Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Please Show Concern for Dafa Practitioners Illegally Detained in Beijing's Tuanhe Forced Labour Camp!
2003-03-24During the past three years, to protect Dafa and to expose the evil persecution against Dafa to people, he suffered from illegal imprisonment and electric shocks, which caused injuries to his heart. His family members are very sad and concerned about his case. His mother who has suffered a lonely life was unable to bear his situation, and now is in a confused state.
Practitioners Viciously Tortured to the Limits of Their Endurance in Wujiabao Forced Labour Camp
2003-03-24Even in such a physical state, evil brigade leader Ceng Qiuyan was still ordering them to guard her while they forced her to stand. Under such abuse, poor Ms. Chen became emaciated. The cruel daily forced-feeding, sleep deprivation, and other tortures ended up causing Ms. Chen to lose the ability to walk, and it was only then that the shameful police finally sent her home. Her lower body is still paralysed to this day.
Eyewitness Report: Cruel Persecution of Dafa Practitioners in Shenyang No. 2 Detention Centre
2003-03-24On November 19, 2002, Dafa practitioner Qi Shaoxian's younger sister came a long distance after receiving a notice from the authorities at Shenyang's No. 2 Prison to see her brother, who had been illegally imprisoned for more than one year. Upon arrival at the prison, however, she was forbidden to see her brother...The police openly declare, "Now there is no law. Only what Jiang says counts."
Hundreds of Practitioners Face Torture and Even Death in Horrific Dabei Jail
2003-03-23The Dabei Jail is required to convert all the imprisoned Falun Dafa practitioners by this spring without any legal consequence for any death. A large amount of money has been invested to build large-scale cell areas in Masanjia Camp. The Dabei Jail will be moved to Masanjia eventually for central management. Jiang has promised munificent awards to the Dabei Jail, which clearly reflects Jiang's anxiety and his intention to wipe out Falun Dafa...Tempted by fortune and fame, the jailers of the Dabei Jail gathered all the persecution means used around the nation and tortured Falun Dafa practitioners using these appalling methods.
Three Falun Dafa Practitioners and a Righteous Non-Practitioner Illegally Sentenced in Tieling
2003-03-23Li Weiji, a righteous man who tried to uphold justice for Falun Gong practitioners, even though he does not practise Falun Gong himself, was sentenced to eight years in prison for helping the practitioners in the Tieling Area with paperwork so that they could go abroad, and for collecting evidence of the persecution. The torturers broke both of his arms and caused lumbar intervertebral disc protrusion. Now he can hardly walk. He will be sent to the Panjin Jail.
An Award Winning Calligraphy Artist is Unjustly Sentenced to a Five-Year Prison Term
2003-03-23The neighbourhood committee [equivalent to a community centre] located in the southwest building in Qinghua University, sadly misunderstanding the true nature of Falun Dafa listed Beijing Dafa practitioner Ms. Dong Yanhong, a 30 years old award winning calligraphy artist, as "wanted" because she refused to denounce her belief in Falun Dafa. One day in January 2001, the community centre officials tricked her into coming to have a talk with them and she never returned.
Approximately 2,000 Dafa Practitioners Face Extreme Tortures in Wangcun Forced Labour Camp
2003-03-23It is not known where some were sent after they were "pronounced insane." Some were beaten so badly that they could not control their bowels and bladders. Some were deprived of sleep for more than a week and were almost on the brink of mental breakdown. Some were forced to labour until they would faint and fall down on the ground from exhaustion. Some were thrown onto the ground and then hysterically punched and kicked. Some had their meals taken and were not allowed to eat. Some had their teeth knocked out during force-feeding.
People See Through Jiang's Lies
2003-03-23My sister and I went to buy some clothes. When we were paying, the storeowner said that our 50-Yuan bill looked counterfeit and that he wanted us to give him a different one. I said to him, "I wouldn't cheat you with fake bills." The storeowner replied, "I don't even know you, how would I know?" My sister and I said at the same time, "We both practise Falun Gong." The storeowner replied happily, "Great, I'll take your money. I believe Falun Gong practitioners don't tell lies."
Factory Owner: "Give me some materials and I can help you distribute them"
2003-03-23A Falun Dafa practitioner was posting some leaflets that clarified the truth about Falun Gong. Someone ran to him and said, "I am the owner of the processing factory. Give me some materials and I can help you distribute them. A lot of people come to my factory; I'll give each one of them a leaflet." When the practitioner finished posting the leaflets and passed by the factory, he saw a few people holding the leaflets in their hands and reading them.
During the 59th United Nations Commission on Human Rights Meeting in Geneva, Swiss Lawyer Announces Lawsuit against Jiang Zemin
2003-03-22A Switzerland-based international non-governmental organisation and the Swiss Falun Dafa Association jointly conducted a press conference in downtown Geneva to announce that they will file a lawsuit in Switzerland against the former President of China, Jiang Zemin. Jiang Zemin will be sued for torture, genocide, and other crimes against humanity.
The Shocking Exposure of Chinese Police Torturing Spiritual Followers (A Set of Photos)
2003-03-22Chinese People's Police "enforcing the law". As the old woman knelt, the policeman used an electric baton to shock her mouth...Some policemen considered that such photographs might be used as evidence to gain recognition or awards from their superiors in the future. Some policemen in the photographs enjoy torturing people, taking it as their "job."
Atrocities against Dafa Practitioners in Heilongjiang Province Result in Two More Tragic Deaths
2003-03-22Jia Weijun ordered inmates to beat Falun Gong practitioners. He forced practitioners to take drugs against their will. Refusal to do so would invite brutal beatings. Faced with such atrocious persecutions, Falun Gong practitioners at the labour camp wrote petitions to protest such illegal persecution and asked to be unconditionally released. Jia Weijun not only ignored the request; he also further intensified his cruel treatment of Falun Gong practitioners. He even shamefully declared that he would "punish Falun Gong practitioners to death!"
Tortured to Death: The Real Story of What Happened to Ms Zhang Li and Mr Fang Lihong
2003-03-22During her imprisonment, the police interrogated and tortured her cruelly on many different occasions. On August 27, 2002, her abusers tortured her so ruthlessly that her life was hanging by a thread before she was finally sent to the hospital. Because the police had denied her any medical treatment until it was too late, she subsequently died.
Belated News: More Unjust Deaths of Dafa Practitioners in Heilongjiang Province
2003-03-22On December 15, 2000, she courageously went to Beijing to appeal for the fourth time. On December 19, He Caibin was kidnapped by police officers from the Taiping District Nanzhi Police Station and she was being sent back to Harbin City. As the train entered Shenyang City, her heart was set upon freedom from her captors. As she was unwilling to be taken away by lawless police and be subjected to further persecution and torture, He Caibin jumped off the train, when the train slowed down during its entrance into the train station. Only 49 years old, she died upon impact.
Further Investigation of the Brutal Death of Dafa Practitioner Ms Zhang Dezhen
2003-03-22It is reported that on January 31, 2003, Zhang Dezhen, who was in a room on the third floor of the hospital, was forcibly injected with some type of drug [from other's experiences it was known that after receiving this type of injection, it would make the person begin to feel hot and thirsty. With a small dose, one would feel very hungry or thirsty. A large dose would lead to breathing difficulties and heart failure] by the evil officials of the "610 Office" of Mengyin County, ruthless Dr. Wang Xiaochun of Mengyin Detention Centre, and so-called doctors from the Mengyin Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital.