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Germany: The People of Ritterhude are Fortunate to Learn about Falun Gong During the 'Hammefestival'
2004-09-25The annual “Hammefestival", which took place this year between September 3rd and September 5th, provided an opportunity for Falun Gong practitioners to let the people of Ritterhude know about the cultivation practise Falun Gong and the true reasons for the persecution. For three days the Ritterhude locals got together for a lantern-walk, fireworks display, music, information booths and a flea market
Sweden: Falun Gong Practitioners and Human Rights Lawyer Announce Lawsuit Against Prime Culprits in the Persecution of Falun Gong at a Joint Press Conference
2004-09-24At 1:00pm on the 21st of September 2004, Swedish Falun Gong practitioners and Swedish human rights lawyer Peter Bergquist held a joint press conference at Mynttorget Square in Stockholm, announcing that a lawsuit is to be filed against Jiang Zemin and his accomplices for persecuting Falun Gong.
France: Introducing Falun Dafa on Sainte-Lucie Island in the Caribbean
2004-09-24Sainte-Lucie is a small English-speaking island located to the south of Martinique Island on the Caribbean Sea. There are many Embassies and Consulates on the island, including the Chinese Embassy. A few practitioners from Guadeloupe decided to visit Sainte-Lucie to introduce Falun Dafa to people there and also to expose the persecution of Falun Gong in China.
Norway: Norwegian People Hope that the Persecution of Falun Gong Ends Soon
2004-09-24On September the 18th 2004, Norwegian and Swedish Falun Dafa practitioners held an anti-torture exhibition on Karl Johan Street in Oslo city centre. This activity provoked reactions from the Norwegian people. Although it was raining, people still stopped to watch one after another, enquiring, signing petitions and expressing their support for Falun Gong practitioners.
Germany: Falun Gong Practitioners Awarded the Bronze Medal at Hamburg's Culture Festival
2004-09-23The Hamburg Culture Festival was held on the 11th of September. There were nearly two thousand people from eighty different countries displaying their own national culture. Falun Gong practitioners were invited again to join the annual festival and after the parade was over they were awarded the Bronze Medal, as well as a certificate of honour.
Report in France's "L’Union en Ligne": Falun Dafa: The Method of Relaxing Body and Mind from China
2004-09-23The practise was banned in China in 1999. “This method of relaxing the body and mind is non-political, neither do we seek money or fame.” Tens of millions of Chinese people were practising Falun Gong before it was banned. “ Many people have been put into prison since it was banned and the conditions of some other practitioners are even worse now due to the brutal persecution.”
Germany: People Ask Practitioners, "What Can We Do To Help You?" at Anti-Torture Exhibition in Nuremberg
2004-09-22On the 11th of September, practitioners from Bavaria obtained permission for an information day to introduce Falun Gong and expose to the general public the ongoing torture of practitioners in China. We also collected signatures in support of suing Jiang Zemin for genocide of Falun Gong practitioners.
Radio France Internationale: Falun Gong Practitioner Wang Xia Tortured in Huhhot Female Prison
2004-09-22'Thirty year old practitioner Wang Xia was brutally tortured and steps were taken to prevent the disclosure of the facts inside Huhhot Female prison in Lin Her City in inner Mongolia. After the spread of the news by international media, a lot of people were concerned and expressed their sympathy for Wang Xia and her family.'
Epoch Times: German Court Approves Swastika Use
2004-09-22The group retained an attorney and consulted renowned German Sinologist, Professor Rudolf G. Wagner of the University of Heidelberg. In November 2003, the court rendered a verdict of "not guilty" and declared the display of the Falun emblem as legal under German law. The public prosecutor lodged an appeal, but in March 2004 the original judgement was upheld. The Falun symbol can now be legally displayed.
SFGIC Press Release: Press Conference Regarding Criminal Charges in Sweden Against Jiang Zemin and Live Anti-Torture Exhibition
2004-09-21Swedish Falun Gong practitioners together with their lawyer, Falun Gong practitioner Peter Bergquist, are preparing a lawsuit in Sweden in co-operation with international human rights lawyers Georges-Henri Beauthier of Belgium and William Bourdoun of France. The lawsuit charges Jiang Zemin, former Head of State in China, and other responsible perpetrators in the persecution of Falun Gong for crimes of murder, torture and abduction.
Belgium: Anti-Torture Exhibition in Brussels City Centre Moves People's Hearts
2004-09-21On the afternoon of September the 11th, practitioners from Holland, France and Belgium held an anti-torture exhibition in Brussels city centre, displaying to the public torture methods used on Falun Gong practitioners in China. People were all very eager to know more about the situation and listened carefully to practitioners' explanations.
Finnish Practitioner Interviewed in Chile's "La Tercera" Newspaper
2004-09-21On Monday August the 23rd 2004, La Tercera, one of the largest newspapers in Chile, published an article about Falun Dafa. Pía María Sandas, a Finnish ex-model who's now an executive of the cosmetic company Isadora, is visiting Chile to let people know about the persecution of Falun Dafa in China.
Slovakia: Exposing Jiang's Crimes with an Anti-Torture Exhibition in Bratislava
2004-09-20On Saturday the 18th of September, Falun Gong practitioners from Slovakia and the Czech Republic organised an activity to attract the attention of the public: they demonstrated the torture methods which are used on practitioners of Falun Gong in China. Many passers-by stopped to read information on the display boards next to the torture exhibits.
Germany: Falun Gong Practitioners Participate in the Second Hamburg Cultural Carnival
2004-09-19Between the 10th and the 12th of September, German Falun Gong practitioners were again invited to participate in Hamburg’s second Cultural Carnival. Practitioners laid out pictures that detailed the history of Falun Dafa at two stalls inside Hamburg University and took part in a float parade on the 11th.
Russia: Introducing Falun Dafa and Exposing the Persecution in St Petersburg
2004-09-19On September the 11th, 2004, Russian Falun Gong practitioners held activities in St Petersburg to explain the facts about Falun Gong to the public and to urge them to put an end to worldwide terrorism. Practitioners dressed in white and sat in meditation to commemorate those practitioners who have died due to state-terrorism in China.