Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Mr. Yao Zhen Sentenced to One Year in Prison in Dongguan City, Guangdong Province
2011-01-09Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Yao Zhen was arrested by officers from Guancheng District Public Security Bureau on October 20th, 2010. Recently, Mr. Yao was sentenced to one year of forced labour. Mr. Yao's wife insisted on getting her husband released, so she submitted an application letter for administrative reconsideration. Mr. Yao Zhen also does not accept the persecution and handed in his administrative reconsideration application. Mr. Yao's wife went everywhere to try to free her husband. However, the National Security Brigade and the Bubugao Police Station shuffled his case between each other or avoided meeting with her.
Older Practitioner Ms. Liang Huaiyuan Brutally Tortured in Anhui Province
2011-01-08Since the persecution of Falun Gong began in July 1999, 65-year-old Ms. Liang Huaiyuan has been arrested, her home has been searched and she has been injected with unknown drugs. She was also forced to leave home several times to avoid persecution. Ms. Liang was held in the Bangbu First Detention Centre from 2002 to Spring 2003, and had to do forced labour for more than ten hours a day. She was sometimes not allowed to sleep for days. As a result, she often had headaches and lost consciousness. She was sent to hospital. Her hands and feet were tied to each corner of the bed, and she was injected with unknown drugs. Later that night, her blood pressure dropped dramatically and her heart gradually stopped beating. The officials wanted to leave her to die, but doctors treated her anyway.
Model Worker at Yuanjiang Paper Mill Faces Sentence in Hunan Province
2011-01-08Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Ruan Fanghua was a model worker (workshop officer) at the Yuanjiang Paper Mill in Hunan Province. He was arrested by Changsha City police on August 3rd, 2010 and has been detained since then. During the persecution of Falun Gong by the communist regime, Mr. Ruan has been persecuted numerous times. After this most recent arrest, he was sent to a brainwashing centre. Agents from the Public Prosecution Office of the Yuelu District Prosecutorial Bureau in Changsha City have charged Mr. Ruan in the Yuelu District Court. So Mr. Ruan is now also facing sentencing.
Retired Auditor Detained for Six Months; Family's Complaint Dismissed
2011-01-08Practitioner Ms. Wu Bilin, 61, has been arrested 12 times since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began its persecution of Falun Gong 11 years ago. This time, she has been detained at the Chenjiaji Brainwashing Centre for six months and severely tortured. She is very weak. Her family members filed a complaint against the perpetrators, but the Jiangan District Procuratorate rejected it.
Suzhou City 610 Office Confidential Document Exposes a Large Number of Communist Regime Agents Active in the Persecution of Falun Gong
2011-01-08The 610 Office is an illegal organisation established by the Chinese communist regime specifically to persecute Falun Gong practitioners. Shen Huiming, a vicious agent from the Political Office of the Taicang City Procuratorate in Jiangsu Province, was awarded by Suzhou City 610 Office as a city-level brainwashing specialist. This news has already been published on the Taicang City Procuratorate website. Another item on that website was a confidential document from the Suzhou City 610 Office, which names 29 agents who were actively involved in the persecution of Falun Gong. Marked as “confidential” the document is numbered Suzhou City 610 Office-2010-No. 46, and was issued on May 25th, 2010.
Torture and Abuse Endured by Ms. Yu Quan Before She Died
2011-01-0760-year-old practitioner Yu Quan from Jilin passed away after being abused and tortured by police. She was still handcuffed to her bed as she died. In July 1999, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started to persecute Falun Gong. Ms. Yu went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong in October 2004. While there, she was arrested and sent to a detention centre. Because of the punishment received there, her entire body was in unbearable pain, and she had contracted tuberculosis. To protect her employer and family Ms. Yu refused to give her name and address during her ordeal, and she was tortured severely for that refusal. She was injected with unknown drugs, which resulted in permanent damage to her vision.
A Family of Three in Fujin City, Heilongjiang Province Is Taken Away
2011-01-07Five undercover police officers drove to the house of Mr. Yuan Yulong on December 21st. As soon as they walked into the house, they started interrogating him: “Is Falun Gong good or bad? Do you still want to practise it or not? Where are your son and daughter-in-law?” They placed Mr. Yuan's Falun Gong books on the table and started recording them with a video camera. Another five officers came to ransack Mr. Yuan's house. The officers confiscated his notebook computer, an inkjet printer, three MP3 players, two mobile phones, some Falun Gong leaflets exposing the persecution and Falun Gong books. They then arrested him and he is currently being held at the Fujin Detention Centre.
What I Know of Beijing Deputy Mayor Ji Lin's Crimes
2011-01-07On December 13th, Beijing's deputy mayor Ji Lin arrived at Taoyuan Airport in Taiwan. Ji is active in the persecution of Falun Gong in China. Two hours after landing in Taiwan, Falun Gong practitioners notified him in person that a criminal lawsuit had been filed against him. From 1999 to 2004, during the time when Ji Lin was the County Committee General Secretary at Miyun County and the Political Affairs and Regulations Committee General Secretary of Beijing, Miyun County became the area in Beijing that persecuted Falun Gong practitioners most severely. While he was the County Committee General Secretary at Miyun, Ji personally planned and conducted arrests and torture of Falun Gong practitioners. He was also involved in the examination and approval of each practitioner's sentencing.
Deng Xiuyi of Weifang City, Shandong Province, Held in Changle Detention Centre
2011-01-07Mr. Deng Xiuyi and a female practitioner went to distribute leaflets exposing the persecution of Falun Gong to people in Jiatao Village of Qiaoguan County on December 17th. They were arrested by officers from the Qiaoguan Police Station. After they were taken to the police station, Mr. Deng was handcuffed to an iron chair and tortured for a day and a half. He was then transferred to the Changle Detention Centre, where he is currently being persecuted.
Ms. Zhang Yaqin from Daqing City Dies after Severe Persecution in Heilongjiang Women's Prison
2011-01-06After Ms. Zhang Yaqin from Daqing City was arrested, she was sentenced to seven years of imprisonment. She was tortured in Heilongjiang Women's Prison until her health severely deteriorated. In May 2010, she was released. In the past six months, she was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment many times. On November 26th, she died at the age of 64 in Daqing People's Hospital, as a result of the persecution.
Family Concerned for Attorney Wang Yonghang's Welfare in Prison
2011-01-06On the evening of October 11th, several inmates were incited by prison guards to viciously beat Mr. Wang Yonghang, a lawyer from Dalian City who stands for justice. The following morning, Mr. Wang was beaten again. He was then placed in solitary confinement in a Small Cell for further mental and physical torture. After numerous requests, his family eventually saw him at the prison on November 19th. However, they grew even more concerned as the prison authorities refused to admit that Mr. Wang had been beaten. The prison authorities' denial cast a shadow on Mr. Wang's family members, who worry about the unrestrained abuse he has to endure.
Mr. Liu Guangzhi Wrongfully Imprisoned, Family Not Allowed to Visit
2011-01-06In July 2007, when Mr. Liu Guangzhi took pictures for another Falun Gong practitioner in court, national security personnel from the Longtan District in Jilin City arrested and tortured him. Longtan Court, under orders from the Jilin City 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong), sentenced Mr. Liu to six years in Gongzhuling Prison. Mr. Liu has been imprisoned since then. Both the prison and the 610 Office are trying to conceal information about Mr. Liu, and the prison refuses to let anyone visit him. No one has seen Mr Liu since he was arrested in July 2007.
Ms. Liu Meili from Wuhan City Arrested and Robbed by the Police
2011-01-06Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Liu Meili from Wuhan City, Hubei Province was arrested on November 4th, 2010. The police stole her retirement salary of 3000 yuan. They handcuffed Ms. Liu to a chair. When her family came to ask for her release, the officers lied and promised that they would detain her for only 15 days. After her family left, they shoved Ms. Liu into a police car and transferred her to the Wuhan City First Detention Centre.
The “Humane Management” at Qianjin Forced Labour Camp in Harbin
2011-01-05Falun Gong practitioners detained at the Wanjia Forced Labour Camp were transferred to the Qianjin Forced Labour Camp in the winter of 2007. Wang Yaluo, warden at the Qianjin Forced Labour Camp, lied when he told everyone, “The Qianjin Forced Labour Camp uses a humane management system.” At the Qianjin Forced Labour Camp, practitioners were forced to do hard labour for 13-14 hours a day (from 6:00 a.m. to 7/8:00 p.m.) with only 10 minutes for lunch. If practitioners couldn't finish their work during those hours, they had to take the work back to their cell and continue working.
Two Elderly Women Practitioners from Zhongyuan Oil Field Arrested
2011-01-05Two elderly practitioners, Ms. Jin Runhua and Ms. Han Yongshu, left home together on December 22nd. By dinner time that day they still had not returned to their homes. Their families were so worried about them that they made many phone calls to try to find them. Not until around 9:00 p.m. that night when Zhongyuan Oil Field Security Section officers came to Ms. Jin's home to ransack it did Ms. Jin's family learn that their loved one had been arrested and detained. Those participating in the home ransacking included officers from the Liutun Police Station and from the Puyang County Police Department.