Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Ms. Zhang Yueqin Being Tortured at Hebei Province Women's Prison
2011-08-14Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhang Yueqin is being tortured in Hebei Province Women's Prison, after having been detained there for three years. Some of the torture includes having needles inserted into her body, being deprived of sleep for days, and being forced to walk on scalding hot plates. In addition, guard Wu Hongxia, an instructor from cell No. 6, instigated others to slap Ms. Zhang's face until their wrists were in pain. Currently, Ms. Zhang hardly talks to anyone close to her.
Teacher Monitored by Authorities and Salary Suspended for the Past Three Years
2011-08-14Ms. He Yanhua had been working as a chemistry teacher at Shanhe Middle School, in Maogang District, Maoming City, Guangdong Province, for more than ten years. Because she practises Falun Gong, she was detained in a forced labour camp and brainwashing centre multiple times, and tortured. She refused to sign a guarantee statement to stop practising Falun Gong, and has been deprived of her salary for over three years. She has had to survive on her own savings in addition to working as a tutor.
Exemplary Teachers Persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party
2011-08-14Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Chen Min is an English teacher in Liaozhong County Liujianfang School. Ms. Chen works very hard. When she was awarded the prestigious High Grade Teacher honour she offered it to her colleagues. Ms. Chen was such a good teacher and person, yet the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) sentenced her to a three-year prison term because she explained the facts about Falun Gong. Shenyang Police Bureau sent officers to the school to investigate her. The headmaster clearly told them, "Ms. Chen Min is the best teacher in our school. She treats her students with great care and responsibility. Everyone knows she is one of the best!"
An Account of 17 Torture Deaths in the Qingdao Area, Shandong Province
2011-08-13At least 39 torture deaths of Falun Gong practitioners in the Qingdao Area alone have been verified since the persecution started, covering the period between 1999-2010. In addition, more than 1,000 practitioners were sentenced to forced labor camps or prisons; and at least 60 practitioners were injected with drugs known to damage the central nervous system, shocked with electric needles, or were force-fed at mental hospitals. Many more people faced torture, brainwashing sessions, intimidation, and monetary extortion at various brainwashing and detention facilities.
Mr. Jiao Lingyun from Heilongjiang Province Persecuted to Death in Detention, Officials Cover Up Their Crimes
2011-08-13On June 10th, Mr. Jiao Lingyun, 49, was arrested by over ten police officers. He was held at the Jixian County Detention Centre. On July 8th, Mr. Jiao's father received a phone call from the Jixian County Public Security Bureau, informing him of his son's death. Mr. Jiao's family had not received any information about Mr. Jiao after his arrest until this phone call. Mr. Jiao's family rushed to the hospital. Darkly coloured bruises were evident on his head, neck and legs. The skin around his mouth had deep pinch marks, his lips were injured and his clothes were wet. On July 10th, according to staff from the funeral home, officers guarded Mr. Jiao's body 24 hours a day. They did not allow the funeral home staff or Mr. Jiao's family to see his whole body.
Mr. Wen Zhiming from Liaoning Province Sentenced to Seven Years in Prison Without Due Process
2011-08-13Mr. Wen Zhiming is a Falun Gong practitioner from Suizhong County, Liaoning Province. He was secretly sentenced to seven years in prison by a Chinese Communist Party (CCP) court on July 12th. On April 26th, 2011, officers from the Suizhong County Police Department arrested Mr. Wen from his home and sent him to the Suizhong County Detention Centre. Mr. Wen's home was ransacked and his computer, printer, Falun Gong books and some personal belongings were confiscated.
Crimes Committed at the Zhaoyuan City "Law Training Centre" in Shandong Province
2011-08-13The "Law Training Centre" in Zhaoyuan City, Shandong Province is a brainwashing centre used to persecute Falun Gong practitioners. Practitioners who have served terms in forced labour camps or prisons are brought to the brainwashing centre before being released, so that the authorities can extort money from their family members. On the 2nd floor, there is a torture chamber, which has an iron chair. When they torture a Falun Gong practitioner, they tie him/her to the chair and shock him with electric batons, beat him with wooden sticks and clubs, whip him with a “rope” made with several wires twisted together, or hang him up in the air.
Over a Hundred Practitioners in Tangshan City Detained in May and June
2011-08-12In May and June 2011, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) arrested and detained Falun Gong practitioners from all over the country, including Tangshan City. The persecution was planned and carried out according to orders from “above”. There was a quota that the CCP authorities had to reach and a list of names on their blacklist. Officers from the Domestic Security Division and the local police stations arrested practitioners either at work or at home. Furthermore, their homes were ransacked and their personal property stolen. In two months, more than 120 practitioners have been detained—over 80 of them are imprisoned in detention centres, with 16 in Kaiping Forced Labour Camp in Tangshan alone.
Five Practitioners from Zunhua, Hebei Province Held in Shijiazhuang Forced Labour Camp
2011-08-12On May 10th, more than fifty practitioners gathered together in Falun Gong practitioner Dang Xiaofen's home to read Falun Gong books together. They were arrested by police. After being extorted for large amounts of money, several practitioners have been released. Five Falun Gong practitioners were detained in Shijiazhuang Forced Labour Camp. They were sentenced to one to two years of forced labour.
Engineer Hu Chunqing Remains Steadfast in His Belief Despite Torture
2011-08-12Falun Gong practitioner Hu Chunqing is a civil engineer who designs and builds roads and bridges. During the 12-year persecution of Falun Gong by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), Mr. Hu was sentenced to a forced labour camp for a term of two years and he never gave up his belief in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. In the forced labour camp, he was brutally tortured. The officers deprived Mr. Hu of sleep for a period of nine days and nights by forcing him to stand outside in the freezing winter cold. They poured cold water over him and then shocked him with electric batons. They pushed his head into the toilet and force fed him urine.
Mr. Liu Jingze Arrested, His Family Harassed and Evicted from Their Home
2011-08-12The Shenzhen City police arrested Mr. Liu Jingze and several other Falun Gong practitioners on June 21st. Around July 20th, several Communist regime agents went to Mr. Liu Jingze's home in two military cars to harass his family. They questioned his wife, demanding to know if she and Mr. Liu's older brother practised Falun Gong. They searched every room in the house, and checked his wife's mobile phone to see who she had recently contacted. The police ordered the landlord to evict Mr. Liu's wife and his two daughters.
Former Second Prize Winner of the National Youth Erhu Music Competition Sentenced to Over Eight Years in Prison
2011-08-11On June 24th, Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Jin Yuan was sentenced at Zhuhai City Xiangzhou District Court to eight and a half years in prison. Previously, in November 2010, police ransacked his home and arrested him. The agents searched his home until the afternoon, and confiscated his personal chequebook, among other things. Mr. Jin was then detained in the Zhuhai Number Two Detention Centre before being sentenced.
Ms. Tang Tianmin on the Verge of Death After a Recent Brainwashing Session
2011-08-11Naxi District Sanitary Ceramics Factory Guest House in Luzhou City is a secret prison set up by the 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong). They arrest Falun Gong practitioners and hold them there to conduct brainwashing sessions while using torture and violence in an attempt to force the practitioners to give up their belief. Police arrested Ms. Tang Tianmin from her home on July 12th, and took her to this brainwashing facility. When Ms. Tang resisted the arrest, the perpetrators beat her. Her arms swelled up from being twisted. Ms. Tang held a hunger strike to protest the 610 Office agents' criminal act. Eight days later, Ms. Tang was carried back home in critical condition.
68-Year-Old Chongqing Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine Imprisoned for Seven Years
2011-08-11Ms. Du Wanrong from Chongqing is a retired doctor of traditional Chinese medicine. Because of the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) persecution of Falun Gong, she was forced to become exiled twice to avoid persecution, and was imprisoned for seven years. After her release from prison, Ms. Du approached the incumbent hospital director Wang Peiwen and requested normal payment of her retirement pension. However, Wang replied, “Falun Gong practitioners are to be suspended without pay.”
Yu Qingtao's Story: Prodigal Son Changes After Learning Falun Gong in Prison, Then Persecuted by the Communist Regime
2011-08-11Mr. Yu Qingtao was sentenced to ten years (July 2002 to July 2012) in prison in July 2002, for robbery. Currently he is jailed in the Jiamusi Prison. In 2002, the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners was especially brutal and rampant. There were several hundred Falun Gong practitioners detained in the detention centre. He witnessed with his own eyes the brutal persecution these practitioners suffered. His jail cell held several Falun Gong practitioners as well. However, their kind words and actions deeply touched his heart. He felt that Falun Gong was great and immediately decided to learn more. Since Yu Qingtao openly declared his respect for Falun Gong, a guard beat Yu up very hard. Mr. Yu was injured all over his body.