Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Large-Scale Arrest of Practitioners in Tangshan City's Fengnan District, Hebei Province
2009-03-10Tangshan City, Hebei Province recently saw a large-scale arrest of Falun Gong practitioners. The police also ransacked the practitioners' homes. Thirteen practitioners were arrested; nine are at the Fengnan Detention Centre, and the fate of the other four remains unknown. On February 20th, 2009, police arrested practitioners Mr. Dong Jinbo and Ms. Li Yanzhi. The police also confiscated some personal belongings. Dong Jinbo and Li Yanzhi are now held at the Fengnan Detention Centre.
Update on Recently-Arrested Practitioners in Jiamusi City
2009-03-10Under the direct command of the Heilongjiang Province Public Security Bureau, the Jiamusi City Public Security Bureau and Security Bureau arrested fifteen Falun Gong practitioners and their family members in the week following February 8th, 2009. To date they have arrested another nine practitioners and their family members. Amongst them are practitioners who are over sixty or seventy years old, as well as family members of practitioners who are not Falun Gong practitioners. Moreover, friends of practitioners have also been arrested.
The Persecution of Mr. Liu Hongchang, Qingyuan County, Liaoning Province
2009-03-09I was detained by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for five years because I practise Falun Gong and suffered terrible and excruciating torture such as being beaten with electric batons and being force-fed. During that time, my daughter was discriminated against at her school, and my wife suffered from "guilt by association" and lost her job. After my wife lost her job, our daughter, who was only 15 years old, was forced to drop out of school and leave her home town to make a living. My father, my brother, and two uncles were threatened by the police many times. Their normal lives were disrupted, and they could not stand the intense pressure. They became ill and died, first one, then the other.
Heizuizi Women's Forced Labour Camp Has Kept Ms. Li Xiuhong Constantly Tied-up for Eight Months
2009-03-09In Heizuizi Women's Forced Labour Camp in Changchun City, Jilin Province, the wardens have had Ms. Li Xiuhong tied up around the clock for eight months in order to prevent her from practising the Falun Gong exercises. The wardens also ordered her family to try to persuade her to stop practising Falun Gong because her health has declined rapidly due to the torture (the labour camp won't stop the torture unless she gives up her practice). Her family insists that her poor health is caused by the torture in the labour camp rather than her practising, so the family has refused to do what the wardens want.
District Court in Handan City Secretly Sentences Elderly Ms. Hou Qiaozhen to Three Years
2009-03-09The District Court of Congtai in Handan City, Hebei Province secretly held a trial and sentenced Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Hou Qiaozhen, 70, to three years. She has been thin and weak since she was persecuted in 2000. In October 2000, Ms. Hou Qiaozhen was disseminating information about the persecution of Falun Gong. She was arrested by police and was then sent to the Shijiazhuang Forced Labour Camp for one year. While at the forced labour camp, Ms. Hou Qiaozhen was cruelly tortured. The police officers beat her, deprived her of sleep and subjected her to brainwashing.
Repeated Harassment and Torture of Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Shen Quanhui
2009-03-09Falun Gong practitioners Mr. Shen Quanhui and his wife Ms. Li Fengyun from Jilin City were taken away by police, without any legal process, at the beginning of September 2008. Mr. Shen, his wife, and Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Zhen Baohua, were cruelly tortured. It was reported that Mr. Shen was continuously beaten for several days and nights. He passed out from the pain many times. In 2003 Mr. Shen was sent to Yinmahe Forced Labour Camp in Jiutai for a term of two and a half years because he practises Falun Gong.
Ms. Li Xiulan from Tumen City, Jilin Province is Arrested and Her Child is Detained
2009-03-08On February 11th, police broke into Ms. Li Xiulan's home. When he found a calendar with the phrases "Falun Gong is good! Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good!," he immediately called for back up. Three police cars arrived with seven to eight officers. The police ransacked her home without a warrant. They took the calendar, Falun Gong books, materials, two computers and forced Ms. Li, her college age son, and a visitor into the police car. They were taken to the Yuegong Police Station. Her son and his guest were released that night, but Ms. Li's whereabouts remain unknown.
Henan Women's Forced Labour Camp Establishes "Small Cells" to Torture Practitioners
2009-03-08The Third Division at Shibalihe Women's Forced Labour Camp in Henan Province is a facility that was established for mistreating practitioners. On February 3rd, 2009, the Third Division established seven small cells to be used specifically for brainwashing practitioners. Each cell holds one practitioner. The head of the labour camp, wardens, and guards are responsible for the brainwashing. Two drug addict inmates are assigned to monitor and torture each practitioner. The practitioners are forced to sit on small narrow stools from early morning until midnight for one month. If practitioners refuse to give up their belief, they are transferred to the Xinxiang Women's Prison in Henan Province.
Persecution at Harbin Women's Prison
2009-03-08In late 2008, a so-called "blood-collecting" campaign started at Harbin Women's Prison. This is not only to verify blood type, but also place DNA gene information on record. In order to sustain the persecution in the long term, the Communist regime forced all detained practitioners to participate. Guard Mou grabbed practitioner Wang Yan from behind and pulled himself onto her back, while Zhou Zhihong grabbed Wang Yan's arm to take her blood. About 10 people were involved.
Corrupt Officials Overwork Practitioners at Chaoyanggou Forced Labour Camp in Changchun
2009-03-08Chaoyanggo Forced Labour Camp in Changchun forces practitioners to perform slave labour. The camp had long-term contracts with print-shops to bind books for them and assigned the work to inmates in Wards I and II. They brought back large sheets of printed paper from the print shop, and gave them to the practitioners and other inmates to fold into smaller pieces and collate them, then gave them back to the print shop for cutting and binding. Practitioner Yan Guozhu refused to wear the required uniform or perform slave labour. He was surrounded by several guards and beaten and shocked with electric batons. Practitioner Liu Fengbao did the same and was put under intensive discipline for extended periods of time. He was isolated from others and had his movement restricted.
Mr. Liu Gang and His Wife Ms. Zong Yinqin Suffering from Persecution
2009-03-07Mr. Liu Gang, 40, and his wife Ms. Zong Yinqin were arrested for practising Falun Gong, and have been detained in the Pingdingshan City First Detention Centre for more than 10 months. Mr. Liu and his wife have been detained and persecuted several times in the last ten years because they uphold Falun Gong. Before the Olympic Games, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) intensified the persecution of Falun Gong. On May 18th, 2009, police broke into Mr. Liu's mother-in-law's home. They arrested Mr. Liu and his new wife, Ms. Zong Yinqin. Some witnesses claimed that the police officers beat him to the ground and stomped on his face.
Sisters Imprisoned, Money Extorted from Their Families
2009-03-07Sisters Ms. Cao Junfeng and Ms. Cao Junping were arrested before the Beijing Olympics in July 2008 by the Weifang County Domestic Security Section in Shandong Province. They have been detained at a detention centre ever since. The Domestic Security Section has denied all of their families' visitation requests, harassed and arrested their family and friends, and extorted 70,000 yuan from them. The latest news the family has received is that "there will be another sentence."
A Nearly Seventy-Year-Old Practitioner Is Secretly Imprisoned in Deyang City, Sichuan Province
2009-03-07The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Intermediate Court in Deyang City, Sichuan Province upheld the sentence handed down to Ms. Wang Zhongqiong, 69, during her initial trial. She was later secretly taken to the Sichuan Provincial Women's Prison on February 13th, 2009. On December 8th, 2008, the Shifang Municipal Court conducted a sham trial and sentenced Ms. Wang to a four-year prison term. During the trial, the judge refused to allow the two families to defend the practitioners, nor did he allow the families to hire a defence lawyer. The trial was carried out in a haphazard way and the final verdict was hastily announced.
Tangshan City No. 1 Detention Centre Prevents Ms. Jiao Xuemei from Seeing a Lawyer
2009-03-07Right before the 2008 Beijing Olympics, the Xishandao Police Station in Hebei Province, Tangshan City once again arrested Ms. Jiao Xuemei at work for no apparent reason. In September 2008, the Tangshan City Lubei Court held a hearing for Ms. Jiao. Only the prosecutor presented the case, at which time there was no physical evidence of any crime. It was stated that the evidence was destroyed by the police department. Without facts or evidence, the Lubei Court sentenced Ms. Jiao with the charge of "using a cult to destroy execution of the law." Ms. Jiao later appealed her case.
Two Families Severely Persecuted During the "Harmonious Olympics"
2009-03-06On May 24th, 2008, the Domestic Security Division of the Shenyang City Police Department arrested more than fifty Falun Gong practitioners overnight, claiming this was to ensure a "harmonious Olympic Games." Mr. Chen Xinye and his wife Ms. Chen Lihui were arrested at home at 7:00 a.m. on May 24th. Four or five police officers damaged their door and broke into their apartment. The police handcuffed Ms. Chen's hands behind her back. They yanked the sleeping Mr. Chen's hair and handcuffed his hands behind his back, too. At the police station, Xu Deyong interrogated Ms. Chen and forced her to sit on the ground. Xu grabbed her hair, hit her hard on the face, and shocked her legs with an electric baton.