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Hong Kong: "Obstruction Case" Appeal Scheduled for September 3, May Involve the Basic Law
2003-09-01The trial for the appeal was initially slated for the Supreme Court, but the judge thinks it may involve the Basic Law and has transferred it to the Appeals Court. It is estimated the trial will last three days. Spokesperson Xu Jun of the Hong Kong Falun Dafa Association said, "The ruling in West District Court on August 15, 2002 was unfair. The Basic Ordinance for vendors was misused to restrict the right to petition, which is no different than losing the freedom to petition. It apparently violated the Basic Law."
Falun Gong practitioners in Germany will Sue Jiang Zemin Under German International Criminal Law
2003-08-31Immediately after Belgian Falun Gong practitioners filed a lawsuit against Jiang Zemin for crimes of torture, crimes against humanity and genocide, the former Chinese leader, who is directly responsible for the persecution of Falun Gong, will face another similar lawsuit in Germany. This will be Jiangs second experience as a defendant in Germany. In April 2002, during Jiangs visit to Germany, German human rights organisation The Society for Threatened People sued Jiang for crimes against humanity and crimes of torture.
Slovakia: Celebrating Falun Gong Week by Touring Several Cities
2003-08-31Many people stopped and silently watched the exercises, read information about the persecution and signed a petition to bring dictator Jiang Zemin, who started the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners, to justice. Sometimes there was even a queue of people, both young and old, waiting to sign the petition.
UK: Practitioners Celebrate the First UK Falun Dafa Day with the People of Birmingham
2003-08-31'Pedestrians soon crowded around them to watch the performance. Whenever each performance was finished, they would applaud enthusiastically. They were very interested when the practitioners demonstrated the exercises. When they received leaflets, they would ask about the locations of local practice sites and express their intention to learn Falun Gong.'
Ireland: Speech from Member of European Parliament Patricia MacKenna
2003-08-31"I think it is up to the international community to raise at every opportunity, the issue of human rights in China. We shouldnt be afraid to do it. We shouldnt allow ourselves to be bullied or blackmailed with the issue of trade, money or financial resources or anything else to stay silent. Any democratic government in any democratic country must fight for the people of all countries regardless of where that country is and regardless of what they say."
Belgian TV Programme AVS Reports on the Lawsuit against Jiang
2003-08-31We hope that an in-depth investigation can take place and that, through this, it will become clear how Jiang Zemin is responsible for the deaths of thousands of people and that he will be sentenced. Not only in Belgium, but also by the international community.
Germany: Calling for the Rescue of Xiong Wei during Mainz Information Day
2003-08-31Those who wanted to help Xiong Wei could sign a petition that will be submitted to the German Chancellor Her Schroder. Those who wanted to personally encourage Xiong Wei could write a postcard and send it to her in custody.
UK: Fifth UK Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference Held in Birmingham
2003-08-31Practitioners who gave speeches used their personal experience and understanding in the Fa-rectification cultivation to discuss how to pay attention to coordination and cooperation, how to improve as a whole, give up egotism and keep up with the process of Fa-rectification. After the conference, the practitioners expressed that the conference achieved the goal of encouraging each other to strive forward together.
Agence France Presse (AFP): Falun Gong [Practitioner] to go to UN with Claims she was Tortured by China (photo)
2003-08-31'An Australian [practitioner] of the Falun Gong spiritual movement who claims she was tortured in China is to mount a case in the UN Commission on Human Rights against former Chinese president Jiang Zemin, her lawyers said. Chinese artist Zhang Cui Ying, 41, says she was tortured and abused after being arrested and jailed because of her beliefs by Chinese authorities.'
FDI: Lawsuit Against Jiang -- Western Media Pay Attention, Chinese Media Reaction Low-key
2003-08-31When the lawsuit against Jiang was filed in a U.S. district court last October, the Chinese government never responded to court subpoena(s); instead, they tried through diplomatic channels to pressure the U.S. government to stop the lawsuit. The plaintiffs' attorney Terry Marsh said, "The defendant has not responded to the lawsuit through legal means; instead, they tried to reject it through diplomatic means."
EFGIC: Pride of China Dies from Extended Torture in Chinese Prison
2003-08-30After ten months of severe torture, a female practitioner of Falun Gong who faced the Chinese regimes persecution of her faith with dignity and peaceful resilience, died in a womens prison camp on July 19, 2003, according to reports.
Belgium: Falun Gong Practitioners in Brussels hold a Big Trial of Jiang Zemin
2003-08-30The Sue Jiang Trial featured many Dafa practitioners who have suffered brutal persecution at the hands of Jiangs regime, playing their real selves. Among them were Chinese practitioners who have been through cruel persecution in Chinese labour camps, and western practitioners who received ill-treatment just for peacefully calling for an end to the persecution and going to Tiananmen Square.
Holland: Dafa is Warmly Welcomed in Gorichem
2003-08-30The people of Holland were amazed by our graceful exercises and watched carefully with great interest. They were shocked when they read in the leaflets about Jiang Zemins persecution against Falun Gong. In their hearts, they must have wondered, if Jiang Zemin persecuted people who believed in Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance then what did he believe in?
Belgian Practitioner Interviewed on National TV about the Genocide Lawsuit against Jiang
2003-08-30"The first complaint of the new genocide law that has only just been enacted has been filed this morning in Brussels by 6 practitioners of Falun Gong. Meanwhile, others have been demonstrating how they meditate in Falun Gong in front of the court building. The Chinese government have been persecuting Falun Gong practitioners systematically, torturing them and even killing them since 1999 under the order of the then leader, Jiang Zemin.
Berlingske Tidende (Danish newspaper): Letter to the Editor Four Years of Persecution
2003-08-29'There is documented evidence on the untimely death of at least 760 Falun Gong practitioners caused by the regimes brutal persecution. Sources inside the Chinese government, however, say that it is over 7000. In total, over forty types of state-sanctioned torture methods, including mass rape and other sexual violations of female practitioners, are only part of the harsh realities that Chinese Falun Gong practitioners are facing.'