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Media Alert: Former Chinese Leader Jiang Zemin Sued in Belgium for Genocide, Crimes against Humanity and Torture
2003-08-20Former Chinese leader Jiang Zemin should be sued under Belgian New Law (Law of 5th August 2003) for the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. A legal complaint alleging torture, crimes against humanity and genocide will be introduced before the Federal Prosecutor.
AFP: Falun Gong files Lawsuit against Jiang Zemin in Belgium
2003-08-20'Six followers of the banned Chinese spiritual movement Falun Gong are to file a lawsuit against former president Jiang Zemin for crimes against humanity, under a new Belgian law, their attorney said Tuesday. The suit, which will be handed to federal prosecutors on Wednesday, accuses Jiang -- who remains China's military head -- of "torture, crimes against humanity and genocide," said lawyer Georges-Henri Beauthier in a statement.'
Finland: Helsinki Library holds Falun Dafa Photo Exhibition
2003-08-19 -
Interview from Belgian Radio: Falun Gong Practitioners want to File a Genocide Lawsuit against Jiang Zemin
2003-08-19A complaint for genocide against Jiang Zemin was filed in the U.S. That complaint was declared valid. Also, in France a complaint has been filed against Li Lanqing, who was visiting the country at the time. Li Lanqing is the second Vice-Prime Minister of China. He got an order from Jiang Zemin to establish a special office that operates above all levels of the government to persecute Falun Gong practitioners.
Radio France Internationale: News about a Lawsuit Against Jiang Zemin Broadcast after Interception of the Sinosat Satellite
2003-08-19'Today, some overseas Chinese media reported that the Falun Gong material contained details of Falun Gong lawsuits and the indictment against Jiang Zemin. They listed Jiang Zemins ten crimes next to pictures of people practising Falun Gong, as well as reporting news about Jiang Zemin being prosecuted in overseas countries.'
Practitioners in the UK are Seeking Legal Means to Bring Jiang Zemin to Justice for Genocide
2003-08-18'Jiang Zemin must be held accountable for genocide against Falun Gong practitioners and brought to justice for his crimes against humanity, committed over four years of the most despicable persecution in history...Practitioners of Falun Gong in the UK are determined to use any legal means possible to seek reparation and justice for the crimes Jiang has committed against Falun Gong practitioners.'
Germany: Letting People Know the Truth at an Information Day in Limburg City
2003-08-18At the very beginning, there were three young Chinese people standing at a distance from us and looking at us with suspicion. After talking to practitioners for half an hour, they came to our table to learn about the persecution of Falun Gong in China in detail. They told us that we should broadcast the truth about the persecution on TV.
Article from Finnish Newspaper Hyvinkään Sanomat
2003-08-18'At the market place in the town of Hyvinkää, three Finnish and two Chinese people demonstrated the exercises of Falun Gong. Their flyers informed people about the murder, rape and torture that Chinese authorities are using on Falun Gong practitioners. They also let them know details of the practice itself...In the market place people could sign a petition calling for an end to the persecution of Falun Gong. The petition will be sent to the Foreign Minister of Finland.'
Belgium: Falun Gong Practitioners Write to all Members of Parliament about Preparations to File a Lawsuit Against Jiang Zemin
2003-08-17A case against Jiang Zemin is not a political statement. It is a case that fits within the original goals of the Belgian law on genocide: bring those who form a threat to humanity and to Belgian citizens to justice. A case against Jiang Zemin is not a case against China. Neither China nor the Chinese government is responsible for the persecution of more then one hundred million Falun Gong practitioners in the world. It is Jiang Zemin who tries to involve a complete nation and the government of that nation in his personal battle against Falun Gong.
UK: A Thank You Letter to Practitioners from the Organisers of the Edinburgh Festival
2003-08-17For the second year in a row, Falun Gong practitioners won first prize in the opening parade of Edinburghs world famous international festival. Pictures of practitioners also appeared on the front page of several Scottish newspapers. Recently, festival organisers wrote a letter to Falun Gong practitioners to express their gratitude and to ask them to pick up the first prize trophy.
Finland: SOS Tour Attracts Media Attention in Every City
2003-08-17During this SOS Tour, practitioners had some great opportunities to tell people about the legal process to bring Jiang to justice. In some of the cities they visited, people had never seen Falun Dafa before and were supportive. In every city, a journalist from the local newspaper came to report on the activity and practitioners appeared on the front page of the following days paper.
Belgium: A Leading Political Party sends a Message of Support for a Lawsuit Against Jiang Zemin
2003-08-17"The N-VA supports your initiative and really hopes that the juridical steps will have a positive consequence. We wish you all success."
Ireland: Speech by Psychiatrist Declan Lyons on the Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners
2003-08-17"What is happening today in China, however, is the blatant misuse of psychiatry to act as a direct agent of social control and to be a tool of that states suppression of Falun Gong. Since the start of the persecution 4 years ago, a steady stream of practitioners have been labelled as mentally ill and been detained involuntarily in state forensic psychiatric hospitals...We know of between 1500-2000 such admissions of Falun Gong practitioners where families have refuted the presence of any mental illness."
Falun Gong practitioners in Ireland are preparing to Sue Chinese Dictator Jiang Zemin
2003-08-16Ireland is a country with a population of only 3 to 4 million, a small island on the western flank of the European continent. But in such a small country so far away from China, people have still been the victims of Chinese dictator Jiang Zemins campaign of persecution against Falun Gong. Falun Gong practitioners in Ireland are working together with a team of prominent Irish lawyers to launch a lawsuit and bring Jiang Zemin to Justice in Ireland.
EFGIC: Pinochet Prosecutors Take Aim at Former Minister of China for Crimes of Torture Against Falun Gong
2003-08-16'Last week, Mr. William Bourdon, one of the lawyers responsible for the trials against Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet, announced that a French criminal court has begun legal proceedings in a lawsuit charging the former Vice-Prime Minister of China, Mr. Lanqing Li, with crimes of torture.'