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A Letter to Falun Gong Practitioners from the Office of the German President
2003-09-27"You and I both hope that China will change their human rights situation. This change will also benefit China because if there are no laws or protection for the human rights of people in China, then China cannot become a modern society. We should tell the Chinese government that this is something that must be done."
Article from “Associated Press” about Falun Gong Practitioners’ Worldwide Actions to Bring Jiang to Justice
2003-09-27'Recent weeks have seen a flurry of new cases in Finland, Iceland, Belgium, France, and Australia. The group says it has signed on high-profile lawyers such as British human rights attorney Geoffrey Robertson to represent them. "The purpose of these cases is simple and specific: to target those responsible for the persecution. This is not a political campaign against the Chinese government," said Levi Browde, a Falun Gong spokesman in the United States.'
Attempts by the Chinese Consulate to Stop a Swedish Falun Gong Broadcast have been reported to the Police
2003-09-26The Chinese consulate attempted to force Gothenburg authorities to stop the Falun Gong Association’s programme being broadcast, during which they actually claimed that there is a dividing line between democracy and freedom of speech. Hans Hirschi, the chief of the local TV station, was extremely annoyed about the pressure applied by the Chinese Consulate. He commented “We only need to go back to 1941 to find a similar case occurring. This makes me think of World War II, when Germany at that time attempted to control the Swedish media.”
EFGIC: 58 Falun Gong Deaths from Torture and Abuse in China Reported in Three Months
2003-09-26"In October 2001, a Chinese government source revealed that the true death toll was more than five times the number we had confirmed at that time, and Jiang's regime has only become more thorough in covering up these killings. We have now confirmed the details of 787 deaths. The true death toll could be well over 4,000."
Germany: The Demand for Multi-Lingual Dafa Leaflets exceeds the Supply
2003-09-26A TV station filmed practitioners for a long time; tourists from China readily accepted materials, and were extremely surprised to see Falun Dafa banners; an elderly gentleman persisted in trying to obtain the exercise videotape, saying, “I’m sure it is definitely good, I am determined to learn.” The leaflets, in 20 different languages, were soon completely gone.
Amnesty International’s UK Warwick Branch Invited Dafa Practitioners to Explain the Facts about the Persecution
2003-09-25The Warwick branch asked the practitioners to give a one-hour speech introducing the persecution of Falun Gong in China. They decided to launch a campaign to collect signatures in British society to appeal to “Bring Jiang Zemin to Justice” and to “rescue Falun Gong practitioners’ relatives persecuted in China” so as to support Falun Gong.
Spain: Beautiful Scenes In the City of Tarragona
2003-09-25Practitioners sat down to send forth righteous thoughts, before they hung up Dafa banners, displayed pictures and demonstrated the exercises. People stopped to watch and said: “Look! How beautiful it is!” “How wonderful the music is!” Many people took photos with the exercise demonstration as a background. Others asked practitioners for information.
Practitioners in Germany and Israel Work Together to Rescue Xiong Wei
2003-09-25Xiong Wei studied at the Berlin Technical University and since January 2002, she has been detained in Xin An Female Labour Camp near Beijing. German Falun Gong practitioners and the International Society for Human Rights have also jointly initiated a rescue effort for Xiong Wei by asking people to write and send postcards to mainland China.
Russia: Spreading the Fa and Telling People the Facts in the Ancient City of Nizhai Novgorod
2003-09-25Practitioners held an art and literature exhibition to display artwork by Dafa practitioners. This was to display the goodness of Falun Dafa and to reveal the truth about the persecution in China to the local citizens. Reporters from the local TV station “Slavic” also came to the exhibition to carry out interviews.
Germany: Falun Dafa Information Day in Recklinghausen
2003-09-25Passers-by stopped to watch the exercise demonstration and talk with practitioners. They wanted to know more about Falun Gong. Some people already knew about Falun Gong since they have seen other Falun Dafa Information Day events. One of them learned about Falun Gong in Australia. We received many heart-felt messages of encouragement and support.
UK Foreign Ministry 2003 Human Rights Report criticises China’s Record and Attitude towards Human Rights
2003-09-24“China stated at the UN Commission on Human Rights in April 2003 that international concern over human rights in China was “unimportant, meaningless and irrelevant”. This has led to concerns among both other governments and in the NGO community as to the value China places on human rights dialogue.”
Moldova: Luo Gan Faced a 4th Lawsuit on the Last Stop of his European Tour
2003-09-24On the morning of September the 18th, the World Organisation to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong, The Committee for Global Action in Rescuing Family Members, the European Falun Dafa Association and the St. Petersburg Falun Dafa Association in Russia jointly filed a lawsuit against Luo Gan for his crimes of torture and genocide. Luo Gan, head of the Gestapo-like "610 Office"* in China, was visiting the Republic of Moldova.
Germany: Photo Exhibition to Expose Jiang’s crime of Genocide Attracts the Attention of International Diplomats
2003-09-24A photo exhibition to expose Chinese dictator Jiang Zemin’s crimes of genocide was held outside the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The head of the Chinese Department of the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs came downstairs especially to accept a letter from Dafa practitioners and a petition signed by German citizens.
Finland: Another Library in Helsinki Holds a Falun Dafa Picture Exhibition
2003-09-24At the exhibition hall, there were also some informative free Video-CDs and leaflets for visitors to take, as well as the compilation “The Falun Gong Report”, an annual publication detailing the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners through describing individual human rights violations affecting women, the elderly and children.
Moldova: Another Lawsuit is filed against “610 Office” Head Luo Gan before he leaves Europe
2003-09-23On September the 16th, during Luo Gan’s visit to Armenia, Falun Gong practitioners, with the help of international human rights organisations, submitted a lawsuit to a court in the capital Yerevan, against Luo Gan for his crimes of torture and genocide. Immediately after legal action in Iceland and Finland, Luo Gan was again placed in another embarrassing situation. This was the third lawsuit that Luo Gan faced during his visit to Europe.