwide Arrest Campaign Since July 1999 Taking Place throughout China
2005-04-24LONDON (EFGIC) — The Chinese Communist Party has been carrying out massive secret arrests across the country, spanning several provinces and many cities, according to numerous sources in China. The arrests are targeting anyone believed to have an affiliation with Falun Gong, and witnesses say that some cities are being controlled under martial law conditions. These mass arrests constitute the largest campaign since July 1999 when the Chinese authorities rounded up tens of thousands of Falun Gong practitioners in makeshift detention centres and stadiums. Many were taken from their homes in the middle of the night.
UK Members of Parliament Support Falun Gong Motion
2005-04-24UK Member of Parliament Patsy Calton tabled Early Day Motion (EDM) 389 to support Falun Gong in the UK House of Commons. The tabling of an EDM is a device to draw attention to an issue, and to elicit support for it by inviting other Members of Parliament to add their signatures to the motion. 97 MPs signed this Motion to show their support and it has one of the highest numbers of signatures among the 1012 open Motions. Many MPs also sent letters to Falun Gong practitioners to show their support. They also directly questioned the UK Government for further action.