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UK: Promoting Falun Dafa in Swansea after Christmas
2004-01-07After the Christmas break, on December the 27th, the shops re-opened and shoppers flocked to the high-streets for the sales. Welsh and English Falun Dafa practitioners seized this precious opportunity to hold a demonstration of the Falun Gong exercises right in the centre of the Welsh city of Swansea.
Latvia: Practitioners Invited to Teach the Falun Gong Exercises at a Gymnasium in Riga
2004-01-07Dafa practitioners taught the five sets of exercises for one and half hours and the atmosphere was very peaceful. Many of the people there already knew about the persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners in Mainland China. Dafa practitioners also answered any questions they had. Many people said that they were glad to have the chance to learn the practice.
UK: Falun Gong practitioners hold a Memorial Service for Liu Chengjun in front of the Chinese Embassy in London
2004-01-06Liu Chengjun should be applauded as a human rights hero, who has peacefully defended his faith and unveiled a web of deception spun by Jiang to hide his gross crimes against humanity. Mr. Liu used his life to clarify the facts to the public and to resist this evil persecution. History will remember the selfless and tremendous sacrifice Liu Chengjun has made for the world.
Belgium: Practitioners Hold Activities Outside the Chinese Consulate to Mourn for Liu Chenjun
2004-01-06On January the 2nd, Belgian Falun Gong practitioners went to the Chinese consulate to protest against the atrocities committed by the Jiang regime against Falun Gong practitioners, and to mourn the death of Changchun practitioner Liu Chengjun, who was brutally persecuted to death several days ago.
UK: Promoting Falun Gong Before Christmas
2004-01-05A few tourists from Mainland China took pictures of practitioners when they saw the Falun Gong exercise demonstration. One western practitioner gave them a leaflet and told of his experiences and the benefits he received from practising Falun Gong. The Chinese tourists nodded and said that they also knew Dafa is good, but they did not know what to do about the situation in China.
European Friends of Falun Gong will hold an International Workshop on "Modern Genocide" in Sweden
2004-01-05One of the topics of the workshop will be to discuss how to deal with cases of genocide during the continuous persecution of the Falun Gong in China. By observing Falun Gong persecution cases, we discovered that the Internet and the Global economy is playing a role in modern genocide, which makes modern genocide different from genocide in the past.
Germany: Activities to Rescue Xiong Wei in Chamer City
2004-01-05December 2003 saw Xiong Wei spend a second birthday in Beijing Xinan labour camp. Practitioners in Chamer and the surrounding cities held a series of rescue activities to let more people know about Xiong Wei’s situation and learn the brutal facts of the persecution of Falun Gong by Jiang’s regime.
Ireland: Clarifying the Facts to Christmas Shoppers in Dublin
2004-01-04Over the past five years, practitioners have handed out tens of thousands of copies of Dafa materials. Practitioners have also talked with thousands of passersby. The lawsuits filed against Jiang worldwide and the ongoing efforts to bring Jiang to justice in people's hearts, and in a court of law have also been emphasised and brought to people's attention.
Chinese Embassy in France Attempts to Stop Falun Gong Practitioners from Joining Chinese New Year Parade
2004-01-04We sincerely hope all compassionate people will stand up and oppose all forms of persecution of Falun Gong, and support Falun Gong practitioners' right to participate in a Chinese cultural event. We would like to meet with Chinese Embassy staff to discuss this situation, and would like to talk with municipal authorities who may have been deceived by the Embassy's defamation.
Germany: Practitioners Appeal for the Release of Xiong Wei at the Chinese Consulate in Hamburg
2004-01-04Upon returning to China after living in Germany, Xiong Wei was arrested in Beijing on the 5th of January 2002 while distributing materials about the persecution of Falun Gong. December the 8th is Xiong Wei’s birthday and because of this, Falun Gong practitioners in Hamburg went to the Chinese consulate to appeal for her release and to send righteous thoughts.
Swiss Stock Exchange Rating Agency Removes Volkswagen from its Stock Option List
2004-01-04The internationally active investment firm Helvetica Invest AG, which is located in Switzerland, removed Volkswagen from its stock option list, once it became known that Volkswagen had actively participated in the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China.
Greece: Introducing Falun Dafa in Athens
2004-01-04Over the Christmas holidays, a few practitioners from Scandinavia travelled to Athens in Greece to help the Falun Gong practitioners there introduce Falun Dafa to the locals. Many people stopped to watch the demonstration and took flyers as well as learned more about Falun Gong. People also learned more about the persecution taking place in China.
All UK Dafa Disciples Respectfully Wish Our Honourable and Compassionate Master a Happy New Year
2004-01-03We wish Master a Happy New Year! Time flies. Under Teacher's earnest and tireless guidance, we have passed through four difficult years. In this new year, we will firmly keep Master’s words in mind, strengthen our coordination and cooperation, improve as a whole, do the three things well, and walk every step well during the Fa-rectification.
Swedish Dafa Practitioners Sincerely Send New Year's Greetings to Our Great and Compassionate Master
2004-01-03With righteous thoughts and righteous actions, we will accomplish well the historic task of saving people, fulfil our pledges, will not disappoint Master’s expectations, and will walk every remaining step well on the path of Fa-rectification.
All German Dafa Practitioners Wish Master Li a Happy New Year
2004-01-03During the new year, all German Dafa practitioners gathered together to study the Fa, share their experiences, and improve as a whole body. All German Dafa practitioners respectfully wish our compassionate and great Master a Happy New Year!