Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Practitioner Ma Jian Arrested and Tortured in Brainwashing Centre
2007-04-04On February 28th, Police arrested Beijing Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Ma Jian against his will. His whereabouts remained unknown until recently. The police sent him to a brainwashing centre and tortured him for 20 days. Mr. Ma Jian was the general manager in charge of Chinese and North Asian business for the PCM Company in France. The PCM Company in France wrote a letter to the Beijing Police Department through the French Embassy in Beijing and enquired why Ma Jian was arrested, but they did not receive any response.
Ms. Meng Hulun and Ms. Jia Haiying Brutalised in an Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Forced Labour Camp
2007-04-04Falun Dafa practitioners Ms. Meng Hulun and Ms. Jia Haiying have been brutally tortured during their recent imprisonment because of informing people about the true nature of Falun Dafa. Currently, Ms. Meng Hulun and Ms. Jia Haiying are being held separately in the camp. Their health has seriously deteriorated over the last few weeks. Ms. Meng Hulun has been tortured so much that she frequently shakes with fear, has convulsions, and faints. Ms. Jia Haiying was bedridden from February 9th to 24th, 2007, with heavy bleeding. She can no longer walk on her own.
My Experience of Being Persecuted at a Rehabilitation Centre and Forced Labour Camp in Heilongjiang Province
2007-04-04In November 2002, the authorities carried out an attempt to "reform" practitioners. It was extremely cold in winter in Northeast China. The guards ordered us to strip down to our pyjamas. All the windows were opened, and the piercing wind blew in. The guards couldn't help shivering in their overcoats. We were then forced to squat barefoot in the freezing cold, trembling all over. Some of us were chained to the ground with fixed cuffs. The guards put basins of cold water under our buttocks. Each guard also carried an electric baton and continuously applied shocks to practitioners. The crackling sound from the electric batons never stopped, and the strong smell of burning skin permeated the air. Some guards let out wild, evil bursts of laughter while swearing at Dafa nonstop.
An Appeal to International Human Rights Organisations: Please Help Rescue My Husband, Yang Jianpo
2007-04-04I'm calling on the world's people to help my husband, Yang Jianpo, who has been tortured and who has been on a hunger strike for more than 400 days at Hebei Jidong Prison. He is now in critical condition and on life support. In Wanzhuang Forced Labour Camp, he was forced into heavy labour and worked 20 hours daily. He was beaten with wooden sticks. In Gaoyang Forced Labour Camp, he was handcuffed to an iron ring on the ground outdoors. He suffered blazing sunlight during the day and mosquito bites at night. The guards inserted an electric baton into his mouth to shock him. They did not release him after he had served his sentence. He went on a hunger strike for 60 days. Eventually, he was released, but not before he was at death's door.
"Daddy Went Away and Will Never Come Back, Mummy Went Away and Will Also Never Come Back"
2007-04-04Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Lu Mengxin died from the persecution on February 27th, 2006, in Wanjia Forced Labour Camp. His wife, Ms. Xu Wenying, is now imprisoned at the Women's Prison in Harbin City. Their young daughter, Huihui (alias), is presently being taken care of by a fellow practitioner. Huihui frequently speaks about her father. When she was very young, after her mother was arrested, she was cared for by her father. Her love for her father was very deep. After her father was arrested, she was left home alone and forsaken by the authorities.
After Mr. Chen Guanghui from Jiangsu Province Died as a Result of a Police Beating, the Authorities Infiltrated His Funeral to Prevent the Exposure of Their Crime
2007-04-03The Baixia District Court sentenced practitioner Mr. Chen Guanghui to eight years imprisonment in 2002. He was sent to Suzhou Prison in Jiangsu Province. On July 29th, 2004, brutal police beatings fractured his skull. He was beaten simply because he refused to renounce his belief in Falun Dafa. After the beating, he went into a vegetative state. He was under the supervision of the prison in the No. 100 Hospital until December 12th, 2006, when he died. At the funeral there were more than a hundred police present, several times more than the number of Mr. Chen's family members. They set up surveillance cameras everywhere and spied on every one of his family members from all directions.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Mr. Zhang Xinzhong from Qingzhou City, Shandong Province Tortured to Death by the 610 Office
2007-04-03In July 2004, practitioner Mr. Zhang Xinzhong, 41, was tortured to death, within only ten days, by the staff of the Qingzhou City 610 Office. He was held to the floor or bed, and beaten, pinched, bitten and tortured in many ways until he lost consciousness. These evildoers did not stop until his heart stopped beating. Mr. Zhang Xinzhong's brother-in-law saw black and purple marks on his neck, hands and arms, and on his face.
Elderly Dafa Practitioner Ms. Liu Meizhen Tortured to the Brink of Death at Liaoning Province Women's Prison
2007-04-03On March 9th, 2007, the family members of 66-year-old Falun Dafa practitioner Liu Meizhen received a call from the Liaoning Province Women's Prison to take Liu Meizhen home. At that time, Ms. Liu was already extremely weak due to the torture she endured, and was unable to walk. The horrific environment at the prison had worsened Liu Meizhen's already-poor health. Because she could not control her bladder, the prison guards called her family and asked them to bring more toilet paper. She also lost several teeth and could not eat the cornbread and pickled vegetables at the prison.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Mr. Zhang Hongquan of Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province Persecuted to Death
2007-04-03I was heartbroken when I read the news that Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Zhang Hongquan was persecuted to death in Mudanjiang City Prison. Yet another Falun Dafa practitioner has lost his life in the persecution carried out by the Chinese Communist Party. Mr. Zhang was stripped of his clothes and put in freezing water for several hours in winter. He walked unsteadily ever since then. The guards incited the prison inmates to beat him severely. When I saw him, he was unable to move one of his hands due to the beating, and his hands were full of blood blisters. Later, he went on a hunger strike with no food or water for 10 days to protest the persecution. The prison doctor sent him to the prison hospital and force fed him with concentrated salt solution. His suffering from the force feeding was so great that he vomited continuously.
Ms. Han Wenmin from Tianjin Sentenced to Forced Labour; Daughter Close to Giving Birth Denied Justice
2007-04-02Since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started persecuting Falun Dafa practitioners in 1999, the officials and police frequently harassed practitioner Ms. Han Wenmin. Ms. Han firmly persisted in her belief and refused to cooperate with the officials. She was sentenced to three years of forced labour. She was later sentenced to forced labour for a second time and is currently held at the Tianjin Women's Labour Camp. Han Wenmin's pregnant daughter made numerous trips to the Tianjin Women's Labour Camp in the second half of 2006 and requested her mother's release. The camp officials refused to release her.
The Persecution at Kaiping Women's Forced Labour Camp in Tangshan City, Hebei Province
2007-04-02I am a Falun Gong practitioner and I was arrested by the police and sentenced to three years forced labour. To protest the unjust persecution I started a hunger strike. Six days after I started the hunger strike, I was force-fed with heavily salted water. Every time they did it, I threw up. It was so salty and painful. On the ninth day, I was force-fed twice and threw it all up. After I threw up the first time, Yan Hongli said "It doesn't matter if you do it again, the camp has enough salt for you!" and she told a criminal prisoner to seal my mouth with her hand. But after the next force feeding, the brine still came out from between her fingers. They were scared and kept far away, and didn't try it again until my lips turned black and my face turned pale.
Seven Practitioners from Beijing, Hebei, Shandong and Hunan Provinces Died as a Result of the Persecution
2007-04-02Ms. Bai went to Beijing four times to appeal for justice for Dafa. In October 2000 she was arrested and sentenced to four years in prison. After Ms. Bai's family members sent 15,000 yuan to the authorities, the sentence was changed to suspended for three years, meaning she could serve the term outside of prison. Ms. Bai was released and returned home in August 2001. During her nine months of imprisonment, the authorities had severely tortured her mentally, which led to her hands constantly shaking. The police officers continued to harass her even after she returned home. The authorities extorted money from her husband during her imprisonment. The entire family has been under severe mental harassment. The relentless pressure of the persecution eventually led to Ms. Bai's death on February 2nd, 2007.
A Practitioner Recounts the Brutal Persecution by Police in Shenqiu County, Henan Province
2007-04-02On October 12th, 2000, police arrested me because I would not give up practising Falun Dafa. The police head, Lu Feng, ordered me to write a "Repentance Statement." I refused to write the "Repentance Statement," so they sent me to the detention centre. During the interrogation, Lu Feng brutally tortured me and dispatched someone to monitor me. He forbade me from sleeping. The police called this torture the "enduring eagle." After a long time of torture, one's mental state collapses, and feels worse than death. The police saw me reciting Dafa articles and added a shackle weighing 19 kilogrammes (42 lb.) on me. I wore it for one month. This is the heaviest shackle in the jail, usually put on criminals to be executed. When I once spoke to another practitioner, they added another handcuff to the shackle. Beating practitioners is common in jail.
Beijing Practitioner Ms. Li Guiping and Her Family Have Suffered from Persecution for Six Years
2007-04-01During the last six years, Li Guiping's family has never had a family reunion, even at the Chinese New Year. The child lost his mother's love when he was less than a year old, and he is still waiting for his mother to return. The child's father is over 60 years old and is bearing the heavy burden of the family expenses and the suffering of a broken family. He is raising the child by himself. Li Guiping's parents are about 73 years old, and they cannot be happy without their devoted daughter. They also have to bear the bitterness of missing their loved ones and worrying about their daughter and grandson. Furthermore, there are thugs watching them and people who don't know the truth are giving them the cold shoulder.
Dafa Practitioners Brutally Tortured at the Langfang City Police Station and Detention Centre in Hebei Province
2007-04-01Officers from the Langfang City Police Station have tortured Dafa practitioners in many inhuman ways. Then the policeman took me into that room, and put me on a big metal chair. A young policeman came toward me while holding a high-voltage electric baton. It was rectangular shaped with two needles. When he put the needles on my body, it made a crackling noise. It felt like two big needles went through my body at once. He shocked everywhere on my body; when it got to spots like my armpits and below, the pain was really almost impossible to bear. This inhuman torture continued for two whole days and nights.