Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Information about Three Dafa Practitioners in Hebei, Shandong and Shaanxi Provinces Who Died Recently Due to the Persecution
2006-09-27Dafa practitioner Ms. Wang Ying was arrested, detained, and sent to a labour camp for a two-year term in May 2006. She continued to suffer persecution at Wangcun Labour Camp. To achieve the goal of "transforming" her, the persecutors at the labour camp did not allow Wang Ying to sleep, and forced her to write articles against Dafa. An old illness that she had developed before starting cultivation re-emerged, and Ms. Wang died on August 7th.
The Persecution of Two Disabled People and Their Young Son
2006-09-27Since the Chinese Communist Party launched the persecution in July 1999, Ms. Zou Cairong, her partially sighted husband and their nine-year old son have also been persecuted. Ms. Zou went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong with other practitioners. She was detained several times. The boy had to take care of his father and do the housework when his mother was in prison. He never complained, because he knows there is nothing wrong with cultivating Falun Gong. His mother was arrested for being a good person. A teenager is enduring hardships that are difficult even for an adult to endure.
Practitioner Mr. Du Maomin's Whereabouts Unknown; Was Arrested and Later Held in Weibei Prison
2006-09-27Mr. Du Maomin is a Falun Dafa practitioner from Shandong Province. He was arrested at the end of 2001 and was later sentenced to five years in Weibei Prison. Recently, the police from the Yan County police station went to Mr. Du's home and told his family that he had been released. The police asked whether his family members had seen him but they said that they had not. The police then said Mr. Du might have gone to work somewhere else. Mr. Du's wife then travelled a thousand miles to Weibei Prison and asked where he was. The prison officers claimed that they had released Mr. Du three years ago.
An Appeal from Family and Friends: Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Wang Jincui, 64, of Daqing City Has Been Sentenced
2006-09-26On July 25th, 2006, Ms. Wang Jincui, a Falun Dafa practitioner was tried by the court. She was then sentenced to a four-year prison term by the Honggang District Court. Sources say that 64-year-old Ms. Wang began a hunger strike following her unlawful arrest on June 9th. Her two front teeth were knocked out by a vicious officer of the First Detention Centre of Daqing City. The villains handcuffed her and barbarically force-fed her. In an appeal made several days ago, the family and friends of Wang Jincui requested that Ms. Wang be released immediately and that her good reputation be restored
Mr. Hou Zhiqiang's Wife Died as a Result of Persecution, and He Has Been Brutally Tortured
2006-09-26Mr. Hou Zhiqiang, 44 years old, started practising Falun Dafa in 1998. After the persecution started on July 20th, 1999, he was repeatedly arrested by the local 610 Office and police, interrogated, harassed, injured by violence, and made to do forced labour. Both his body and mind were severely hurt, and his family was torn to pieces. His wife, Ms. Men Xiaohua, was sentenced to forced labour and suffered severe mental and physical persecution. She died in the summer of 2003. Mr. Hou was twice sent to serve forced labour, for a total of four and a half years.
The Persecution of Ms. Lei Xiuhua in Inner Mongolia
2006-09-26Practitioner Ms. Lei Xiuhua is from Inner Mongolia. During the past several years, she was detained multiple times, and her family was fined a great deal of money. As a result, her son was forced to quit school. Her daughter was admitted to a university, but couldn't go since they couldn't afford the tuition. Ms. Lie was sent to forced labour camps twice and detained for a total of two years. She suffered various tortures. She was whipped with power cords and pinched on the upper portion of her thighs.
Dong Jiahe from Sichuan Province Detained, Viciously Beaten and Sentenced to a Forced Labour Camp
2006-09-26On August 3rd, 2006, police arrested Dong Jiahe and his brother-in-law and took them to the Public Security Bureau. That night, the police in the Huili Custodial Station instigated the inmates to savagely beat Dong Jiahe and Li Tianhua. Mr. Dong's right leg became swollen and turned black and blue, and he had difficulty walking. The right side of his chest was swollen as well and he felt pain in his back. The greed of getting an eight hundred yuan bonus for sentencing every Falun Dafa practitioner to forced labour camp made the officials from the Public Security Bureau fabricate a case against Dong Jiahe and he was sentenced to forced labour on August 29th.
My Experiences in Three Forced Labour Camps
2006-09-26On October 23, 2000, I went to Beijing to appeal to higher authorities on behalf of Falun Dafa with three other practitioners. At 10:00 p.m., we were arrested in a hotel. Our cash was also confiscated. When one practitioner walked toward the doors to leave the lobby, police officers caught him, pushing him to the ground and beating him. The practitioner's nose was bleeding, and his clothes were torn. We were detained and the other practitioners protested the detention. Officer Feng poured boiling water on them, and they were scalded badly. Later on we were detained in Zhangshi Forced Labour Camp. We worked as slaves until 10:00 p.m. or later.
Persecution Intensifies in Liaoning Province after the Truth of Organ Harvesting Broadcast via Tapping into the Cable TV Network
2006-09-25On August 26th, 2006, only six miles away from the Sujiatun District, Liaoning Province (the secret concentration camp that witnesses claimed harvested organs from living Falun Dafa practitioners), the truth of this horrible crime was broadcast to the area by practitioners who successfully tapped into the local cable TV network. Local people said they watched the programme exposing the persecution for about an hour and a half. The day after, Central Public Security Bureau officials started a large-scale harassment of local Falun Dafa practitioners. At least ten Falun Dafa practitioners were arrested, and practitioners were forced to have their fingerprints taken.
Information about Several Practitioners Who Died as a Result of Persecution
2006-09-25Ms. Tan Xiangxing, 60, went to Beijing to appeal for Dafa and was arrested. Since then she was constantly monitored and often detained. Changsha County Court sentenced Ms. Tan to a three-year prison term. She was diagnosed with severe lung disease and the prison refused to take her. Changsha First Detention Centre detained her for another six months before releasing her on bail for medical treatment. After seven years of mental and physical persecution, and after losing her livelihood, Ms. Tan passed away at the end of November 2005.
The Persecution of Practitioner Ms. Gao Deyu, in Her 60's, from Sichuan Province
2006-09-25In February 2004 National Security Division guards raided my home and sent me to a detention centre. I held a hunger strike the following day to protest the persecution. Guards told a doctor to force-feed me. I refused to cooperate with them and they didn’t succeed the first time. During the second attempt, agent Liu called the city 610 Office and said, "We can’t force-feed Gao Deyu. She may be dying!" Zhang at the 610 Office said, "Go ahead and force-feed her! I’ll back you up if she dies from it." I lost consciousness from the pain. I faintly recall them feeding me with something, and it smelled like drugs. After the feeding, they pulled out the tube, and the 2.2 ft. tube was dripping with blood.
The Persecution I Suffered at the Nanning City No. 1 Detention Centre in Guangxi Autonomous Region
2006-09-25On October 27th, 2004, several police officers from the National Security Team arrested me off the street. They had previously broken into my home and searched it when no one was at home. This time they "showcased" searching my home. One police officer carried a video recorder; one had a conventional camera and a third one had a digital camera. They sent me to Nanning City No. 1 Detention Centre. Inmates have to do daily slave labour until late at night. We were forced to make shoe insteps. If we could not finish the quota, we would have to work overnight. Many times we could only sleep one to two hours. The police agents often arrived with batons in hand to check the product quality. Some police officers poured water and salt on our injuries after they had beaten us.
Ms. Niu Aiqing Detained in a Brainwashing Centre, Her Husband Goes Everywhere with Their Children to Seek Help
2006-09-25Since the persecution started police imprisoned, beat and punished her many times. On August 31st, 2006, officers from the 610 Office arrested Ms. Niu Aiqing and took her to a brainwashing centre. Her husband couldn’t bear it. He was forced to abandon his job and left their ageing parents at home. Taking their two children with him, he went everywhere looking for help.
Ms. Chen Suxiang Beaten to Death Within One Day of Being Detained
2006-09-24On September 13th, 2006, Ms. Chen Suxiang was arrested and taken to the Kaiping Police Station. Her mother and husband went to the station to request her release. She told her family how she was being brutally beaten. There were bruises on her legs. At around 3:00 p.m., on the same day Ms. Chen said she needed to use the toilet. She had to be helped by two female police officers to reach the toilet. Ms. Chen never walked out. They found that she had passed out. By the time they sent her to Jingezhuang Mine Hospital, she had already died.
Practitioner Mr. Wang Guibin Persecuted to Death in Hebei Province
2006-09-24On September 1st, 2006, Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Wang Guibin was arrested by police officers from the Wanquan County Public Security Bureau, the National Security Team, and the Ximalin Town police station, as well as officials from the Village Party Council. He was sent to the Shisanli Detention Centre in Zhangjiakou to be persecuted. At 1:00 a.m. on September 14th the police declared that Mr. Wang had died; however, his wife was prohibited from seeing his body.