Death Cases

  • Persecution of Practitioners in Shiling Prison, Siping City, Jilin Province - (Part 4)

    On February 3rd, 2006, the Chaoyang District Court held a 30-minute trial and sentenced Mr. Zhang Guibiao to nine years in prison for appealing for Falun Dafa. They transferred him to Shiling Prison. Mr. Zhang used to be very healthy and strong, but by the time he entered Shiling Prison, he had been tortured severely and looked like an old man in his 60s. Finally, Mr. Zhang came home, but he was only skin and bones. He was bedridden and could not sleep, eat or drink normally. He could not take care of himself and suffered excruciating pain constantly. He passed away on September 12th, 2006.
  • Evidence Suggests Ms. Wu Hong Died as a Result of Torture

    On January 7th, 2007, Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Wu Hong's body was cremated. The police claim that Ms. Wu Hong was severely injured when she "jumped from a moving vehicle" on the way from a brainwashing class to a detention centre. During the time she was being treated in the hospital, many Falun Dafa practitioners visited her, and discovered that her skull had been fractured, but her surface skin had no scratches or cuts, disproving the claim that she jumped from a moving vehicle. Normally when a person jumps from a moving vehicle, the skin would be badly scratched or cut. Ms. Wu Hong had no breaks in the skin at all, but all her injuries were internal. These were very possibly caused by brutal beatings that were done in such a way so as not to cause visible injuries.
  • More Information on Jilin Province Dafa Practitioner Mr. Wei Xiushan Who Died as a Result of Persecution

    Dafa Practitioner Mr. Wei Xiushan was persecuted to death around 2003 or 2004, in the 7th Section of Jilin Prison. The ringleader of the convicted criminals in the 7th Section at the time was Lan Shaohai from Yanbian. Another vicious person, Zhao Fuyu (people call him "African"), was from Shulan. He was ruthless. Originally, he was sentenced to one year in jail, but his sentence was extended because he beat a person to death at the detention centre. Then he was transferred to Jilin Prison, and the police made use of him to persecute Dafa practitioners.
  • Facts about the Persecution of Mr. Kang Zhiguo from Shanxi Province and How He Suffered Before His Death

    At the beginning of November 2003, Mr. Kang was imprisoned in Jinzhong Prison in Shanxi Province. The prison guard instructor ordered criminals to "transform" Kang Zhiguo, using whatever means they chose. A murderer, who had a postponed death sentence, beat him every day until Mr. Kang became paralysed. Later he was again mercilessly beaten. Mr. Kang Zhiguo died on May 21st 2005.
  • The Torture that Led to the Death of Mr. Cui Zhilin in Jinzhou City Prison in Liaoning Province

    Dafa practitioner Cui Zhilin was arrested by the city's 610 Office on September 18th, 2002 and was sentenced to eleven years of imprisonment. He was imprisoned and persecuted in Jinzhou City's Nanshan Prison. On August 4th, 2004, he died as a result of the persecution at the age of forty-three. The next day, his family was notified that he "committed suicide by jumping from a building." His family found that he had been beaten so badly that his body was too horrible to look at. His body was also as thin as a skeleton.
  • Practitioner Jiang Fuxiang's Husband Dead and Son Homeless From Persecution in Benxi City, Liaoning Province

    Ms. Jiang Fuxiang is a 58-year-old Dafa practitioner, who has a strong belief in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and shares the true facts about Falun Dafa with others so they too can benefit. For this, the Communist regime has arrested her three times over the last seven years. The police also planned to arrest her son. A good-hearted person informed him and he was able to get away and remains on the run, homeless, to avoid being persecuted. Fuxiang's poor sick husband was left home alone. He had a stroke and passed away in early December 2006.
  • Remembering Ms.Yang Ruiyu, My Fellow Practitioner Who Was Tortured to Death in China

    The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) typically goes after what it perceives to be the leader of a group it wants to persecute and make an example out of him or her. Because Ms. Yang Ruiyu was the coordinator of seven practice sites and travelled to other districts to spread the practice, the CCP went after her and persecuted her severely. After Ms. Yang Ruiyu died as a result of the persecution, the Fuzhou Police Station would not allow any memorial services for her and ordered her body to be incinerated the same day she passed away. Her husband and daughter were not allowed to get close enough to see her. It was reported that there was a fist-sized hole in her body.
  • Ms. Zhu Guangzhen Died in July 2006 as a Result of Persecution

    Before the 2002 New Year in Hefei City, Anhui Province, 610 Office agents and policemen stormed into Ms. Zhu Guangzhen's home, ransacked the place and arrested her, and then had her sentenced to three years in prison to be served in the Suzhou City Prison. Guards encouraged prisoners to slam her head against the wall by grabbing her hair, which caused her front teeth to be knocked out. She was both mentally and physically tortured resulting in her eyesight being reduced so she could not see anything during the night, and she was very weak. Ms. Zhu was released in July 2005 with a very weak body. She died in July 2006.
  • Ms. Cheng Hanbo Died at 49 as a Result of Torture at Jiamusi Forced Labour Camp in Heilongjiang Province

    Since the beginning of the persecution in July 1999, Ms. Cheng Hanbo, a Falun Dafa practitioner, was subjected to inhuman torture by the local 610 Office, police, and guards at the detention centre and forced labour camp. Her family members were implicated under the Chinese Communist Party's "implication policy," and the local persecutors extorted more than 10,000 yuan from her family. Mrs. Cheng was tortured at Jiamusi Forced Labour Camp. She suffered cruel mental and physical torture, and she did not recover. To avoid further persecution, the family had to move. During the past several months, Ms. Cheng had difficulty eating. She died on December 17th, 2006, at the age of 49.
  • Two Practitioners from Hunan and Liaoning Provinces Pass Away as a Result of the Persecution

    October 31st, 2006 was Mr. Peng Yunguo's 68th birthday, and his sons and daughters visited him to celebrate. Police broke into his home. They arrested Peng Yunguo with the excuse that someone had reported him for putting up posters exposing the persecution. In the meantime, the policemen deceived his children, telling them that they would only take him away for questioning. Peng Yunguo was detained in the Xiangyin Detention Centre for several days. As a result, his family members were extorted out of several thousand Yuan before he was released. Unable to bear the tremendous mental strain of the persecution he suffered, Mr. Peng passed away at 8 p.m. on December 24th, 2006.
  • Practitioner Mr. Gao Maosen from Guizhou Province Died at 46 As a Result of Persecution

    Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Gao Maosen had begun the practice of Falun Gong in 1998. Agents from the Guiyang City Political and Legal Committee arrested him in July 2006, along with his coworker, practitioner Chen Xiaohua. Mr. Gao was accused of having written unlawful letters to Mr. Chen. Both were placed in the Lannigou brainwashing centre. Mr. Gao Maosen died on November 17th, 2006 as a result of the persecution, at the age of 46. When his family members inspected his remains, they noticed specific marks on Mr. Gao's neck, indicating he had been restrained with a cable TV cord.
  • Questions Concerning the Death of Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Luo Shuchun, Who Fell from a Building in Changchun

    Ms. Luo Shuchun, 55 years old, was a former national second level police supervisor. She was dismissed because she practised Falun Gong. On December 13th, 2006 after 11:00 a.m., Luo Shuchun suddenly made a phone call to nearby practitioners saying, "The police are knocking on my door." Afterwards, when practitioners called her back, her telephone had been turned off. That afternoon around 2:00 p.m., fellow practitioners obtained the news that Luo Shuchun had fallen from the fifth floor window when the police rushed into her room. Prior to her fall, Ms. Luo made a phone call to her fellow practitioners asking for help, and she obviously did not have the thought off jumping from her building.
  • Ms. Xing Qiuhua Dies of Depression at 58 After Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Media Fabrication

    The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) tries to force every practitioner to "reform." Ms. Xing Qiuhua was pressured to speak about her understandings of Falun Gong according to the CCP's requirement at an employee meeting, but she refused. In an exhibit slandering Falun Dafa sponsored by the Shijiazhuang City government, the media videotaped her secretly, tricked her into talking, and cut and edited her original words to fabricate an "interview" in which she appeared to be slandering Falun Dafa. This fallacious videotape deceived people and severely damaged Ms. Xing both mentally and physically, causing her to be depressed for a long period of time. She died on November 29th, 2006.
  • Elderly Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Qiu Subi from Leshan City, Sichuan Province Dies of Persecution

    66-year-old Falun Gong Practitioner Ms Qiu Subi suffered long term persecution because of her persistence in cultivating Falun Dafa. In November 1999, Ms. Qiu and her son went to Beijing to appeal for Dafa. They were detained for one month. After being sent home, they were forced to report to the local police station in the morning and were not released until the evening. They had to do this for over six months. In 2005, police arrested her and held her at a brainwashing class for over a week. From 1999 to 2006, the local police station have searched Ms. Qiu's home at least twelve times. She was also followed wherever she went. Ms. Qiu Subi died on November 9th, 2006.
  • Falun Dafa Practitioner Mr. Li Yunyi from Guangxi Autonomous Region Dies at 31 as a Result of Torture

    In March 2000, Mr. Li Yunyi was arrested and threatened because he wrote an appeal letter to expose the persecution. After that he was arrested, detained, sent to brainwashing and had money extorted from him several times for appealing for justice for Falun Dafa. In September 2005, Mr. Li was arrested and detained for producing leaflets exposing the persecution and was sentenced to five years' imprisonment. Mr. Li was severely tortured during his detention. In February 2006, he was released for medical treatment. He passed away at his home in November 28th, 2006 due to the long-term persecution.