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Germany: The International Human Rights Association Hosts a Long Distance Race in Support of Human Rights
2004-09-18On the 28th of August 2004, the International Human Rights Association hosted its first long-distance race in support of human rights, in the southern German city of Karlsruhe. About one hundred and thirty people participated in the race. With the theme “For the Purity of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games”, the race was intended to raise further public awareness of the serious on-going human rights violation in China.
Sweden: Promoting Falun Gong during the Final Day of the Lerum Wellbeing Festival
2004-09-18Lerum community recently held activities over a few days for the people in the commuity to learn more about different ways of promoting health. Many people came to try different activities for promoting health and wellbeing. Falun Gong practitioners were invited by the community to demonstrate the exercises and inform the public about Falun Gong.
United Kingdom: Practitioners Invited to Demonstrate Falun Gong Exercises at Birmingham Art Festival
2004-09-18On the 11th and 12th of September, England’s biggest free arts festival was held in the city of Birmingham. Over three hundred arts groups from England came to the performance. Falun Gong practitioners have been invited three years running to take part in the festival and this year they were the first to perform.
The U.S. Department of State's Sixth Annual Report on International Religious Freedom Condemns the Violations of Citizen's Religious Liberty in China
2004-09-18On September the 15th, the U.S. Department of State issued its sixth annual Report on International Religious Freedom. Country by country, this report documents the conditions of religious freedom around the world. Because of its persecution of Falun Gong and other religious groups, China has once again been identified as one of the Countries of Particular Concern by the U.S. Department of States. This label refers to governments that engage in or tolerate gross infringements of religious freedom.
Russia: Introducing Falun Gong in the Far East and Exposing the Persecution (3)
2004-09-17"The reason Jiang started the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners is only because there were so many people practising Falun Gong. The number of the practitioners exceeded that of the Communist Party, which could not be endured by them. Please don’t believe the media propaganda about Falun Gong in China."
Finland: Falun Gong takes Part in “Compassion Day” in the City of Turku
2004-09-17On Sunday the 29th of August, 'Compassion Day' was held in the city of Turku. Falun Dafa practitioners enriched the event by telling people about the benefits and principles of Falun Dafa, which emphasizes goodness and compassion in its teachings. Practitioners also raised awareness of the cruelty of the persecution in Mainland China.
Sweden: A Poster about Falun Gong has been Placed on Trams and Passenger Boats in Gothenburg
2004-09-16In Gothenburg during the past two weeks, passengers travelling by trams in the city and by boats going to the archipelago have been able to see a poster concerning the persecution of Falun Gong that is taking place in China. The Falun Gong poster explains briefly about the practice and includes examples of torture methods.
Spain: Series of Activities During Jia Qinglin's Visit to Spain (1)
2004-09-16Barcelona was the first stop for Jia Qinglin during his visit to Spain. At 3 o’clock, Jia Qinglin, together with his delegation, arrived at Barcelona airport. The Falun Gong practitioners, who had been waiting for hours, opened banners reading “Falun Dafa” and “Stop immediately the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners”.
Radio France Internationale: Jia Qinglin Sued by Falun Gong Practitioners During his Visit to Spain
2004-09-16Jia Qinglin, the chairman of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, was met with protest by Falun Gong practitioners in Madrid yesterday. According to a spokesman, the Spanish Falun Gong Association has filed a lawsuit accusing Jia Qinglin of participation in the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners while City Secretary of Beijing. The indictment says that Jia is responsible for the persecution of up to a hundred thousand Falun Gong practitioners in China.
Russian Times: "Moscow Falun Gong Practitioners' Big Banner"
2004-09-16On September the 8th, on the front page of the "Russian Times”, one of Russia’s largest circulated newspapers, was the photo of a parade with more than one hundred thousand participants. Two huge banners held by practitioners were in the photo, reading “The World Needs Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance”.
Spain: Peaceful Appeal at La Sagrada Familia Church in Support of Suing Jia Qinglin
2004-09-15On Saturday the 4th of September, Jia Qinglin visited the famous tourist site La Sagrada Familia Church. The church was very crowded. Streams of tourists from around the world came to visit the site. Practitioners from Barcelona also came here to hold a peaceful appeal and expose to local residents and tourists the ongoing brutal persecution of Falun Gong in China.
The French Falun Dafa Association Congratulates the Founding of the Japanese Falun Dafa Association
2004-09-15We are happy to learn that the Japanese Falun Dafa Association has been given permission by the Government of Tokyo in Japan and founded formally, this event also draws attention from the Japanese media and society. It is a result of the persistent truth clarification of Dafa disciples, and must have a significant effect on the saving of sentient beings comprehensively, you are to be congratulated.
Spain: Falun Dafa Practitioners' Just Actions Frighten the Evil Regime
2004-09-14On the 6th of September 2004, the head of the Spanish House of Representatives met with Jia Qinglin. Prior to Jia’s arrival, Falun Gong practitioners had been waiting with banners held up in front of the building. Suddenly a welcome group appeared which was led by a Chinese official and stood in front of the Falun Gong group...
The European Falun Dafa Association Congratulates the Founding of the Japanese Falun Dafa Association
2004-09-14On hearing the Japanese Falun Dafa Association was granted permission by the Japanese Tokyo government and is now founded formally, all practitioners from the European Falun Dafa Association are happy to send our greetings from our hearts. The founding of the Japanese Falun Dafa Association will allow more Japanese people to know more about Falun Dafa, we are happy for them. Congratulations to the founding of the Japanese Falun Dafa Association!
Radio Free Asia: Jia Qinglin Sued by Falun Gong Practitioners During his Visit to Spain
2004-09-14On the 7th of September, Radio Free Asia reported that the lawyer for the Falun Gong Association revealed that Falun Gong had filed a lawsuit against Jia Qinglin, the chairman of the Chinese Political Consultative Conference, for crimes of genocide and torture. Jia is visiting Spain at present. According to the Reuters News Agency, fifteen people submitted the lawsuit together, appealing for their relatives who were persecuted in Beijing while Jia was the City Secretary.