Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Attorney Wang Zhansuo and His Son Detained for Over 30 Days
2010-04-29On the night of March 4th, 2010, Qingdao attorney Wang Zhansuo and his family were arrested. At present, his wife Song Jiling has high blood pressure as a result of the persecution. She was allowed to return home, but is being monitored there. Wang Zhansuo and his son Wang Xia are being held at the Huangdao District Detention Centre. The Huangdao District Judicial Bureau has put pressure on local attorneys, not allowing anyone to defend Wang.
Falun Gong Practitioner Lu Mei Goes on Hunger Strike to Protest Her Detention and Is Force-Fed Dog Faeces
2010-04-28Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Lu Mei was arrested by police while she was putting up posters that explain about the persecution of Falun Gong and dispel the state propaganda attacking the practice in May 18th, 2008. She was sent to the Suileng Forestry Bureau Detention Centre. It was there that she was handcuffed, beaten, and tortured to extract a "confession," so that the police could incriminate her on false charges. After two weeks, Ms. Lu began a hunger strike to protest her incarceration. Cai Yongshan, the director of the detention centre, brutally beat her with a hard plastic tube while shouting at her, "You have to eat, and if you don't, I will force-feed you dog faeces." Later, Cao Yongshan force-fed her a mixture of dog faeces and water by forcefully inserting a tube into her oesophagus.
Fuzhou City Police Break into Ms. Huang Meiying's Home in the Middle of the Night and Take Her into Custody
2010-04-28Ms. Huang Meiying and her family were sleeping around 1:00 a.m. on April 8th, 2010 when they were suddenly awakened by a violent knocking on the door. They were greatly astonished and saw a group of people led by officers Li Feng and Huang Yuhong from the Gulou District Police Department No.1 Section break into their home. The police proceeded to arrest Ms. Huang and took her straight into custody. Officer Li Feng arrested her under the guise that Falun Gong materials were found in that family's quarters.
Two Older Falun Gong Practitioners Ms. Men Hongfen and Ms. Yu Guixiang from Penglai City, Shandong Province Arrested
2010-04-28On April 7th, Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Men Hongfen, 68, and Ms. Yu Guixiang, 63, went to the Daxindian Township Flea Market to distribute leaflets exposing the persecution of Falun Gong. While there, they were arrested by plainclothes officers from the Township Police Station. They have been repeatedly arrested and persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party because they refuse to give up their belief in Falun Gong. Since 2005, Ms. Men and Ms. Yu have been arrested three times each, and Ms. Yu has been detained at a forced labour camp twice. Currently, the whereabouts of Ms. Men Hongfen and Ms. Yu Guixiang are unknown.
Family of Three Falun Gong Practitioners from Changqing Township, Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province Arrested
2010-04-28On February 17th, 2010, a dozen police went to the home of Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Shi Hongwei. The officers pounded on the door, attempting entry. Mr. Shi Hongwei, his wife, and his daughter were all asleep at the time, while Mr. Shi Fengling, the elderly father of Mr. Shi Hongwei, was awake. The officers climbed over the outside fence and broke into their yard. As soon as they entered the home, they beat the elderly man and then asked him whether his family practised Falun Gong. The officers claimed that they received a report that his family owned a computer and printer used to print Falun Gong materials. The police arrested all three and detained them at the Jiaxi Detention Centre.
More Than Thirty Female Falun Gong Practitioners Have Been Persecuted to the Point of Mental Collapse at Masanjia Forced Labour Camp
2010-04-27Ms. Su was sent to Masanjia Labour Camp on October 31st, 1999. Guard Wang Yanping once stripped her naked and shocked her with an electric baton for an entire night. The torture left her covered with blisters and bruises. Her eyes and face were severely swollen. At the labour camp, Ms. Su was forced to take medications for psychotic patients every day, resulting in damage to her central nervous system. She developed a mental disorder. In order to evade their responsibility, camp officials released Ms. Su. A once beautiful and competent woman was reduced to a catatonic state, with bruises covering her body. She had a dull expression and couldn't think, talk or walk, and had lost her memory. Ms. Su died on April 8th, 2006.
76-Year-Old Falun Gong Practitioner Dies After Years of Detention by the Chinese Government
2010-04-27Mr. Zheng Bao was detained for over six years by the Chinese government for practising Falun Gong, and his health suffered tremendously from the detention and maltreatment. On February 22nd, 2010, he passed away at the age of 76 without receiving justice for the abuse he suffered.
Mr. Bu Fanwei Tortured and Imprisoned for Nine Years
2010-04-27Mr. Bu Fanwei spent nine years in prison from August 1999 to 2009. He was just twenty years old at the time of the initial detention. He was detained at more than ten detention centres, forced labour camps, and prisons during this period, and he encountered inhumanly cruel persecution and torture, which left him in critical condition several times.
A Farmer's Account of a Decade of Persecution
2010-04-27Ms. Peng Wangqin a 46-year-old farmer, was arrested on January 13th, 2010, when speaking to people about Falun Gong and was taken to the Wuhan No. 1 Detention Centre on January 25th, 2010. Gross abuse under persecution nearly killed her. She vomited blood every night for more than a month, spanning from right before the Chinese New Year until March 25th. Forced feeding injured her stomach. Following her release, Ms. Peng vomited immediately after eating anything. Her throat and tongue were swollen, and her teeth were loose from the torture. A guard threatened to take her to the toilet and force-feed her there, at noon, on the day of her release.
The Persecution and Torture of Huang Lizhong Prior to His Death
2010-04-26Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Huang Lizhong tortured at Panjin City Prison for over a year. The head of Ward 5, Wang Jianjun, tortured Mr. Huang with an electric baton on April 20th, 2009, almost killing him. More ruthless torture followed on October 20th, 2009 in Ward 7. Mr. Huang died as a result of torture some time around October 25th, 2009. Ward head Zhang Guolin did not inform Mr. Huang's family when he was in critical condition, and neither did he send Mr. Huang to the hospital for emergency treatment.
74-Year-Old Peng Chuhao in Serious Condition from Abuse Suffered in Changde Jinshi City Prison
2010-04-26Seventy-four-year-old Mr. Peng Chuhao was arrested and secretly confined to Changde Jinshi City Prison by Domestic Security agents from Louxing District Police Department some time in late January 2010. On March 4th, Changde Jinshi City Prison informed Mr. Peng's family that he was in a serious health condition. However, Mr. Peng still remains imprisoned to this day.
Recent Cases of Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in Jinan City from April to October, 2009
2010-04-26In Jinan City, more than forty practitioners have been arrested or had their homes ransacked from April to October of 2009. An elderly practitioner in her 80's and five other practitioners were subjected to harsh jail sentences. Ms. Zhang Yuying, a 47-year-old chief nurse, was sentenced to seven years of imprisonment by a Licheng District Court on April 17th, 2009. The police broke into and ransacked her home, taking away her personal belongings in the process. Mr. Zhang Xingwu, a 68-year-old professor of physics at Jinan Education College, was given seven years of imprisonment by a Central District Court on April 23rd, 2009. He was arrested at home and had all his personal belongings ransacked.
Persecution Ongoing in the Xianghe Area of Langfang City, Hebei Province
2010-04-26Since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started the persecution of Falun Gong in 1999, several practitioners in the Xianghe area, Langfang City, Hebei Province, have died as a result, including Mr. Li Wenshen, former retired official from the Xianghe County Water Affairs Bureau. Hundreds of practitioners have been sentenced to forced labour and prison terms. Mr. Li Wenju is still in prison. He was sentenced to forced labour in 2002 and not released until the end of 2003, when he was in critical condition from gross abuse and torture inflicted upon him at the Tangshan Forced Labour Camp. Mr. Li was arrested once again in April 2004 and sentenced to four years in prison.
The Truth About the April 25 Appeal -- Deceptive Propaganda Twists Peaceful Protest into "Justification" for Violent Repression
2010-04-25In the morning of April 25, 1999, over 10,000 Falun Gong practitioners began to gather in neat order outside the State Appeals Office in Beijing, close to Zhongnanhai, the CCP's central government compound. They sought a return of the open environment to practise Falun Gong that they had enjoyed for years, and more specifically, the release of dozens of practitioners who had recently been arrested in nearby Tianjin City.
Interview with a Participant of the April 25 Appeal
2010-04-25On April 25, 1999, more than ten thousand Falun Gong practitioners went to Beijing to peacefully appeal. Several months later, former Chinese Communist Party (CCP) head Jiang Zemin, using this event as a pretext, launched the persecution of Falun Gong. This brutal persecution is still going on in China. Falun Gong practitioner Guoping Deng and his wife participated in the appeal on April 25, 1999. The following is an excerpt of an interview with him.