Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
My Personal Experiences of Inhuman Torture
2002-11-09The vicious guards gagged me with a hand-towel, tied my hands and arms tightly and lifted them behind my neck. Instructed by guard Zhao Naiwei, eight to nine guards shocked me all over my body with four electric batons. When the electricity was used up, they would recharge the batons and keep shocking me.
Former Student President Remains Strong and Unyielding After Two Years of RelentlessTorture
2002-11-09In nearly two years of persecution, the police have resorted to all kinds of brutal means to torture him, such as forcing him to stand or squat for long periods of time, using electrical shocks, forced feeding, sleep deprivation and many other kinds of brutal means, trying to force him to betray his belief. The guards at one time instigated a criminal inmate to forcefully stab his ribs with a toothbrush handle, which left painful signs of injury on his body.
The Criminal Behaviour of Zhang Shoujiang and Yi Xiuyan in Panjin Labour Camp [Part 1]
2002-11-09They slapped her more than one hundred times, until they all got tired and gasped for breath. They rested for a while and then started punching and kicking her again on her head, neck, ears, chest, and back...Teng's back and buttocks were purple and black, with flesh badly bruised and lacerated. Her chest area was too painful to bear, and her left upper arm was dislocated. Painfully she had to put her arm back in place by herself. The pain from this episode lasted for more than 20 days and she could not lift her arm up at all. Her right upper arm was beaten so badly that her hand lost much of its strength
China: Truth-Clarifying Posters Seen on Streets and Lanes
2002-11-09 -
During Jiang's Visit to the US, Thirty Loudspeakers Played Falun Gong Materials from the Treetops in Mainland China
2002-11-09Since Teacher Li's new article "Hurry Up And Tell Them" was published, in a city of northern China, Dafa practitioners spread flyers, clarified the truth, and pasted and hung banners more than ten-meters long with the words "Falun Dafa is good!"
An Open Letter to UN Human Rights Organizations from Practitioners in China
2002-11-08Detained practitioners are deprived of all personal freedom and are watched day and night. Some are kept in tiny dark cells with plastic bags over their heads. Some are hung up for several days and nights. Some are tortured on electric chairs and beaten with electronic prods. Some are not allowed to sleep for many days and nights. Many practitioners become disabled or paralytic from the torture. Some are even tortured to death.
More Atrocities at the Wanjia Labour Camp in Harbin City
2002-11-08Yao tied two Dafa practitioners' hands behind their backs and hung them in the hallway with their toes barely touching the ground for an entire day. In the evening, they used electric batons to shock them. They specifically shocked certain acupuncture points to intensify the pain. They yelled as they shocked the practitioners, "Are you giving up? If you don't, we will beat you to death. You will die for nothing as nobody will know."
Japan: "The Committee of Global Action in Rescuing Family Members" Report on Falun Gong Practitioners Persecuted in China
2002-11-08She has been held at the People's Hospital (mental hospital), Hefei City. She was forced to take injections and drugs and was electrically shocked. After the injections and drugs, she now remains in a lethargic sleep and her consciousness has become numb. She feels uneasy no matter how she sits, stands or sleeps. She has a constant headache, vomits..Due to her weakened condition, she sometimes will pass out three to four times in a single day. Her life is in danger!...The police even inserted the electric baton into her vagina and tortured her. It resulted in massive hemorrhaging for more than one month. She had difficulties in eating and walking, and could only move slowly by holding the wall, lest she fall down.
Government Officials From Jimo City Illegally Persecute Dafa Practitioners
2002-11-08When the old lady had barely opened the door, the ruffians, who were all well prepared, rushed in. They pinched a nerve in the old lady's neck and pushed her to the floor. The old lady screamed loudly from the pain. She was taken into the police car without even having time to take a breath.
Falun Gong Practitioner's Husband Passes Away Due to Harassment by the Police in Pingdu City
2002-11-07He was under great mental duress. During the last two years, he often suffered from headaches, dizziness, and fainting spells...At that time, his voice was shaking and he could only speak broken sentences with no strength -- that was how scared and shocked he was. Due to the mental shock, extreme pressure and worrying about the safety of his wife, Shang Baolin fell sick and never recovered.
Shenyang Dabei Prison Staff Members Viciously Abuse Falun Gong Practitioners Who Steadfastly Refuse to Give Up Their Belief
2002-11-07If he could not keep in place during the sitting, two criminal inmates would force him to by pricking him with steel nails. He was tortured for almost 10 months. Song suffered the extreme agony of back pain and poor health due to the tortures, and could hardly walk without help...After two weeks of torture, Jiang Hulin's health severely deteriorated. His legs were swollen and he was thin, nervous, confused and so physically weak that he was unable to walk.
Nanmusi Female Labour Camp in Sichuan Province Has Persecuted Nearly 2,000 Practitioners
2002-11-07Police instigate drug addicts to torture practitioners who do not yield by pulling their hair, plugging their mouths, tearing up their clothes, and punching and kicking them while holding their hands behind their backs...Police use electric batons to shock practitioners who have strong righteous thoughts and refuse to yield. They are scolded and beaten. Police often cuff practitioners to the frame of a window or in between the heads of two beds. Many develop edema in their legs, some have become delusional, and some develop scabies all over their bodies.
Dynaweb Finds Method to Break Domain Name Hijacking Through Online Search Engines
2002-11-07Starting from the end of September 2002, China began to hijack the domain names of overseas websites, including Dynaweb. Many Internet surfers reported difficulties in accessing overseas websites...Here we introduce an easy way to search the IP address of a hijacked web domain name.
Help Rescue Our Family Members Who Are Enduring Persecution in China
2002-11-06The following people are family members of United States residents. They are prisoners of conscience in the PRC and are being detained and tortured for their belief in Falun Gong. This is the start of a global campaign to rescue all of these family members who are being persecuted by Jiang's regime.
Dafa Practitioner Que Fazhi from Panzhihua City Dies from Persecution by the Beijing Police
2002-11-06While she was detained in Beijing, the police took her to a strictly guarded basement room every day and used an unknown instrument to torture her... By the time she was sent back to the local police department in the middle of June, she had lost the ability to take care of herself. When she was sent home on June 28, her whole body was swollen; she had difficulty breathing and could not sleep. She was in extreme pain until she passed away on October 30, 2002.