Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Mr. Shi Mengchang from Heilongjiang Province Persecuted to Emaciation
2010-06-13On April 19th, 2010, a dozen or so police arrested Falun Gong practitioner Shi Mengchang and his wife, Han Shujuan, at their home. The next morning, Mr. Shi, still in cuffs and shackles, was driven to the Wuchang City Brainwashing Centre 600 miles away. Fu Yanchun, the director, and Mo Zhenshan, the deputy director of the Wuchang Brainwashing Centre, interrogated and threatened Mr. Shi. Fu said, "This is the base of 'transformation' [forcibly renounce Falun Gong]. You have no choice but to 'transform.'" Mr. Shi told him that all Falun Gong does is to teach people to be good. Fu asked his subordinates to bring over some electric batons. They zapped the batons in the air and threatened him: "If you do not write a guarantee statement to renounce practising Falun Gong, we will hang you up and shock you all over your body. You will then do whatever we ask."
Ms. Hu Huoying Nearly Blind in Jiangxi Woman's Jail
2010-06-12Fifty-nine-year-old Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Hu Huoying was arrested in March 2008 and sentenced to four years of imprisonment prior to the Beijing Olympics. She was tortured at the Nanchang City Woman's Prison for more than two years. While in the prison she became extremely weak and depressed. Her eyesight started to deteriorate, and a medical examination by a prison doctor found that she was unable to see normally. The prison guards nonetheless still forced her to do slave labour.
Mr. Deng Chengkai and Ms. Liu Tao Subjected to Heavy Sentencing
2010-06-12Police arrested four practitioners including Mr. Deng Chengkai, Mr. Zhong Shikai, Ms. Liu Tao and Ms. Xiao Shifeng in June 2009. Recently, Deng Chengkai and Liu Tao were sentenced to eight years and six years of imprisonment, respectively. Before this arrest, Mr. Deng Chengkai had already been subjected to imprisonment twice. While being detained in Xinhua Forced Labour Camp in Jinyang City, he was subjected to brainwashing, corporal punishment and various forms of torture. In order to "transform" [forcibly renounce Falun Gong] him, the guards once forced him to squat down on the ground for two days straight without allowing him to go to the toilet.
Ms. Shang Shiying and Ms. Shan Huanrong of Tangshan City Arrested, Tortured and Interrogated
2010-06-12Ms. Shang Shiying and Ms. Shan Huanrong are Falun Gong practitioners in Tangshan City, Hebei Province. They were arrested in January 2010, and they were interrogated and tortured at Fengnan Police Department and Fengnan Detention Centre. They were forced to sit on steel chairs and were handcuffed and shackled for long periods of time. Zhang Baocai, head of the Fengnan Detention Centre, participated in beating these practitioners. Shang was handcuffed and shackled for 14 days. Her wrists were cut and scarred, and her socks were torn by the shackles.
Additional Information about the Persecution of Mr. Li Ziran in Chenzhou Prison, Hunan Province
2010-06-12Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Li Ziran was sent to Chenzhou Prison in Hunan Province in late July 2005. Upon his arrival at the prison, he informed the guards about the true nature of Falun Gong. As a result, guard Wu Xinchao ordered several inmates to tie Mr. Li 's hands behind his back and pull them up. Mr. Li had to bend his back to prevent his arms from breaking. Wu then kicked him in the knees until he tumbled to the ground and was forced to squat on his heels. Mr. Li was ordered to recite the "Discipline Standards for Prison Inmates," which he refused, in protest of his imprisonment. Guard Li Ang then ordered two inmates, Li Feng and Luo Zhao, to punish him. The inmates pulled his hands behind his back and toward his head, and kicked him in the knees to force him to squat.
Sichuan Police Steal Elderly Woman's Life's Savings, Accuse Her of Intravenous Drug Use as Justification for Their Crime
2010-06-11Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Tan Chun, 66, supports her whole family by doing odd jobs. Her husband died long ago. Her 6-year-old grandson, her 92-year-old mother, and her congenitally blind son all rely her to take care of them. Ms. Tan's daughter wired money to her in October 2009, to help with living expenses for her grandson and her blind son. Local officials got wind of this and ransacked Ms. Tan's home, claiming she was an intravenous drug user and that the money was "illegal" and from a "Falun Gong organisation". They held her blind son in custody overnight, and took her to a detention centre where she was held for one month.
After Eight Years of Unjust Imprisonment, Mr. Pang You Is Again Wrongly Sentenced to a Further Four Years in Prison
2010-06-11Mr. Pang You was sentenced to four years in prison by the Beijing Chaoyang District Court. This is the second time Mr. Pang has been sentenced. The convicting evidence included 75 Falun Gong DVDs, 70 flyers, and 167 one-yuan bills with positive messages about Falun Gong written on them. Mr. Pang had been recently released from Beijing Qianjin Prison after serving an eight-year term. He was arrested again in August 2009. His wife, Ms. Guo, was also tortured for over a month in the Beijing Chaoyang District Detention Centre and is now being monitored at home.
Decorated Police Officer Sentenced to Four Years in Prison for Practising Falun Gong
2010-06-11On April 28th, 2010, Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Lu Zhiyong, once named the "Best Police Officer" of Heishui County, Sichuan Province, was sentenced to four years in prison after being detained for more than two months. The Heishui County Court announced the sentence without the presence of a lawyer and without any evidence, or legal basis. On September 19th, 2009, Lu Zhiyong visited his mother. On his way home, he was arrested by policemen who had been following him. Lu Zhiyong was so seriously beaten that he passed out. He regained consciousness after two days.
Ms. Lin Jianhua Dies after Forced Drug Administration in Detention
2010-06-11Ms. Lin Jianhua went to Beijing to appeal for justice for Falun Gong twice. The police arrested her on March 7th, 2000, while she was on her way to a fellow practitioner's home. They detained her 45 days, finally taking her to the Hewan Forced Labour Camp with a one-year term. Ms. Lin was arrested the second time on December 4th, 2003 while she was talking to people about Falun Gong. Police took her to the Hewan Forced Labour Camp for another one-year term. Ms. Lin was inhumanly tortured in the labour camp. The guards put harmful drugs in her food, which severely damaged her health. After being released, the drug caused Ms. Lin to manifest symptoms similar to diabetes. She never fully recovered her health, and under the long-term surveillance and harassment, Ms. Lin died.
610 Office in Xichang City, Sichuan Province Blocks the Public from Attending Trial of Falun Gong Practitioners
2010-06-10The 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) in Xichang City, Sichuan Province ordered the Xichang City Court to try four Falun Gong practitioners on May 13th, 2010. A few days before the May 13th trial, the 610 Office notified top officials at work sites and communities where practitioners are known to live and work to prevent people from going to the proceedings. The entrances into the court were monitored. Officials from various workplaces and communities were posted at the door, responsible for preventing people that they knew from their areas from entering.
Torture of Falun Gong Practitioners in Shandong Province Prison Results in Death, Disability, and Mental Disorder
2010-06-10Guards and incarcerated criminals employ all kinds of brutal means to torture practitioners in Shandong Province Prison. A group of criminals beat Mr. Qian Dongcai to death in 2006 under instigation from the prison guards. Prison head Li Wei, however, falsely claimed that Mr. Qian jumped to his death. Mr. Wang Xinbo was transferred to a police hospital in 2006 to treat injuries resulted from torture, and no one heard anything about him for months. It was later learned that he died as a result of these injuries. Mr. Lu Zhen once an excellent college student, was confined in a small cell in mid-May 2009 and given only one small steamed bun daily. He died on June 21st, 2009.
Police Torture Practitioner Liang Zhenxing by Force-Feeding Him Ten Times Per Day
2010-06-10Practitioner Mr. Liang Zhenxing was arrested on February 27th, 2002, and was subsequently sentenced to nineteen years in prison. On May 1st, 2010, after suffering extremely brutal and prolonged torture, he passed away. In 2006, in order to protest the persecution, Mr. Liang went on a hunger strike. The prison police subsequently force-fed him ten times per day using thick tubes inserted through his nose into his stomach. On one occasion, during a violent force-feeding, they severely injured his trachea. The torture was so devastating that at one point, Mr. Liang Zhenxing could stand it no longer and threw himself into the sharp corner of a window sill covered with ceramic tiles. He had to be rushed to the hospital for brain trauma.
Persecution Suffered by Ms. Zhang Zongxiu, a Farmer from Fuping County, Hebei Province
2010-06-10Ms. Zhang Zongxiu, a Falun Gong practitioner, has been detained three times and sent to a brainwashing centre once. She has been harassed and threatened on numerous occasions. Her family has been extorted out of over 7,000 yuan. In Fuping Detention Centre police issued orders to force feed Ms. Zhang Zongxiu. Prison doctor Li Xinpo instructed several inmates to pin Ms. Zhang down, and then brutally inserted a tube through her nose and into her stomach for forced feeding. It is not clear what was being fed to Ms. Zhang Zongxiu. After every forced feeding, Zhang would lie there motionlessly.
Zhu Yu'an Imprisoned and Her Son Expelled from University for His Mother's Belief in Falun Gong
2010-06-09Ms. Zhu Yu'an, 49 years old, is from Huaihua City, Hunan Province. Her health improved due to practising Falun Gong. She has been talking to people about the persecution of Falun Gong since it started in 1999. Because of this, she has been persecuted by the local 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) and the police. She was sent twice to a forced labour camp, and her son was expelled from the university due to her belief in Falun Gong.
Mr. Lei Yangfan on Hunger Strike in Brainwashing Centre
2010-06-09After Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Lei Yangfan was arrested on May 8th, 2010, he started a protest hunger strike in the Changsha City Laoheyue Brainwashing Centre. During his hunger strike, police tried to force Mr. Lei to undergo infusions, but he refused to co-operate with them. They later force-fed him, but Mr. Lei threw up all the food, so they finally had to stop. Mr. Lei's family wasn't allowed to visit him at first, but in order to persuade him to give up the hunger strike, they allowed Mr. Lei's father to visit him.