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Russia: Finnish Practitioners visit their Embassy in Moscow to let them know the Truth about Falun Gong
2003-10-03During the recent experience sharing conference in Russia activities were orgainsed to let more people know about Falun Gong. In the time between these activities, Finnish Falun Dafa practitioners visited the Finnish Embassy in Moscow to tell them the facts about Falun Dafa and the brutal persecution that has been happening for over four years in China.
Germany: Picture Exhibition Exposing Jiang's Crimes of Genocide at Tourist Spots
2003-10-03People were shocked: How could this be happening in China? The reason for the persecution is simply because so many Falun Gong practitioners were trying to be good people. One after another, the Chinese visitors started to sign their names on a signature collection book that is being used to bring Jiang to justice and to rescue Xiong Wei, a German practitioner currently being illegally detained in China.
A Letter from a French MP to Dafa Practitioners
2003-10-02"This persecution, launched by the Chinese Government under Jiangs control, is a clear violation of basic human rights. No excuse can justify the persecution. Please set your mind at ease. Your demonstrations have my complete support."
UK MP raises a Question about the Misuse of Article 23 against Falun Gong in Hong Kong
2003-10-02On the 1st of September, 2003, UK MP Mr. Gregory Barker raised a question in the House of Commons to ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what steps have been made to assess the Chinese Government's use of Article 23 against the practise of Falun Gong in Hong Kong.
A Letter from the President of the France-China Friendship Association to Falun Dafa Practitioners
2003-10-02"At present, the French and European communities have periodically questioned China and have had to force China to admit human rights violations. With continuous dialogue, carried on by different politicians, we are gradually changing the human rights situations in China. Please trust me that I will raise this issue and will attach importance to the situation as you reported it."
The Fourth Russian Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference is successfully held in Moscow
2003-10-02The fourth Russian Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference was held to help Dafa practitioners in Russia and the surrounding areas to improve together and make a further step forward in Fa-rectification.
Letter to the Editor of Danish Newspaper Berlingske Tidende - The Criminal Jiang Zemin
2003-10-02"Jiang Zemins crimes are not just violations against Falun Gong. His persecution of Falun Gong is just a sign just like miners carrying a canary into the mine shaft to warn them about the lack of oxygen. Jiang Zemins crimes are a threat to all Chinese people, because they destroy the moral standards that are the base of a stable society."
Swedish MP asked the Foreign Minister what Measures he will Take to Ensure that the Chinese Consulate respects Swedens Basic Laws
2003-10-01"Falun Gong practitioners broadcast a programme at a local radio station weekly, but Chinese consulate staff contacted the Chief of the radio station and the Vice-Chairperson of the Physical Education and the Association of Management Departments, attempting to stop the programme from being broadcast and to discontinue financial support for local radio stations...What measures would the Minister be prepared to take in order to ensure that the Chinese consulate respects our basic laws, which guarantees freedom of speech?"
Director of the International Centre of Culture in Albania: I want to express my solidarity with the Falun Dafa movement.
2003-10-01She likes Zhang Cuiyings works not only because of the quality but also because of the spirit of the paintings. Theyre nothing to do with politics - different meanings come from her heart. She is also sympathetic to Cuiying, who was a victim of brutal persecution at the hands of Jiang Zemins regime because she practises Falun Dafa.
Finland: A Righteous Human Rights Lawyer
2003-10-01Today I am entrusted by the Falun Dafa Association of Finland to hand in a lawsuit against Luo Gan for crimes of genocide and torture and for the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China...I think this business is to preserve justice for mankind. A criminal who has committed such crimes as genocide, will have to face the consequence of being arrested while visiting a foreign country.
Russia: Photo Report - Many People learn about Falun Dafa at a Successful Photo Exhibition
2003-10-01 -
Article from The Gothenburg Post: Falun Gong practitioners file a Complaint with the Police about the Chinese Consulate in Sweden
2003-10-01They attempted to force us to discontinue the programme. We told them that it was not in their control. This is a basic right granted by law. Then they tried all that they could to have our financial support stopped. After they did not achieve their goal, they went to the local government to try to suppress us. They used the excuse of relationships between Shanghai and Gothenburg and the East Indian Group. It is disgusting to use such base means to achieve a goal.
Video: A Song for Xiong Wei
2003-10-01Xiong Wei is a practitioner, who previously studied at the Berlin Technical Institute in Germany. After returning to China, she was arrested while distributing Falun Gong materials. She is currently illegally imprisoned in Beijing. This video has been made by German Falun Gong practitioners to appeal for her release.
Swedish Branch of Amnesty International condemns the Chinese Consulates Human Rights Violations
2003-09-30'The General Secretary of Amnesty International in Sweden, Carl Soderbergh, said, To me, this is highly offensive and unacceptable. We have watched the violations that Falun Gong has suffered in China for a long time. The fact that China wants to control Falun Gong activities in Sweden is outrageous.'
Albania: Zhang Cuiyings Art Exhibition was held in Tirana
2003-09-30Guests included government officials, officials from the consulates and Embassies in Tirana, artists, university professors and the media. The exhibition attracted strong interest from the mainstream media and the principle TV stations, including the national TV channel. The media reported on the art exhibition on September the 23rd, and many people later came to the exhibition as a result of these reports.