Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
First Hand Experience of Cruel Brainwashing at the Beijing Women's Forced Labour Camp (Part 9)
2007-03-02I was persecuted for not renouncing Falun Gong from that day in July 1999 when the Chinese Communist regime banned Falun Gong. Because, seven years ago, the former head of the Chinese Communist regime, Jiang Zemin, gave the order "to destroy them physically, starve them financially and destroy them mentally and spiritually," I lost my basic right to earn a living and live a normal life. I was harmed physically and mentally. Because of the rule "guilt by association," my family and relatives suffered and still suffer from this persecution.
The Persecution Mr. Zhao Guangxi Suffered Before His Death in Shuangcheng City, Heilongjiang Province
2007-03-02On January 29th, 2007, practitioner Mr. Zhao Guangxi passed away as a victim of the Chinese Communist Party's vicious persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners. He was a good person who believed in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. He was only 42 years old when he died. Mr. Zhao's wife Wang Guihua is also a practitioner. She was imprisoned in Wanjia Forced Labour Camp in Harbin when her husband died. They did not even see each other before he passed away. They have a young son who was left alone at home.
Mr. Hu Jiyu Was Beaten Savagely and Had 13,000 Yuan Extorted from Him
2007-03-02Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Hu Jiyu is in his 40's. In April 2001, police extorted 1,800 yuan from Mr. Hu. On September 9th, 2001, 200 yuan in cash were confiscated. The policemen failed to catch him, so they arrested his wife as a substitute and extorted 3,000 yuan from his family. On February 28, 2004, Mr. Hu was arrested and taken to the 610 Office. Because he did not accept "transformation," he was forced to stand nonstop for 12 hours. He was then forced to lie face-down on the concrete floor when the temperature was below 10o F. The policemen put a metal barrel over his head and beat on the barrel to make loud noises. On February 14th, 2006, Mr. Hu was arrested and was savagely beaten. He has had a total of 13,000 yuan extorted from him.
Practitioner in Qinglong County, Hebei Province Arrested and Fined for Repairing Road
2007-03-02On January 8th, 2007, Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Han Yuquan led 130 to 140 people to voluntarily repair a public road. All the people in the vehicles passing through the road thanked them. However, on January 11th, police ransacked his house and confiscated his Dafa books. Because Mr. Han was not home, they arrested his wife and took her to the detention centre. After the village officials discussed the situation with police, she was released after five days in the detention centre and a cash fine of over 1,000 yuan.
The Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners by CCP Members at Huanan Institute of Technology
2007-03-01On February 1st, 2001, the Department of Education sent a notice requiring all schools to initiate signature campaigns that targeted Falun Gong. The "million signatures" movement was first spread through the national education system; it was used to influence hundreds of millions of adolescent students. Some students would not sign any petition that was against Falun Gong, so the teachers tried to coerce the students into signing their names under threat of expulsion. Meanwhile, posters, banners, and propaganda attacking Falun Gong and its founder were posted everywhere on school campuses. Chen Zhili also had defamatory content added to high school and elementary school textbooks and various post-secondary school entrance exams.
The Severe Persecution of Practitioner Mr. Zhou Jiangang at Qinduankou Prison, Hubei Province
2007-03-01When the persecution of Falun Gong began in 1999, Zhou Jiangang explained the facts about Falun Dafa to people. For this, the authorities arrested and persecuted him many times, and he was finally sentenced to 10 years of imprisonment. On April 25th, 2006, Zhou Jiangang, while handcuffed and shackled, was forced to stand facing a wall. Staff then ordered prisoners to strike Zhou Jiangang from behind with heavy objects. This caused compound fractures on his sixth and seventh vertebra. He lay on the ground unconscious. Zhou Jiangang has been persecuted to near death, and his feet were even tied to prevent him from moving.
Dafa Practitioner Mr. Yu Wei from Weifang City, Shangdong Province, Repeatedly Persecuted over the Past Seven Years
2007-03-01On January 4th, 2007, 610 Office officials and police broke into Dafa practitioner Yu Wei's house under the pretence that Wei was a temporary resident. Mr. Wei's Dafa books, CDs, audio tapes, and other materials were confiscated. He was arrested on his way home from work and taken to a detention centre. Since the Communist regime started to persecute Falun Gong in 1999, authorities have twice ransacked Wei's house. Authorities confiscated his Dafa materials, a recorder and two laptop computers worth over five thousand yuan, and extorted 8,400 yuan.
12-Year-Old Li Mingqian Longs for His Father on Chinese New Year's Eve
2007-03-01Li Mingqian is a twelve-year-old boy attending fifth grade. On Chinese New Year's Eve, at his family's reunion, he told his mother, "I miss my father. Can he have some dumplings?" On October 8th, 2006, several police officers suddenly stormed into the home of Ms. Wang and arrested Mr. Li Hongwei. Mr. Li was brutally beaten by several police officers, causing his body to be covered in wounds. He was sentenced to one year of forced labour. In the visiting room of the Shenxin Forced Labour Camp, Li Mingqian saw his father, whom he has missed so much. Young Mingqian cried for a long time.
Hunan Province Women's Prison Gives Heavy Prison Terms and Obstructs Family Visits
2007-03-01Changsha Falun Gong practitioners Mr. Lei Yangfan and his wife Ms. Zhou Pinjun have suffered persecution on several occasions for practising Falun Gong. In August 2002, Ms. Zhou was arrested for distributing CDs exposing the persecution and then sentenced to seven years in prison. At this time, she is still imprisoned at the Hunan Province Women's Prison. Suffering from the prison's high-pressure environment, and the constant harassment by the prison guards, Ms. Zhou has gone through the "transformation," and been pressured to file for divorce.
610 Office in Chengdu, Sichuan Province Continues Zhao Benyong's Detainment after Completing His Five-Year Jail Term
2007-02-28Mr. Zhao Benyong is a young teacher who taught at the Longquan Aerospace Technical College in Chengdu City, Sichuan Province. Because he is a Falun Gong practitioner he was discharged from the school and sentenced to five years in prison. On January 31st, 2007, Mr. Zhao was to be released after he completed his prison term. But on the morning of February 1st, Chengdu Longquanyi 610 Office agents took him away and continued his detainment. His whereabouts are unknown.
Six Practitioners in Shuangcheng, Heilongjiang Province Were Arrested - Over 400 of Their Relatives Are Appealing for Them
2007-02-28On the morning of January 23rd, 2007, Mr. Dong Liantai, 43, and Mr. Tian Hua, 40, went to visit their relatives who were detained in Wanjia Forced Labour Camp in Harbin City. They arrived there too early as the labour camp hadn't opened yet, so they sat on the edge of the farm field next to the labour camp. The labour camp guards in the watchtower saw them and arrested them. When the two practitioners questioned why they were arrested, the guards said they didn't need to provide a reason. The two practitioners were sent to Xinnong Town Police Station. On the same day, the police also arrested four practitioners at the bus stop in Xinnong Town. Currently, the six practitioners are still detained at Harbin Detention Centre. 441 of their relatives are appealing for them.
Practitioner Ms. Yang Chunling's Arm Broken a Second Time from a Beating in Women's Prison of Liaoning Province
2007-02-28On December 9th, 2006, practitioner Ms. Yang Chunling was sent to the Women's Prison of Liaoning Province. Due to her firm belief in "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" and her kindhearted effort to persuade the Ward Head to quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) she was brutally beaten by three women prisoners. The beating fractured her arm again. She said that her arm was broken before when she was imprisoned in Dalian City. A doctor had removed the steel plate in her arm a few days before she was transferred to the prison. This time the doctor said the fracture was very serious as it had occurred at the same location where her arm had broken before from a beating in the detention centre. Her arm might be crippled.
610 Office in Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province Persecutes Ms. Mo Xiaomei
2007-02-28Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Mo Xiaomei from Zengcheng City, Guangdong Province, was arrested by police and 610 Office staff at her own shop on the afternoon on December 24th, 2006. She has been detained and tortured in the Zengcheng City Detention Centre. The detention centre's staff have refused to let her to see her family. They have threatened her, saying that they would give forged documents to the Procuratorate so that she would be sentenced. They have refused to show Ms. Mo's family her "detention card," the bare minimum requirement for holding her, even though they have asked for it several times. Without the documentation for her arrest, Mo Xiaomei's family cannot hire a lawyer.
Please Rescue My Elderly Mother
2007-02-28In July 2006, my mother went back to my father's hometown at Tan'gezhuang Township, Laiyang City in the Yantai District of Shandong Province to visit our relatives, but she was arrested by the Laiyang 610 Office. She has been detained in Laiyang Detention Centre for over half a year. On November 10th, 2006, our mother was put on trial and we saw that she was wearing handcuffs in court. Torture and abuse had turned her into another person. Her face was pale, her hair was thin, her feet were shaking, and she could barely stand. She was almost deaf. Our mother was charged with helping a middle-school teacher, Zhao Hui, in Tan'gezhuang Township, buy a computer and a printer in Qingdao City. After we enquired from many different sources, we learned that after my mum was arrested, the head of the Laiyang 610 Office, Wei Haibo, beat, tortured, and interrogated her.
Why My Daughter and Son-in-Law Cannot Return Home for New Years
2007-02-27Chinese New Year season has arrived. Every home is having a big family reunion, but I, an eighty year-old man, long to see my daughter and son-in-law at home. I do not know why, but policemen have constantly come to harass them since November 26th, 2006, and they tried to arrest them many times. On one occasion, the Political Security Office Head of the Fusong County Police Department ransacked our home with 7-8 policemen. My daughter and son-in-law were forced to leave home to avoid being arrested, and they still have not dared to return. My son-in-law is a retired employee. His retirement salary has stopped coming yet our entire family relies on his salary to survive.