Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
People Who Have Come to Learn the Truth
2003-03-22Recently I caught a taxi in Shanghai. The driver chatted with me along the journey and complained that there were so many lies spread in China, including the news on CCTV (China Central Television). I followed by saying that the self-immolation incident on Tiananmen Square was faked, too. To my surprise, he said, "I know. I've heard the truth already. Although the authorities block the truth, I was told about it by guests from the U.S., Australia, and other places."
Sad Experiences Of A 15-Year-Old High School Student Suffering from Persecution
2003-03-21Tie Long was forced to wander around homeless to avoid being persecuted. Officials arrested Tie Long's older brothers, uncles, aunts, all of them, and they were brutally beaten as police attempted to track down young Tie Long. His uncle can't get out of bed because of this, he can't take food properly, nor look after himself.
Distinguished Radio Presenter Tortured then Put Under House Arrest
2003-03-21He was imprisoned in a forced labour camp for two years, during which time he was tortured. There were times when he was tied down, his limbs bound with ropes that cut deeply into his flesh and veins. A guard was standing beside, monitoring the time to ensure that the torture did not exceed five minutes. Wang would die if it did. Wang was also battered with electric batons and was not allowed to sleep for a long period of time.
Dangerous Conditions for 30 Practitioners Seized and Persecuted from Mengyin County
2003-03-21Because she appealed in Beijing, all four members of her family (her mother, brother, and sister) were detained and persecuted by the government of Tanfu Town. Mother Hui Zenghua and brother Gong Pibing were put into labour camps because they wouldn't give up Falun Gong, they had appealed in Beijing, and they had let homeless practitioners stay with them. Sister Gong Shuqin was denied entry to university after taking the entrance exams just because she had appealed in Beijing.
Hebei Province: How Pingquan County "610 Office" Personnel Persecute Dafa Practitioners
2003-03-21Under orders from the "610 Office," county police disregard the law and violently abuse kind-hearted people. Their means of persecution include physical assault, detention, house arrest, home searches, and forcing practitioners to hand over Dafa books and Dafa materials for destruction. They also open and seize Dafa practitioners' personal mail, tap phone lines, and impose fines on practitioners.
Geneva citizen: We Are Just Like A Family, The Persecution Has To Be Stopped.
2003-03-21When an onlookers saw photos of persecuted Chinese practitioners displayed in the parade, he commented, I am concerned about the situation of Falun Gong in China after seeing the materials exhibited in this march. The persecution is inhuman.
Citizens of China Come to Understand the Truth
2003-03-21A retired teacher went back to the school where he used to work. He wrote down three big words, Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance on the notice board inside the principals school office. A female director saw what he was writing, and asked him how he dared to write Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance. Wasnt he afraid of being arrested by Jiangs regime? The retired teacher replied, Why should I be afraid? What's wrong with Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance? I also want to learn Falun Gong
Forced Brainwashing Leads to Death of Female Practitioner at Shijiazhuang City Forced Labour Camp
2003-03-20Xue Xia went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong on January 1, 2000 and was illegally sentenced to three years of forced labour at Shijiazhuang Labour Camp where she was brutally beaten and was force-fed a so-called "brainwashing pill." After taking the vile pill, she had allergic reactions, including diarrhoea and vomiting. Later, she became unconscious...This is the result of Jiang criminal group's brutal persecution against Dafa practitioners. Many people at the hospital and the labour camp witnessed this atrocity.
Changchun City Police Brutally Torture to Death Lady Practitioner
2003-03-20Jiangs regime is doing its utmost to conceal its terrible crimes from the world. Not only do the police torture to death innocent people, they then cremate their bodies before their families are given an opportunity to pay their last respects to their loved ones and to see for themselves the awful treatment they were subjected to. However, the truth of these atrocities can never be fully withheld and we shall continue to expose their crimes for the world to see.
Prolonged Torture and Sexual Abuse of Female Practitioners in the Dalian Forced Labour Camp
2003-03-20In the Dalian Forced Labour Camp, when Dafa practitioners were first taken there, they were forced to sign something known as the "10 Prohibitions" paper (No exercising, no Dafa studying, no recital of Dafa articles, etc). If any practitioner refused to sign it, they were beaten mercilessly. Female practitioner Li Hua refused to sign, so she was tortured while her head was covered. Her face became unrecognisable from the torture she received and afterwards the base police officers joked and humiliated her due to her appearance.
Disgusting Crimes Committed Against Dafa Practitioners in Daqing Forced Labour Camp: Force-Feeding Faeces!
2003-03-20Wang Yingzhou, who called himself "Evil from hell" -- led Zhao Jinfa, Cai Shuguo, Huo Jian and others to persecute practitioners by all means. The following are a few examples. In winter, they poured cold water on practitioners a hundred times or more in addition to blowing cold air on them with fans. They even force-fed practitioners faeces!
Four More Dafa Practitioners Tortured to Death in Jilin Province
2003-03-19In early 2000, she went to Beijing to appeal for Dafa and was arrested and sent back to Nongan County Second Detention Centre. Even after severe mental and physical torture, the detention Centre still did not release her. Not until she was near death did the detention Centre send her home. Her family members saw that she was on the verge of death, and insisted that the detention Centre send her to the hospital for resuscitation. However, she was dead on arrival at the hospital.
Barbaric Violence and Sexual Torture of Female Practitioners in Hanzhong Detention Centre
2003-03-19In order to force Dafa practitioners to betray their belief, they severely beat up practitioners daily, employing all different kinds of cruel torture methods. When Dafa practitioners lost consciousness from being beaten, guards instigated the inmates to pour water mixed with instant noodle seasoning and hot pepper into their noses. They continued to hit practitioners even after they regained consciousness.
Three Horrifying Years For A Female Dafa Practitioner in Weifang City, Shandong Province
2003-03-19They quickly isolated the woman of more than 50 years old to another room and beat her up. Coming from the other side through the wall, I could hear shouting, screaming and moans of agony. And on this side, a police officer beat me on the head with an electric baton, and used different ways of abusing me until I finally collapsed on the ground. Then they ran a dirty mop over my face again and again. This went on until midnight.
Atrocities at the Dalian Forced Labour Camp
2003-03-19Inside the strict control room, there were only a few wooden boards on the bed without any covers, and my hands and feet were shackled to the bed 24 hours a day. I could not move at all. I was bleeding terribly under the cruel torture, my pants were full of blood and faeces, my blood made the boards all red, and my whole body was so cold that it shook and made the whole bed shake along with it. Worrying that other people could hear the miserable cries from the small cell, they stuffed dirty rags into practitioners' mouths using a steel wire to fasten it there.