Death Cases
Elderly Practitioner Gu Jingshan in Heilongjiang Province Dies after Prolonged Persecution
2006-07-04Mr. Gu Jingshan, 63 years old, was arrested while posting materials exposing the persecution. He was imprisoned at the city detention centre for five months, his body was seriously injured, and the symptoms of a stroke he had before reoccurred, severely limiting mobility in both of his legs. During this time he was infected with scabies and was released. At this time, the scabies spread over his whole body, oozing pus and dripping fluids, and the painful itching made him extremely uncomfortable when he scratched them. For this past year local police officers frequently went to his home to harass and threaten him. Due to the pressure, Gu Jingshan's health deteriorated and he died on February 25th, 2006.
Six Practitioners from Jilin, Liaoning, Heilongjiang and Shandong Provinces Who Died as a Result of Persecution
2006-07-04Ms. Qian Xiuying was sixty-two years old. On January 1st, 2001, she went to Beijing to appeal for Dafa. She was arrested but managed to get away from her captors. On Chinese New Years Eve, malicious people from her community, along with the local 610 office and the local police substation arrested her and sent her to the Fushun City Forced Labour Camp. They tried to brainwash her there. After she came out, she continued to distribute materials exposing the persecution. She was sent to Masanjia Forced Labour Camp twice. Unable to withstand the relentless abuse, her health deteriorated and she died on April 9th, 2006.
About Rao Deru, the Young Daughter of Falun Dafa Practitioner Rao Zhuoyuan from Guangzhou City
2006-07-03Rao Zhuoyuan was arrested and detained in forced labour camps and mental hospitals several times. He was tortured to death on August 5th, 2002, at age 34. At the time, his daughter Rao Deru was only four and a half years old. Before her father's death the 610 Office detained Deru's mother in a brainwashing centre in order to prevent her from speaking out about the abuse.
Young Teacher Dies after Suffering Cruel Torture at Jinzhou City Labour Camp in Liaoning Province
2006-07-02Mr. Zuo Zhongyou was a 36-year-old teacher. He was twice sent to a forced labour camp for his belief in Falun Dafa. A criminal inmate said, "Now we have orders from higher up to beat them (practitioners) anyway we want." Then they started a round of unrestrained violence against Zuo Zhongyou. After long-term abuse and persecution, he suffered a great deal of physical and mental trauma. His heart, lungs and kidneys deteriorated and he suffered brain damage. Zuo Zhongyou passed away on May 29th, 2006.
Mr. Lu Yongchang Dies as a Result of Torture, His Family All Detained
2006-07-02Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Lu Yongchang, in his 70’s, lived in Jilin Province. He developed liver disease from being tortured in a detention centre and was thereby released because of his condition. He died between August and September 2005. Mr. Lu Yongchang's wife, Song Shuqin, and daughter, Lu Guixia, were both sentenced to four years in prison, and are now detained in the Changchun City Women’s Prison.
Practitioner Mr. Deng Weinan from Heilongjiang Province Was Persecuted to Death in 2001
2006-07-02In August 2001, practitioner Mr. Deng Weinan was persecuted to death at the Harbin City Public Security Bureau. On July 31st, 2001, a gang of policemen arrested Mr. Deng in his apartment. He was brought to the Falun Gong special task team on the twelfth floor of the Daoli Division of the Public Security Bureau to be persecuted. On the morning of August 1st, Mr. Deng was persecuted to death. The police announced to the public that he had committed suicide by jumping out of a window and incinerated his corpse hurriedly. Mr. Deng was only 26 years old.
Twenty-six Additional Deaths of Falun Gong Practitioners Under Persecution in China were Confirmed in May 2006 (Photos)
2006-06-30Twenty-six additional persecution-caused deaths of Falun Gong practitioners in Mainland China were confirmed in May 2006. Fourteen of those were female practitioners. Thirteen of the 26 practitioners were over 55 years old. Nine of the 26 deaths occurred between January 2006 and May 2006. Two deaths occurred in May 2006. Minghui/Clearwisdom website statistics have confirmed at least 62 deaths of Falun Gong practitioners in Mainland China between January 2006 and May 2006. Since Jiang Zemin's group and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began persecuting Falun Gong on July 20th, 1999, civil channels have verified the deaths of 2,904 Falun Gong practitioners.
A Shanxi Province Falun Dafa Practitioner Tortured to Death at the Dongcheng Detention Centre in Beijing in 2001
2006-06-30A Falun Dafa practitioner from Shanxi Province, in his 50s, and a woman practitioner went to Beijing to appeal for justice for Falun Gong in early March 2001. They were arrested. The male practitioner was detained and later tortured to death in Dongcheng Detention Centre in Beijing. The guards claimed the practitioner hung himself from a shower head. Detention centre officials watch practitioners' every move. Surveillance monitors are installed inside the practitioners' rooms. The practitioners are also followed when they use the toilet or take a shower. Practitioners are completely deprived of personal freedom. Besides, how can a shower head withstand the weight of a grown man of more than 120 pounds?
Additional Information on Ms. Liu Gai's Death
2006-06-3054-year-old Ms. Liu Gai, a Falun Gong practitioner was arrested on September 26th, 2002, and persecuted to death in the next day. In the crematorium, a family member found that her naked body was placed in a black bag. Her two wrists were cut open with gaps a dozen centimetres in length (4.7 in.) and four centimetres (2 in.) wide. It seemed that a piece of flesh had been sliced off both her hands. When her sons and daughters-in-law saw the body, they could not keep from screaming out, and shouted, "My mum was murdered!"
My Husband Li Junqing Died of Injustice
2006-06-30Since the persecution started in 1999, the authorities imprisoned me in a forced labour camp for one and a half years because I upheld my practice of Falun Gong. During that time, my lonely husband, Li Junqing, travelled around Jilin Province. Because he carried some leaflets exposing the persecution, the local police arrested him and imprisoned him in Yinmahe forced labour camp in Jiutai City, Jilin Province. After a few months of imprisonment, he died in police custody.
66-Year-Old Ms. Gao Yuqin Dies as a Result of Persecution in Jilin City
2006-06-29Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Gao Yuqin was 66 years old. She went to Beijing to make an appeal on behalf of Falun Gong at Tiananmen Square and was arrested and sentenced to three years of forced labour at the beginning of November 2000. Her family spent more than 10,000 yuan and did everything they could to bail her out on medical parole at the end of December 2000, after she served four and a half months. Due to living in such a severe environment for a long period of time, her mental and physical health was severely damaged. She died on March 19th, 2006.
Mother in Labour Camp, Father Persecuted to Death
2006-06-29The Public Security Bureau in Shenyang City detained practitioner Mrs. Zu Liming on May 23rd, 2006. The authorities sentenced her to two years of forced labour and sent her to the notorious Masanjia Forced Labour Camp. Her young son Miao Yumeng is now at home, all alone. His father Miao Qisheng was persecuted to death in May 2002. What Miao Yumeng has experienced in the last seven years is beyond imagining for a child his age. The emotional trauma has been terrible. From being homeless to having a broken family, there were only few days he spent with both of his parents, and the happy times they spent together are only a memory.
Additional Information About Zeng Xian'e Who Was Killed in Hubei Shayang Labour Camp
2006-06-28I witnessed how a Falun Dafa practitioner from Hubei Shiyan area was persecuted to death. I only knew her name was Zeng Xian'e, and she was in her 30s. Around midnight, we suddenly heard rapid footsteps and people talking about sending her quickly to the hospital. She was beside the room where I was, so I raised my head to watch after I heard the sound. The second day, practitioner Zeng died. We asked the police how Zeng was. They said she died of "heart disease". I thought the autopsy was done at the request of her work unit leader and the family to verify the reason of death. Now however, I am clear that it was done because they wanted her organs.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Qu Ping From Dalian City Dies from Persecution
2006-06-28Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Qu Ping from Dalian City, Liaoning Province was arrested and held in detention centres and labour camps many times because she persisted in her belief in Falun Gong and its principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance. She suffered tremendous physical damage from the tortures and passed away on May 22nd, 2006 at the age of 51.
Three Falun Dafa Practitioners from Chongqing, Tianjin, and Heilongjiang Died as a Result of Persecution
2006-06-27Ms. Gao Yunling, a retired employee of the Chongqing Oil Transport Warehouse, began to practise Falun Dafa in 1996. As a result of the practice, all her illnesses disappeared without medical treatment. In October 2005, the local community committee put her under surveillance twenty-four hours a day. She was forced to write the so-called three statements, which brought her huge detriment mentally. She died on February 13th, 2006.