Death Cases

  • Mr. Zhang Zhong, 35, Died in the Harbin City Police Hospital in Heilongjiang Province (Photos)

    After tapping into cable TV in Changchun City to broadcast a video exposing the persecution was successfully done in 2002 by practitioners in Changchun, Mr. Zhang Zhong was arrested in April 2002 and sentenced to ten years in prison and detained in the Daqing City Prison until July 2002, where he went through inhuman tortures. Later he was arrested again. He died on October 16th, 2006, in the Harbin City Police Hospital.
  • Falun Gong Practitioner Chen Suxiang Tortured to Death - Family Threatened Upon Seeking Justice

    On September 12th, 2006, practitioner Chen Suxiang was arrested and officers took her to the Kaiping Police Station. They chained her hands and feet with handcuffs and shackles and tortured her for twenty four hours. Chen Suxiang died the next day, on September 13th. Chen Suxiang's mother went to the Kaiping Police Station to appeal for justice but nobody admitted guilt and only offered her 40,000 yuan bribe, which she refused. Next, Chen Suxiang's family visited the Kaiping Procuratorate asking for justice. The family was told that the Kaiping Police Station did nothing wrong when executing its law enforcement.
  • Older Practitioner Ms. Li Qiuling Dies as a Result of Persecution

    Ms. Li Qiuling was over 60 years old. In May 2000, she went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. The Beijing police took all of her cash, and she was taken to the local police station by officers in Beijing. After she was brutally beaten at the police station, she was taken to a detention centre and detained for a month. During this time, police from the Langfang City Department, along with her employer, broke into her house and stole 1,000 yuan without a warrant. Later she was she was tortured at the labour camp and fined another 7,000 yuan. After she returned from the labour camp, her health deteriorated, and she passed away in September, 2006.
  • Practitioner Arrested in Shandong Province - Father Dies of Grief

    Because he firmly cultivates in Dafa, the authorities ransacked 38-year-old Song Baogang's home on numerous occasions and sentenced him to two years of forced labour. They even held him for more than two years after he had completed his sentence at the Wangcun Labour Camp. The actions of the police forced Mr. Song into destitution and homelessness. On September 7th, 2006, more than ten individuals arrested Mr. Song. Mr. Song's father suffered tremendously, both physically and emotionally, as a result of the long-term harassment, threats, and persecution that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) inflicted on his son. He died on September 17th after hearing that his son had been arrested once again.
  • Two Elderly Practitioners Die from the Persecution in Jilin and Shandong Provinces

    Mr. Sun Fuxi, 68, lived in Yantai City, Shandong Province. He began cultivating Falun Gong in 1995 and had been healthy ever since. After the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began persecuting Falun Dafa on July 20th, 1999, party officials often harassed him at his home at all hours. They forced him to write a "guarantee statement" to renounce Falun Dafa and arrested his family members. His wife and son were arrested and detained many times. Mr. Sun suffered tremendous harm to his mind and body. After enduring the long term mental pressure and persecution, he passed away during August 2005.
  • Nineteen Practitioners Arrested in Harbin City, Mr. Zhang Zhong Died in Custody after Torture and Abuse

    On August 10th, 2006, nineteen practitioners were sharing experiences together at a practitioner's home. When they came downstairs, they were all arrested by police officers. The police detained all of the practitioners in theNan'gang District Detention Centre. We heard that Mr. Zhang Zhong and Mr. Han Wei were tortured the most severely, causing injury and extreme physical weakness. Mr. Zhang Zhong was on hunger strike to protest the arrest. He died in the police hospital after severe torture.
  • Older Practitioner, Ms. Li Xiuju from Shandong Province, Died As a Result of Persecution in 2002

    Ms. Li Xiuju suffered all kinds of inhuman torture when she was detained in a detention centre, following her arrest for distributing leaflets exposing the persecution. The hatchet men tortured her every day, lashing them with bamboo strips, beating them with batons, shocking them, pouring ice cold water on them, putting salt on their wounds; they were also made to stand straight, run or do push-ups for an extended time. The persecution also gave great pressure to her husband. After repeated harassment Li Xiuju died on January 17th, 2002, at the age of 52.
  • Four Practitioners Who Died as a Result of the Persecution in Sichuan, Shaanxi, Hebei, and Hubei Provinces

    Mr. Liu Shaohua, 73 years old, was an employee of the Education Bureau in Langfang City, Hebei Province. After the persecution began the staff from his work place would go to his home to threaten or harass him, attempting to force him to write letters renouncing Falun Gong. In the spring of 2005, people from the local 610 Office told his work place that Liu Shaohua had been distributing leaflets exposing the persecution, so the staff from his work place went to his home to threaten him. In October of the same year, they went to his home again and said that he had been reported for meeting another practitioner. Liu Shaohua suffered threats and psychological persecution by these people until he died on November 12th, 2005.
  • 60-Year-Old Ms. Lu Yanfang Persecuted to Death by Police from Shulan City, Jilin Province

    Ms. Lu Yanfang was about 60 years old. She went to Beijing twice to appeal on behalf of Falun Gong after the persecution began on July 20th, 1999. Police officers stopped her when she reached Beijing the second time and detained her. In March 2002, she was again detained by police. To avoid being harassed, Ms. Lu was forced to leave home and become destitute. In May 2006, Ms. Lu's whereabouts were reported to authorities. To avoid arrest, Ms. Lu had to walk dozens of miles in the mountains during the night. Because of this tremendous mental and physical pressure, she became ill and died on October 10th.
  • Mr. Yang Huilin Almost Buried Alive at Gaoyang Forced Labour Camp in Hebei Province--His Wife Dies as a Result of the Persecution

    The Communist Party publicly cracked down on Falun Dafa on July 20th, 1999. Since then, practitioner Mr. Yang Huilin has suffered illegal arrest, imprisonment, extortion, and torture at the hand of the local 610 Office and police several times. His family finally broke down and fell apart. At the Gaoyang Forced Labour Camp, Mr. Yang was tied up and tortured with seven or eight electric-shock batons. He was almost buried alive by the guards. After fleeing the camp, he had little choice but to be destitute and homeless for a long time. His wife, Ms. Yang Xiaowen, died from persecution.
  • More Details on the Death of Practitioner Mr. Xin Minduo

    On August 3rd, 2005, police officers arrested Mr. Xin Minduo while he was walking down the road. He was sentenced to 13 years in prison, on February 21st, 2006. He was confined to a "small cell" and force-fed heavily-salted water because he resisted efforts to make him give up the practice of Falun Gong. The prison staff refused to let his family visit him because he had been on a hunger strike for three months and was physically very weak. The warden said to his family: "We won't release him even if he is dead, it doesn't matter who you talk to. You can even go to the State Council." On September 1st, 2006, Mr. Xin Minduo died in Nanshan Prison, and his body was cremated without his family's approval.
  • Police in Liaoning Province Try to Frame Falun Gong for Their Crime of Persecuting Mr. Chen Dongping to Death

    Fushun city police in Liaoning Province have harassed and persecuted Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Jiang Jie's family for a long time. Ms. Jiang's husband, Mr. Chen Dongping, was arrested twice. Mr. Chen became very sick from the long term persecution and passed away on August 12th, 2006. On September 8th, Ms. Jiang was arrested again by Fushun police and she is currently detained at Fushun City Detention Centre. Fushun police attempted to shift the blame on Falun Gong for Mr. Chen's death. At this time, the police are persecuting Ms. Jiang Jie with all kinds of torture methods, trying to force her to slander Falun Gong and its founder.
  • Disabled Practitioner Ms. Tian Yuan from Changchun City Died Due to Persecution

    Before Ms. Tian Yuan became a practitioner of Falun Dafa she had a minor conflict with the police and they shot her. She became paralysed over more than two thirds of her body. Through Dafa practice she regained her faith in life and experienced overwhelming physical improvements. Ms. Tian’s home was ransacked, she was detained by the police and her family was threatened after the persecution began on July 20th, 1999. She passed away on October 1st, 2006, after enduring long-term persecution.
  • Ms. Zhang Hong, 23, from Mishan City, Heilongjiang Province, Died after Years of Brainwashing, Harassment and Torture

    In December 2003, police arrested Ms Zhang Hong and sent her to a brainwashing centre, where she was brutally tortured and beaten. Officials extorted 200 yuan from her family, then they released Zhang Hong. After a month home she died as a result of the persecution on February 2nd, 2004, at the age of 23. As of today, Zhang Hong is reportedly the youngest practitioner who has been killed in the Jixi area.
  • Five Falun Gong Practitioners from Shandong Province, Hubei Province and Beijing Die Due to Persecution

    On March 21st, 2003, while Mr. Xu Tongsen was protecting his fellow practitioners, the local police arrested him, ransacked his home and confiscated his Falun Gong books. He was sentenced to 19 months at the Wangcun Forced Labour Camp. While he was there, he was persecuted with the extension of his working hours, sleep deprivation and forced brainwashing, and he was subjected to so much torture that his life was in serious jeopardy. After many requests from his family members he was released from the camp. A few days later his health deteriorated, and he passed away on April 5th, 2005.