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Russia: Introducing Falun Gong in the Far East (2) - Habarovsk City
2004-09-13The Chinese at the market asked how much we got paid to distribute the materials. We replied, “We saved the money from our tight budget to print the materials. We were not paid to do anything. We spent our own money buying train tickets to travel from far away for the purpose of telling people the truth about Falun Gong and the facts of the persecution in China”.
Sweden: Anti-Torture Exhibition in Gothenburg Arouses the Public's Kindness
2004-09-13Gothenburg is the second largest city in Sweden and a well-known business centre in Europe. To clarify the truth about the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China, practitioners from Sweden, Denmark and Finland held a series of anti-torture exhibitions at Gustav Adolf Torg, the square in front of the city hall of Gothenburg on August 27th, 28th and September 3rd.
Austria's Herrn Magazine: The Long Arm of Jiang Zemin in Austria
2004-09-13Yong Wang, 32, residing in Austria since 1993, was refused an extension of his passport by the Chinese Consulate in Vienna. The decision from the Consulate was based on his being a Falun Gong practitioner and that he regularly attended candlelight vigils at the Chinese Embassy calling for the end of the persecution of Falun Gong in China.
Austria: Press Conference Regarding the Charges Filed against Jia Qinglin in Vienna
2004-09-12On Monday August the 30th 2004, charges were filed with the State Prosecutor’s Office in Vienna against Jia Qinglin, who was visiting Austria, because of his crimes related to the persecution of Falun Gong in the People’s Republic of China.
Germany: People Support Falun Gong During the Wagner Opera Festival
2004-09-12Though the city government insisted that no groups would be allowed to hold any activities during the Wagner Festival this year, the relevant government agencies’ position was altered after Dafa practitioners’ told them the facts about the Genocide that is happening in China.
Finnish Practitioner Exposes Jiang's Genocide Against Falun Gong on Chile’s Radio Tierra
2004-09-12"Today it is verified through Amnesty International and the UN that there are more or less 100 thousand people incarcerated, thousands of people have been sent to mental hospitals, healthy people, and as of today there are 1022 verified cases of practitioners who have been tortured to death in Chinese jails. Amnesty has also verified the torture methods. I have seen photos of people that have been burnt with hot irons; they use electric batons on their bodies for hours, even on the women's intimate parts."
Sweden: Introducing Falun Dafa in Lerum City
2004-09-12Last week, Lerum community, which is a community very close to Gothenburg and the second largest city in Sweden, had a week dedicated to a healthier and happier Lerum. Falun Gong practitioners were invited by Lerum community in cooperation with the Adult Educational Association in Lerum to display the exercises and inform the public about Falun Gong to people attending a lecture.
Spain: Falun Dafa Association Holds Press Conference to Introduce the Lawsuit Against Jia Qinglin
2004-09-11At 12pm on September the 7th 2004, the Spanish Falun Dafa Association held a press conference to announce Dafa practitioners’ lawsuit against Jia Qinglin. Lawyer Carlos Iglesias filed the lawsuit on behalf of the practitioners, charging Jia for his grave crimes against humanity committed during the brutal persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in Mainland China.
Sweden: The New Location of the Chinese Consulate Provides Great Opportunities for Telling More People about Falun Dafa
2004-09-11The Chinese Consulate in Gothenburg will soon move from a remote area to a busy downtown location. Falun Gong practitioners in Sweden who used to appeal for an end to the persecution at the consulate welcomed the change because it will provide greater opportunities for them to expose the atrocities committed by Jiang Zemin in China to more people.
Germany: Telling People in Trier City about Falun Gong and the Persecution
2004-09-11An old man who stood in front of a group of people asked, “What’s the matter? Why are there white people practising Chinese Falun Gong?” A practitioner explained, "The universal principle of Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance has no boundary of race or nationality. This is practised by people all over the world." The old man nodded his head several times.
Russia: Falun Gong Practitioners in Moscow Rally on Red Square to tell People about the Persecution of Falun Dafa Practitioners in China
2004-09-11On the 7th of September, over 130,000 Moscow citizens gathered in front of the Kremlin and held an anti-terrorism gathering. The mayor of Moscow, religious leaders, MPs, scientists and other important leaders of society made speeches to the gathering against terrorism. Falun Gong practitioners were involved in the parade to the Kremlin. They held out banners which displayed “The world needs Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance” and “Falun Gong practitioners against international terrorism and genocide”
The Italian Clearharmony Website is Officially Launched
2004-09-10We would like to hereby introduce and congratulate the Italian Clearharmony website, which was officially launched on September the 9th 2004 and is now online at This site will be updated twice a week. We hope this can help you get a clearer and broader view of what Falun Gong is and the truth behind this ongoing brutal persecution in China.
Austria: Falun Gong Practitioners Expose the Persecution During Jia Qinglin's Visit to Austria
2004-09-10On September 1st 2004, Jia Qinglin visited the Austrian Parliament. Outside, Falun Gong practitioners unfurled banners exposing the inhumane persecution of Falun Gong practitioners by Jiang Zemin and Jia Qinglin’s regime. At night, Falun gong practitioners held a candlelit vigil outside the Chinese Embassy.
Sweden: Anti-Torture Exhibition in Gothenburg Exposes the Ruthless Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in China
2004-09-10On September 3rd 2004, Falun Gong practitioners in Sweden held an anti-torture exhibition on Gustav Adolf Square in front of the Gothenburg City Government Buildings, exposing the brutal persecution of Falun Gong practitioners and calling on the government of Gothenburg and its people to help end this persecution.
Falun Dafa "Truth Museum" Website Soon to Be Launched
2004-09-10"Our job has just started, but our goal is definite: we want to accurately and vividly record the important historical events from the spread of Falun Gong in China since its introduction in 1992 to its spread to more than sixty countries and regions in the world. We want to depict the unprecedented, cruel persecution that the Jiang Zemin regime launched against Falun Gong practitioners. It may be the foundation of constructing Falun Dafa Truth Museums in the future."