Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Ms. Zhao Fengzhen Relentlessly Persecuted for Her Belief
2009-12-30Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhao Fenzhen, 58, has been repeatedly arrested and mistreated during the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) persecution of Falun Gong over the past ten years. The authorities have detained her three times, ransacked her home five times, and extorted 4000 yuan from her family. Ms. Zhao was detained in Fuping Domestic Security Division in 2007. Police officer Zhang Jinhui carried her out of the police car and slapped her face hard three times. He then affixed her feet to a metal chair with shackles and didn't unlock her until the next afternoon. By that time she had lost all feeling in her feet and was unable to stand or walk.
Ms. Guo Enlan Arrested Again and Her Family Repeatedly Persecuted
2009-12-30Ms. Guo Enlan and her family benefit from practising Falun Gong. They tell people the facts about Falun Gong and the persecution using many different means. They have consequently been repeatedly persecuted by the Chinese authorities, and three of them have died as a result of persecution. On November 7th, 2009, police arrested Ms. Guo. She is being held in the Liaoyuan Detention Centre. The police also took her computer, printer, and many other items. This is the third time she has been arrested. Ms. Guo Enlan's husband, Dong Zhe, was arrested by police in 2001. He was tortured via many different methods, and was not released until he was very weak. He died in August 2003 at the age of 56.
Five Practitioners in Jianyang City, Sichuan Province Sentenced
2009-12-30On December 8th, 2009, Ms. Lei Jinxiang and other four Falun Gong practitioners were brought to trial in Jianyang City Court in Sichuan Province. Four attorneys hired by practitioners defended them. The court ignored the truth and the law and handed the practitioners heavy sentences. Ms. Lei was sentenced to a nine and a half-year term, Ms. Jia Zhengfen to eight and a half years, Mr. Zhang Shixiang to six years, Ms. Liu Dehui to four years, and Ms. Peng Xiuqiong to three years.
Names and Phone Numbers of Guards Who Persecute Falun Gong Practitioners at the Tuanhe Forced Labour Camp in Beijing
2009-12-30Liu Guoxi (male): group chief of Group No. 1; guard identification number 1153176; about 30 years old. He has been in the Falun Gong persecution group since 1999. Because he proactively persecuted Falun Gong practitioners, he was promoted to group chief. Liu often hysterically curses others in public, and either commands or is directly involved in the persecution of many practitioners. For example, practitioners Yu Ming and Ren Xu, among others, were force-fed for a long period of time while on hunger strike. From the latter half of 2006 until April 2007, before being transferred to Liaoning, Yu Ming was imprisoned by himself in a small room with sealed windows at Group No. 1 (the old building then in use). The cruel persecution he suffered was under the command of Liu Guoxi.
Ms. Yang Xiaojing from Lanzhou City Dies as a Result of Repeated Persecution; Additional Information
2009-12-29On October 1st, 2009, a 45-year-old Falun Gong practitioner, Ms. Yang Xiaojing, passed away as a result of the long-term harassment, threats, and persecution by the officials of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Ms. Yang was severely harassed by the Lanzhou City police during the days leading to her death. Ms. Yang's husband, Cao Dong, is currently detained at the Tianshui Prison, Gansu Province.
Mr. Chen Baihe Again Denied Release for Medical Reasons and Not Allowed to See Family
2009-12-29On December 4th, 2009, Mr. Chen Baihe's wife and daughter travelled more than three hours to the Jidong Prison with the hopes of visiting Mr. Chen, who had been imprisoned for three years and seven months. Their visitation request was denied, along with their request for Mr. Chen's release for medical reasons. In January 2007, Mr. Chen was sentenced to four years in prison for distributing Falun Gong leaflets. During their visit in July 2009, Mr. Chen's wife and daughter noticed that he had lost sight in his left eye, and his blood pressure was high. They asked for Mr. Chen's release for medical reasons, but their request was denied. They lost contact with him after the visit.
Macheng County Woman Arrested, Interrogated and Held in Forced Labour Camp
2009-12-29During the past ten years, Ms. Xiang Jinping has been repeatedly persecuted because she persists in her belief in Falun Gong. In 2006, she was arrested and her home was searched by police. In the police station, she was interrogated. She was sent to the Railway Detention Centre, where she was repeatedly punched, kicked and slapped in the face. She was interrogated and forced to press her finger on and sign documents. One night, a guard saw that Ms. Xiang was practising the Falun Gong exercises. As a result, she was not allowed to eat the next four meals. Later on, she was sent to the Hubei Women's Forced Labour Camp.
Two Women in Bangbu City Sent to Forced Labour Camp for Explaining the Facts of Falun Gong to a Taxi Driver
2009-12-29Ms. Wang Ping and Ms. Duan Genhua were detained at the local police station and sent to a forced labour camp simply for talking to a taxi driver about Falun Gong on January 13th, 2009. They were transferred to the Second Detention Centre. Ms. Duan went on a hunger strike to protest her detention. Ms. Wang protested her detention by refusing to do forced labour or wear the prison clothing. Ms. Wang was sentenced to one and a half years of forced labour, while Ms. Duan Genhua received one year and three months. Both have since been transferred to the Women's Forced Labour Camp of Anhui Province.
Mr. Tian Fujin, 59, Dies in Custody in Inner Mongolia
2009-12-28In 2008 Mr. Tian was sentenced to three years for practising Falun Gong and was locked in the Baoanzhao Prison. His daughter tried to visit him in March 2009, but was rejected due to the fact that she also practised Falun Gong. On December 14th, 2009, the Baoanzhao Prison authorities called his home, and said that he was dying. His family rushed to the prison and saw that Mr. Tian was in a deep coma. He died that night. The prison authorities said his death was caused by a stroke.
Honest Judge Ms. Li Mei Framed by the Hefei Court
2009-12-28A trial was held on December 8th, 2009, in the Yaohai District Court in Hefei City, charging Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Li Mei, a former judge of the Hefei Intermediate People's Court in Anhui Province. During the trial process, Ms. Li's defence lawyer Cheng Hai pointed out many violations by the Yaohai District Court. At this public trial, the Yaohai District Court openly violated the law. From the case filing procedure to the trial process, the court showed many loopholes and inconsistencies.
Recent Persecution Cases from Dayangshu Town of Oroqen Autonomous Prefecture, Inner Mongolia
2009-12-28On November 6th, 2009, four officers broke into the home of practitioner Ms. Wang Guilan. They broke open the door, and without showing any identification, shoved practitioner Ms. Zheng Haiyan and the daughter of Ms. Wang Guilan to the ground. They punched, kicked and then arrested them. They took them to the Dayangshu Township police sub-division. They also ransacked Ms. Wang's house and confiscated a laptop, four mobile phones and some cash. After being tortured, Ms. Zheng was having convulsions and foaming at the mouth, and her life was in danger. They did not take her to a doctor and told her, "Go ahead and
Practitioners Arrested and Harassed by Mudanjiang Railway Police Department
2009-12-28The Railway Police Department issued orders to the Harbin Railway Police Department to persecute Falun Gong practitioners. The Mudanjiang Railway Police Department immediately got to work. When they were asked whether they could meet the goal of arresting six practitioners, Sun Haibin, director of the Domestic Security Division, said yes. During the past few months, officers from the Mudanjiang Railway Police Department have arrested and harassed practitioners regularly, completely disrupting their daily lives.
74-Year-Old Mr. Peng Chuhao Arrested in Loudi City, Hunan Province
2009-12-27On December 2nd, 2009, police arrested 74-year-old Mr. Peng Chuhao, who was distributing Falun Gong leaflets exposing the persecution in Xingzipu Town. Later that night, the police sent him to the Louxing Domestic Security Division in Loudi City. Previously in 2005 police arrested Mr. Peng when he was distributing Falun Gong materials and sentenced him to a three year term. In 2007, Mr. Peng was arrested again and escaped, but had to leave home to avoid further persecution. During the two years when Mr. Peng Chuhao was homeless, police went to his family, his children's families and his relatives to look for him. Because of the harassment by the police, the lives of these families were severely disturbed.
Ms. Yang Hongmei from Shulan City, Jilin Province, Recounts Years of Mistreatment
2009-12-27In 2003, for the second time I was sent to the Heizuizi Forced Labour Camp of Changchun City for a one-year term because I distributed Falun Gong informational materials. In the labour camp, working overtime is routine. Most of the raw materials used for making items are harmful to the human body. For instance, dyed feathers are used to make small butterflies. When the raw feathers arrive, we have to dust them to make them unfold As we are dusting, our bodies and clothes become completely covered in the dye. Because we are inhaling the dust, even our phlegm is coloured by the dye.
Ms. Jiang Xinbo, Her Husband and Colleagues Being Forced to Write Self-criticism Papers
2009-12-27Ms. Jiang Xinbo, a teacher and Falun Gong practitioner, has been held for three months and beaten severely in the Jiansanjiang Detention Centre because she distributed Falun Gong DVDs. Her husband wrote a letter in which he mentioned his wife's changes for the better since practising Falun Gong. More than forty colleagues, who had worked with her before at the school, signed petitions calling for her release. On November 2nd, 2009, the head of the Qianjing Middle School held a meeting with the teachers who had signed the petition. Those teachers became worried that they might lose their jobs. The school head forced the teachers and Ms. Jiang's husband to write lengthy self-criticism papers.