Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting

  • Jilin Province Teacher Cruelly Tortured to Death in the Chaoyanggou Labour Camp

    He was so weak from all the torment that he could not stand up. He told the division chief Fu Guohua and the guards about his situation. He asked if the kitchen could cook some noodles for him, but nobody did. He didn't get any noodles until he was too weak to support himself, and was bedridden and on the verge of death. By this time, he was extremely emaciated and could not eat anything. He could not even drink water.
  • Daqing "610 Office" Kidnaps Mother and Daughter Practitioners

    A local policeman named Yang coaxed the people inside to open the door and seven or eight thugs rushed in. The head of the "610 Office," Pan, from Daqing Drilling Technique Company, which was Li Shulian's work unit, asked her, "Will you write a guarantee letter? If not, we will take you away." So Li Shulian was dragged away, without her shoes, to the brainwashing centre.
  • Due to Long-Term Persecution, Retired Teacher Mr. Chen Juwen Passes Away

    Chen Juwen's wife is also a practitioner. On July 25, 1999, she was unjustly sentenced to 1.5 years of labour education. Her work unit also stopped her pension...Chen Juwen's wife is also a practitioner. On July 25, 1999, she was unjustly sentenced to 1.5 years of labour education. Her work unit also stopped her pension.
  • Vicious Torture of Dafa Practitioners in Jixi City

    Heartless Gong Xinhai hung Ms. Xing by her handcuffed wrists for 4 days and 4 nights, and whipped her with iron wires. As a result of the hideous torture, Ms. Xing's body became covered with wounds and her internal organs were damaged. She is being detained at the Second Detention Centre in Jixi City.
  • School Teacher Suffers Mental Collapse after Five Days of Gruelling Torture

    The criminals gave Mr. Zhang "a shower": Ma Huiping poured basins of ice-cold water all over him. Every time Ma poured the water, Mr. Zhang screamed, jumped and shook all over. Other prisoners watched and laughed. Zhang Zhao was tortured this hideous way until he showed symptoms of mental collapse. In the night, he was forced to lie down on a cement tile in the yard while another inmate, Xue Wenqing, humiliated him and squeezed toothpaste into his mouth.
  • In Memory of Dafa Practitioner Ms. Li Yuling

    I was so shocked to hear that the police from the Dongcheng District of Beijing had tortured Dafa practitioner Ms. Li Yuling to death. She and I just met on the evening of June 24. She was arrested the next day, and sadly tortured to death on July 4. A lively and healthy life was lost in just 9 days.
  • The Evil Torment of Dafa Practitioners in Helongjiang Detention Centre

    Due to his serious condition, on June 20, the evil policemen, without the assistance of a doctor, tried to do an appendectomy on Zhang Xuewen , without asking for permission from his family and with no regard for his life. After they opened him up, they found it was not appendicitis, so they sewed him back up again. Currently Zhang Xuewen's life is in great danger.
  • Falun Gong Practitioner Suffers from Excruciating Torture in Changchun

    Mr. Yan was seriously injured and is still being held in the Third Detention Centre in Shuangyang. His poor eyes haven't recovered from the torture and the bruises on his body are still visible. The cold-blooded perpetrators who abused him, officers Chen and Yuan, remain at large.
  • Savage Beatings Endured by Dafa Practitioners in Hunan Province

    No sooner was her husband released in 2002 than she was kidnapped to the Changsha Women's Prison. She was sentenced to 3 years in a forced labour camp together with Wang Wuhui. Presently she suffers from being cruelly persecuted in jail. Chen Shengping was expelled from his workplace and now makes a living delivering milk. It is very hard for him to support a family of four, including his elderly mother.
  • Walking Upright On One Leg: The Remarkable Determination of a Disabled Practitioner

    The guards tortured him relentlessly, taking turns continuously to attempt to brainwash him. They even took him to an office where seven or eight guards would attack him. Several months later, the prisoners who knew the truth came back and said, "Yan Yutao is great. He has a strong mind and iron arms!" The guards were all afraid of Yan when they saw him. They were afraid of his unwavering righteousness.
  • Whilst Wife Tortured to Death, Husband Tortured to Paralysis in Sichuan Province

    At the time of Ms. Tang's death, her husband Mr. Na Weigang was being detained at the Pengzhou City Detention Centre. Later Mr. Na was paralysed due to the torture and abuse that he suffered. In spite of this, he was still sent to the Pengzhou City Mental Hospital, where he was administered psychotropic drugs against his will.
  • Uncovering the Hideous Treatment That Led to Death of Practitioner Ms Zhao Dewen

    The prison guards instigated drug addict convicts and other criminals to beat her, furthering the idea of "Beat them to death without concern. Count the deaths as suicides;" "Whoever can coerce Dafa practitioner to sign the repentance statement after beating them will receive a bonus and a sentence reduction. Otherwise, failure means additional sentences." Under such coercion, convicts act without any remorse or apprehension.
  • More Details Surrounding the Killing of Dafa Practitioner Ms. Wu Jingxia by Weifang City Police

    Jingxia had been breast-feeding her tiny baby, and without nursing for 3 days her breasts would have been very sore. The police had tortured her by targeting this area. There were four to five deep depressions on her chest from electric baton shocks. The police tried to hide this fact by covering the area with pieces of paper. Her face was also covered with paper tissues hiding the blood trickling out of the corner of her mouth. Her lower back and thighs were beaten so severely that they had dark bruises. The beatings had fractured one of her thighbones. There was also a red mark on her neck.
  • Exposing the Gruesome Killing of Dafa Practitioner by Shuangyashan City "610 Office"

    Mr. Ji's body was naked and wrapped in gauze. A family member cut open the gauze and found that Mr. Ji's left eye and cheekbone were bruised and bloodstained. His back and hip had bruises that could only have resulted from beatings, as they resembled the marks from lashes.
  • Hebei Province Police Attack Leaves Female Dafa Practitioner Paralysed

    A group of his officers broke into the home of Dafa practitioner Ms. Shen Cuiying and tried to take her away. Shen refused. While running away from several policemen, she fell into a 15-foot deep dry pond. Shen was sent to a hospital where it was reported her lower body was paralysed. Right after the incident, the police station promised to pay 4,000 Yuan to cover part of the medical cost, but now they deny they made the promise.